We Agreed to Set Sail, but You Became the Ruler of the Deep Sea?

Chapter 115 [The Lord of Rust] and [The Snake of the Atrium]

"This thing can also explode [Secret Sea Crystal]?"

Xia En looked at the no longer moving mechanical doll in front of him and couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth.

But think about it, [Secret Sea Crystal] is not limited to being obtained from sea monsters.

These tin cans have been soaked in seawater for so long, so it is normal for them to be tainted with some of the secret power of the sea, right?


After thinking about it, a familiar cool feeling flowed through Xia En's body.

[Ship Soul Level: LV3 (16%)! 】

In the past few days, by staying at the anchor point of [Coral City], Xia En's ship spirit experience has been steadily improving.

By the way, the attributes of [Black Swan] have also changed to a certain extent.

[Attributes: Firepower 25, Speed ​​30, Robustness 29, Mystery 31]

Under Fei Ya's cultivation, the efficiency of [Gluttony Steam Turbine] has improved. As for the mysterious attributes, it is probably related to the breaking out of the bronze dragon string song.

But in fact, the attributes of Xia En's body are much higher than these values.

The two promotions to the Secret Path profession directly enhanced his own attributes.

Not to mention, there are blessings brought by talents such as [Blessing of the Sea] and [Captain’s Majesty].


As soon as Xia En put away the heart of steam that was no longer beating, he heard a strange sound of mechanical operation again.

He looked up, but his pupils could not help but shrink.

In the dark and deep steel jungle, a group of mechanical birds suddenly swam in. Dark red searchlights fell from high places, moving around to observe the deserted neighborhoods.

"Is it an alienated sea beast? Or another kind of mechanical puppet?"

"Were you attracted by the puppet's scream just now?"

Xia En's mind flashed.

Just as he was considering whether to attack them or avoid them temporarily, the iron door of a room not far away suddenly opened from the inside.

Immediately, a low, hoarse voice came out.

"Hey, kid!"

"If you don't want to die, come here quickly!"

Xia En's heart moved.

Apparently, like the Coral City, this city also has its own indigenous people.

As a projection body, he was not afraid of the other party's moves, so he swam into the iron gate without much hesitation.


The iron door closed quickly.

After closing the door, the person inside still did not relax his vigilance. Instead, he used a device similar to a lookout glass to peek at the situation outside.

It wasn't until the dark red searchlight gradually faded away that he breathed a sigh of relief and turned to look at Xia En.

"Boy, you are lucky. If you are discovered by the lackeys of the Rusty Lord, you will end up..."

"Huh? What kind of new diving device is this? Why have I never seen it before?"

At this time, Xia En was able to see the man's appearance clearly.

The rusty metal shell, the limbs driven by gears and levers, the pipes flowing with steam——

All of these are the same as the mechanical puppet just now!

The only difference is that the light emanating from those eyes is not red, but a faint deep blue.

A sane mechanical puppet! ?

A flash of surprise flashed in Xia En's eyes.

He wanted to ask, but the way these puppets made sounds in the sea was different from that of the sea tribe. Even if Xia En had the [Conch Necklace], he would not be able to communicate with them.

"Oh, I almost forgot, you don't have an underwater sound device."

The voice sounded like an uncle's mechanical puppet scratching the back of his head: "Well, it's fate that we met today."

"Come with me, I'll take you to a good place."

After that, the mechanical puppet swam to a corner of the room, opened a secret door, and swam in first.

Shane followed him silently.

Soon, the two came to a special room. The walls here were made of special alloy, and surprisingly there were not many traces of rust.

After the door was closed, the water level in the room suddenly began to drop, as if a pump was continuously pumping away the seawater.


The mechanical puppet shook its body violently, shook off the sea water from its body, and let out a particularly refreshing sigh.

"It's so comfortable in a place without sea water! Otherwise, I feel like my whole body will be rusty."

Shane: "..."

Aren’t you already rusty?

After the sea water was drained, the mechanical puppet opened the inner alloy door and said with a smile.

"Young man, welcome to the City of Steam!"

Immediately, a burst of strong music sounded.

It's like a very old song, so old that it dates back hundreds or thousands of years, when [Rusty Wasteland] was still called the City of Steam.

What caught Xia En's eyes was a bar with a very punk temperament.

Flashing colored lights, a record player singing hoarsely, a swaying crowd, and...

The smell of rust and engine oil lingering in the thin air!

The people here are not ordinary biological people, but weird mechanical puppets one after another!

Such a ridiculous and bizarre scene, but extremely real, appeared in front of Xia En.

It is hard to imagine that such a lively bar still exists in the deserted and rusted underwater city.


The uncle who brought Shane in said ostentatiously: "My name is Jack Wilson, and I am the owner of this bar. They all call me Old Jack."

"Looking at you, you should be a salvager at sea, right?"

"It's not easy to do this business. I used to know several salvagers, but within a few years, none of them were left."

Shane was a little unaccustomed to Jack's enthusiasm. After nodding, he asked curiously.

"You...are all the original residents of this city?"

Jack was slightly startled and said in surprise: "I didn't expect you to ask this."

"But it doesn't matter if I tell you."

"Your guess is correct. Before we turned into this ghost, we were just ordinary humans."

This sentence instantly answered Xia En's doubts.

If, in the face of the huge waves sweeping the world, the former king of [Coral City] took measures to transform humans into corals;

The vampires in [Blood Moon Secret Realm] chose to sink the entire city into the [Secret Sea];

Then, the city lord of [Rusty Wasted City] embarked on another forbidden path——

The flesh and blood are weak and the machine soars!

Although I don’t know what methods the mystics in this city used back then, they successfully transferred people’s souls into these metal puppets and survived on the seabed to this day.

Thinking of this, Xia En frowned and asked again: "Then the puppet I killed before..."

"Don't worry, that's a [out-of-control person]."

Jack looked at the swaying crowd on the dance floor and said calmly: "There are two types of [out-of-control people] in the rusty waste city now."

"One is a machine that has never been given a soul."

"The other type is the crazy residents."

"No matter what kind it is, there is no cure. Death is their relief."

Xia En's heart moved slightly.

It is not difficult to guess that the process of transforming the human body into a machine is bound to have hidden dangers and side effects.

Not to mention, living in this dark sea water for such a long time will also lead to alienation of the mind.

It's like a miracle that Jack can stay awake and rational.

Xia En continued to ask: "Speaking of which, what about the train running in the city?"

"Oh, you mean [Snake of the Atrium]!"

Jack said clearly: "That thing is really spectacular. After all, it is a treasure left over from the past era."

"Snake of the Atrium?"

Xia En had a strange expression. He remembered that this was a giant python in a certain myth that could even surround the world.

The dare to choose this name is undoubtedly comparing this steam city to the mythical atrium, which shows its huge ambition.

"Dad, you're back!"

At this time, a smaller mechanical puppet painted with pink paint ran out from the crowd and threw itself into Jack's arms like a baby.

"Oh, my dear daughter, are you sinking again?"

"Dad can hardly hold you anymore."

Jack laughed heartily and held her around for a few times.

Making the pink robot chuckle.

If you ignore their weird appearance, this is undoubtedly an extremely warm scene.

"Your daughter?"

Shane asked softly.

Jack asked openly: "That's right, isn't it cute?"

Xia En replied calmly: "It's quite cute."

This answer surprised Jack.

Although the appearance of this outsider is vague, he still has an indescribable mysterious temperament, as if he is concealed by a special secret technique.

But he could still tell that these were the other party's true words.

When Jack comes into contact with other salvagers, he can actually notice that when they face him, they actually have emotions such as fear, disgust, and uneasiness hidden deep in their hearts.

It is human nature to be afraid of the unknown.

So Jack didn't blame them for it.

However, right now, this strange visitor has no such emotion at all, as if...

He is treating himself and his daughter equally as normal people!

For a moment, Jack felt an indescribable feeling in his heart.

But at this time, the daughter in her arms said: "By the way, Dad, there is not much stock in the store, and several customers are urging us!"


Hearing this word, Xia En was also a little curious and turned to look at the edge of the bar.

He saw that the wine glasses in people's hands contained a dark liquid that exuded a metallic luster.

For these mechanical puppets, this liquid seems to act like alcohol and stimulants, making them dance selflessly.

"That is the diluted liquid of [Youjin], which is also a specialty of this city's mining area."

"Drinking that stuff will make it easier on their heads."

As Jack spoke, he knocked on his forehead and made a "clang" sound.

"However, these guys are consumed too quickly, right?"


Shane silently wrote down the name.

In addition to the rusted steel, there must be a lot of special metals like this in the city, which may be used in the transformation of the [Black Swan].

"Drips of dirt - drops of dirt -"

Suddenly, a sound like an alarm suddenly sounded, quickly covering the music in the bar.

The movements of everyone on the dance floor suddenly stopped, clearly showing panic.

The blue light flashing in Jack's eyes was a little deep, and he said to Xia En: "They are from the [Rust Lord], you hide first."

"They won't let any outsider go."

Although Xia En was curious about the name [Lord of Rust], he also knew that now was not the time to ask, so he hid silently in the corner.

Not long after, the door opened.

Several mechanical puppets walked into this bar.

Their appearance was different from the others in the bar. The surface and joints of their bodies were covered with a black, flowing substance, like sticky black mud.

The gaze projected from the eye sockets was unusually cold, without the warmth of any living thing.

Like corpses that have long since died.

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