Watching the Dawn

Vol 10 Chapter 118: Fiddled strings

"Your twin brother Lu Yuan, he is a good person," Phantom Man said.

But hearing Phantom Man say so, whether it is Mu Xing or Du Xing, can't help but open his mouth slightly, feeling a little ... absurd. Lu Yuan? Good person?

The phantom man who had been watching Mu Xing's reaction immediately knew that something was wrong with what he said earlier, so he moved on, "but it's just a good person ... although he did help many people. But about your safety , I do n’t think he can give you any help. The best thing is not to involve him. "

Mu Xing is very smart, really smart. No matter how sincere the Phantom Man said, enumerate more facts, but because she didn't trust the one who hid behind the hologram from the beginning, that good talker. Therefore, the ridiculous feeling at that moment had made her awake from the situation surrounded by words, and then she keenly noticed the problem.

"No! It's not A Yuan, it's your problem! You ... and the problem of Star Alliance!" Mu Xing said suddenly, interrupting the Phantom Man. "Separate me and my brother completely and use our mutual affection to contain each other. That is the purpose of you guys!

Moreover, I actually have no danger at all! right? "Mu Xingshi said with a shock! The Phantom Man stopped and didn't refute. But his cigarette **** shook a bit, I don't know if his hand was shaking, or the transmitted image was shaking."

"I like to do research projects, but that's all! I don't care about my research results, whether it is extended to all human beings or all the intelligent races in the galaxy, then it should be your part! The research results can't be labeled as a country Or the label of race-let some people can enjoy it for free, while others must pay expensive licensing fees first, that is what Cerberus and Star Alliance are doing!

I have no objection to pursuing money, because without money I would not have the funds to experiment. But it is you who have kept these firmly under control! Really want to control me and the results as the bargaining chip. Same for you! You are really in danger and hated! Mu Xing sneered to make up the last sentence, "Why do you count on me if you sacrifice for your own benefit?" "

"If you say that. I suspect you know nothing!" The Phantom Man's voice was slightly louder, and he was slightly excited. "Poor girl. You only live in your own world. You do n’t know what humanity is going to face! You do n’t even know that the galaxy ... has to face the calamity of destruction! At this time, humanity must concentrate all efforts to save themselves! The high price should also be spared! Everything that Cerberus does is for the continuation of the entire human race-you should understand that salvation is not free! Judging Cerberus should not be based on his purpose, but The goal he pursues! "

"Harvester, is it?" Mu Xing's voice was soft, but it sounded like a thunder in the ear of Phantom Man. Let him stand up from his seat all at once! Only he can see the demise of human beings in that ruin. Only he has been hiding this secret, trying hard to save human beings. But when a secret hidden for decades, was casually spoken by a young girl, his brain went blank!

"How do you ..."

"So why would I publish my research for free ?!" Mu Xing interrupted him again and said, "... we are on the same side."

"It really makes people ..." The Phantom Man seemed to want to question, but then he took a sigh of relief and sat back in his chair. Putting his left leg on the knee on the right side, he took a relaxed posture. "It turns out that way." He ended Mu Xing's statement without hesitation.

But immediately. The Phantom Man seemed to want to understand one thing, "So, did you come to see me specifically?"

"Yes." Mu Xing admitted. And she continued, "Someone let me come to see you and show off our technology."

Although the matter was completely beyond expectations, Phantom Man still said "please" with grace. After all, in his opinion, the Lonos space station is hundreds of light years away, and no matter what the other party does, he has a lot of room.

Mu Xing said no more, she can deal with the Phantom Man for so long without falling down, and she is definitely playing at a super level. Next. Or concentrate on doing the things in your most shopping mall-show technology.

Mu Xing casually pointed to the void ... on her side, nothing happened. But in the hall of the Lonos space station. With Mu Xing's holographic image showing synchronized movements, her fingertips. A bright spot appeared.

An application written in Dragon language and parasitic in the "Sand Demon Habit Control" packet was activated by this click. Unquantified data information instantaneously extends throughout the space station, and then continuously extends along the buoy network in all directions, and then connects with Muxing's communication signal-because the computer technology of both sides is not a level of expression at all- -Did not touch any security measures of the Lonos space station.

The phantom man frowned as he looked at the long sword where the light spot turned into a holographic image. He was still thinking about whether the network was compromised. But at the next moment, Mu Xing waved at him with a sword. The Phantom Man's eyes moved down, and he looked at the cigarette between his fingers, a bright cigarette butt, with a shock. Half a cigarette still sandwiched between fingers, revealing a clear cut ...

It is not difficult to guess why Mu Xing can interfere with the virtual images placed on the space station hundreds of light years away. But can a virtual image sword cut off cigarette butts? ! Then ... The vision of the Phantom Man was very complicated to gaze at Mu Xing for a long time, and rolled the extinguished cigarette into the ashtray. Mu Xing's holographic image can cut off the cigarette butt, so it seems not difficult to hurt him.

Mu Xing is telling him-if he really wants his life, he can do it at any time.

"Is there any?" The Phantom Man asked. "Although holographic imaging technology is very good."

"Of course, haven't you noticed any difference around?" Mu Xing said with his hands folded.

The Phantom Man frowned and looked around—the hall was still very dim, and those holographic screens shimmering ... it seemed that nothing changed ...

and many more! He is a very observant person. At this time, the Phantom Man has already felt that something extraordinary has happened! His sight, trembling and turning to the left, then shocked to an incredible degree!

The red giant star outside the window disappeared ...

"What did you do to me?" Faced with this incredible phenomenon, Phantom Man's first thought was that Mu Xing moved his eyes and feet on his eyes! After all, his eyes are synthetic prosthetic eyes, and scientists like Mu Xing seem to have nothing to do!

"She's gone."

The Phantom Man turned his head in surprise, looking at the man who suddenly appeared in the hall when he turned around!

The strange man is also just a holographic image, replacing Mu Xing's position. His short gray hair, wearing turquoise armor, only had a large area of ​​burns on his face. With just a glance, he couldn't help but divert his attention and could not see the specific appearance at all.

"Mu Xing is a good boy. Don't disturb her and let her continue to do what she likes." The middle-aged man said with a familiar smile. "Forgot to introduce myself, I am Louis Att, you can Call me Louis. "


Mu Xing walked out of the building without incident. ~ No one tried to stop her, and Mu Xing easily seized a "grey mackerel" chariot. Outside the building, there was a horde of chaos, and there were people in a hurry, gathering and evacuating.

This base in Cerberus is about to be completely exposed and personnel are being transferred on a large scale.

Mu Xing connected to the vehicle network and connected to the outside world. "Uncle Hackett, A Yuan made me look for you in danger!" The old Hackett man who appeared on the screen was shocked. Although he has been protecting Mu Xing behind the scenes, this is actually the first time the two have met. Mu Xing actively contacted his private number, which makes the old man never think of it!

"Mu Xing, where are you?"

"Kowloon Ship ... I was hijacked!" Mu Xing said radiantly. (To be continued)



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