“You silly girl, what do you still want him to say.” Seeing that his daughter still didn’t give up, Mrs. Lin said loudly.

Lin Zihe remained silent after hearing Mrs. Lin tell the truth. Her own Yuer actually fell in love with the new Heavenly Master Liu, and she was still instigated by her sister-in-law to seduce him. Lin Zihe didn’t have any objection to this matter, and if it succeeded, he would be willing to accept it.

It’s just that the result is not very good, which makes Lin Zihe a little bit distressed. In his opinion, Liu Yu is young, with a profound cultivation base, or Upright Sect dísciple. If he marries him, Hong Yu has found a good husband and wife.

As Tianping County County Magistrate, he knows more things than Lin Hongyu and her daughter. Lin Zihe knows that the newly appointed celestial masters usually serve ten years. Presumably, Liu Yu will stay in Tianping County for ten years.

This Liu Yu now threatened not to marry because of his new arrival in the world and Dao Heart’s determination. After a few years, can you still aspire not to marry if you are seduced by this drunken world? He didn’t believe that Liu Yu really wanted to say. He has seen many celestial masters, and he always refuses to come to female sex, just like a mortal.

Lin Zihe thought to himself that his family Hongyu has an outstanding appearance, and his age is not too old. It doesn’t hurt to wait for a year or two to marry again.

It’s better to get along with this Liu Yu, walk more normally, familiarity breeds fondness, when this Liu Yu touches the heart, it is not near the water. If Hong Yu married this Liu Yu, and he had such an Immortal Cultivator as his son-in-law, Guantu would not be on the same stage.

“Yu’er, you can normally move around with Heavenly Master Liu more and increase your relationship. He came to Tianping County by himself, and it is pitiful that no one takes care of him.” Lin Zihe thought about it. Speak.

“What are you talking about! You’re fat, what nonsense.” Madam Lin immediately stood up and shouted at Lin Zihe after hearing this.

“Madam, listen to me slowly…” Lin Zihe explained his thoughts in detail.

Lin Zihe and his cousin, Lin Zifeng, have been disciplined by their wives and have not accepted concubines. Lin Zihe didn’t want to take a concubine, but didn’t dare. His cousin Lin Zifeng was so attracted by his wife’s style that he couldn’t extricate himself. And Lin Zihe was suppressed by his wife Hedong’s imposing manner like a lion’s roar.

In the early years, this Mrs. Lin was also beautiful, but the years are like a knife, and now she is old and yellow. But father-in-law is the Grade 3 High Official of North Korea. Lin Zihe always does not raise in front of his wife.

“So what, if a few years pass, then Liu Yu still doesn’t Marriage, didn’t it delay Yu’er?” Madam Lin objected after hearing Lin Zihe’s analysis.

“Mother, am I still young?” Lin Hongyu was quite moved.

“Madam, listen to me, Hong Yu can befriend him, as long as he doesn’t show too close in front of outsiders. On the other hand, he can still find a suitable Ruyu Young Lord, if he finds a suitable one. Married, it won’t be delayed.” Lin Zihe worked hard to enlighten Mrs. Lin.

“Yes! Mother, it won’t be delayed.” Lin Hongyu said coquettishly.

“Fatty, if Yu’er is wronged, I will never end with you.” Madam Lin saw Hongyu helping her, and she was sure that she was interested in Liu Yu, so she said something cruel. agreed.

Shen Yuan, Gold and Water Dual Spiritual Roots aptitude is good, now Refining Qi 7-Layer cultivation base, born in a small Cultivation Family. He is very lustful, has married more than a dozen wives and concubines, and often visits fireworks. After coming out of the county government office, he walked to the small courtyard where he lived, and after wandering for a while at the door of the small courtyard, he walked in with brace oneself.

“My lord, you are back.” Zhang Cuilan, who was busy in the kitchen, greeted Shen Yuan when he was back. But Shen Yuan not at all paid attention and went straight into the house.

Shen Yuan put some of the clothes in the house into the storage bag, and there is nothing left to look around. He walked out, and glanced at the kitchen when he was about to walk out of the door. Zhang Cuilan was leaning against the kitchen door and looking this way. Shen Yuan looked over and quickly turned around to go to work.

Shen Yuan stood there thinking for a while, then walked to the kitchen.

“I’m going back to Yannan City tomorrow, so do it yourself! This is five hundred taels of silver tickets.” Shen Yuan came to the kitchen door and said, after putting down the silver tickets, he walked out without looking back. small courtyard.

Zhang Cuilan, with his back to the door, had tears in his eyes and forcibly resisted crying.

Zhang Cuilan is in his early forties. He lost his husband and children in his early years and has no other relatives. Called bearer of bad luck by those who do good things, he has been living alone, his hair is a bit messy, and he looks very old.

Everyone calls her Aunt Zhang, but she doesn’t dress very much. She wears a wide linen shirt and trousers. There was no silver jewelry on his head either, and a wooden hairpin was inserted into his hair. Under the generous clothes, the body is very plump, and the skin is not as sallow as the face. But she didn’t show this, and she is still a widow, alone.

On the night of a month ago, Zhang Cuilan took a shower in his room and took off his clothes. This is the most relaxing time of the day, she wipes her body with a towel.

But Shen Yuan, who was drunk, went to the wrong room and broke in and looked at Zhang Cuilan’s body. Seeing Zhang Cuilan’s white and plump body, Shen Yuan not at all withdrew, instead he raped Zhang Cuilan with a brutal head. Afterwards, Shen Yuan woke up and gave her a hundred tael of silver, threatening her to keep quiet and not take responsibility for the consequences.

Zhang Cuilan cried all night and her eyes were swollen. She wanted to sue an official, but thinking of Shen Yuan’s identity, she gave up the idea again. She felt very wronged, and no one talked about it.

Didn’t expect Shen Yuan after this incident, he was very kind to Zhang Cuilan. Shen Yuan, who rarely lived in the small courtyard, stayed in the small courtyard for a few days unprecedented overnight. Say good things to Zhang Cuilan and bought her new clothes.

One night soon after, Shen Yuan touched her room again and raped her. After he succeeded, he clearly slept in her room for a few nights, giving Zhang Cuilan an illusion that it would be nice to follow him.

A few days later, Shen Yuan rarely showed up, just like before, spending the night outside every day, and he was not polite to Zhang Cuilan. Zhang Cuilan’s heart was beating, and he plunged into the ice cave.

It turns out that Shen Yuan is nothing more than a fresh picture of Zhang Cuilan, and he likes her plump body a little. After a few days, she lost interest in facing her withered face and began to spend time again.

In the evening, Lin Zihe took a few officials and local gentlemen. Receive the wind for Liu Yu and see off Shen Yuan, having a banquet at Ping’an Inn, the best restaurant in the county.

Liu Yu went with Lin Zihe, didn’t expect Lin Hongyu to go too. Lin Hongyu was wearing a scarlet cotton dress, combed with a wishful bun, and a jade hairpin with a flying phoenix inserted. His original flower and moon appearance is now even more beautiful.

Lin Hongyu walked next to Liu Yu, looking for some gossip, Liu Yu couldn’t refuse, so she chatted without words.

The general Constable Wang Lun who followed was attracted by Lin Hongyu, and looked at each other from time to time, with a deep love in his eyes. To this young Heavenly Master Liu, there is a kind of unhappy dislike in my heart.

Wang Lun was born and raised in this county and is a martial artist. In his early twenties, he opened up the two lines of Ren and Du and became a first-class expert in the world. The Falling Leaves Sabre in the hand is the teacher’s biography. The cold light is overflowing, and it is tempered from a century of fine iron. It is a rare Divine Weapon.

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