Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 225: 1 on 3

Three to five?

This made the warriors of Sancun hesitate.

"I haven't changed the rest of the rules, I just changed the number of battles in a small way, wouldn't you agree?" Zhang Yi'an asked with a smile as he looked at the warriors in Sancun.

In Zhang Yi'an's eyes, if Sancun really has a master, it may be a warrior who surpasses the high level of the outbreak, that is, the resistance level.

But even in the resistance stage, it is a little bit more solid, and the burst of strength or something is slightly improved compared to before. It is very tiring to win two games in a row, and you want to win three games? This is simply not possible.

The worst situation is that the master really won two games in Hongyao Village, but after that, Hongyao Village could still win three villages by relying on its own heritage.

In fact, in Zhang Yi'an's opinion, from the three small villages in the remote low hills, what kind of master can win them two games? These are just what he has always been more cautious about.

Lu Kui and the others looked at Zhou Fan, wanting Zhou Fan to decide. After all, there is still a big difference between playing two games and playing three games. They don't know if Zhou Fan is sure?

Zhou Fan just nodded slightly.

Zhang Yi'an saw such a scene in his eyes, and he was a little surprised. Is that young man the hidden master of Sancun?

But it doesn't matter, how high can it go? Zhang Yi'an thought with a calm face that these village bumpkins in remote villages probably didn't know the gap between them and Hongyao Village.

"The other rules remain the same. Five games are only five games. Now you have nothing to say?" Lu Kui shouted to Zhang Yi'an.

"Very good, then ask the eight talismans to be a witness." Zhang Yi'an said with a smile.

Cui Yu also smiled excitedly, five games are good, maybe he can play three.

After the two sides determined more detailed rules, they began to move to the right place.

The dispute between Sancun and Hongyao Village was resolved in this way, and the six talisman masters in Sancun and the two talisman masters Dong Kai would have no objection. After all, they all felt that their side had enough chances of winning.

The two groups came to a flat lawn and glared at each other.

The eight talisman masters asked representatives from both sides to decide who would send their opponents first by drawing lots.

Sending people first often suffers a bit, but Hongyao Village doesn’t know Sancun, and Sancun also doesn’t know Hongyao Village. In a sense, it doesn’t make much sense to send people first.

"Zhang Cunzheng, then let me beat them to the ground." Cui Yu grabbed his right shoulder with his left hand, and said with excitement in his right shoulder.

"No, Captain Cui, don't despise the opponent. Our goal is to burn the valley, and we can't afford to lose it." Zhang Yi'an said with a serious face.

Cui Yu snorted, and finally nodded reluctantly with a look of dissatisfaction.

"Zhu Pei, you go." Zhang Yian hesitated and said, in his opinion, the first match is to try the opponent's quality first.

"Yes." A man in his thirties beside Cui Yu grinned and said, he was the most burly one in the crowd.

"Don't be careless, do your best for me." Zhang Yi'an looked at Zhu Pei and said, "Every game is very important to us. If you lose carelessly...the village can't spare you."

Zhu Pei quickly suppressed his smile, nodded solemnly, and walked out.

Zhang Yi'an was only satisfied. Zhu Pei's strength in the village can also be ranked in the top five, so who is the opponent?

Seeing a big man coming out from Sancun, Yan Long said, "Captain Zhou, do you want me to play first?"

Mangniu Village had a conflict with Sanqiu Village before, but Yan Longcai was a good intention. He felt that the big man might not be easy to mess with, so he might as well go out and try. Strength, so Zhou Fan should be able to win a little easier when he comes on the field, so that he can have more energy to deal with the second opponent.

For the three villages, the Burning Valley is their shelter, and they don't want to lose it.

"No, it's me who agreed to play five games, and I'm confident that I can win three games." Zhou Fan stood out with a relaxed expression.

The warriors in the three villages can only choose to believe in Zhou Fan. After all, they don’t know which Hongyao Village is more powerful. Every year the village sends the study places to Tianliangli for pure study, and there is no competition. The news is really lacking. .

Zhang Yi'an watched Zhou Fan come out, and he was slightly surprised. Did he use his trump card when he came up?

This is just right, even if Zhu Pei loses, he can take the opportunity to observe the strength of his opponent, so as to decide whether to send someone to consume him or end him in the next match.

Dong Kai, one of the eight talismans standing on the side of the two groups, saw Zhou Fan come out, and he sneered: "Is there no one in Sancun? Send a teenager to play?"

There were weird smiles on the faces of the six talismans, and they didn't respond to Dong Kai's words. In their opinion, there was no suspense in the result of this first game.

Zhu Pei shook his head, looked at Zhou Fan and asked, "A duel with weapons or fists?"

He is very fair, and he will accompany the opponent to the end whether he wants to use fists or weapons.

"As you like." Zhou Fan said lightly.

"Then fist and kick, if you can't hold it anymore and use weapons, I won't blame you." Zhu Pei glanced at the saber on Zhou Fan's waist.

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhu Pei's whole body suddenly swelled up. He who originally looked more burly became stronger. His muscles were knotted, obviously a high-level martial artist. He stomped his feet hard, and the ground came out. Slight cracks.

The whole person has been ejected towards Zhou Fan, and his huge right fist suddenly slammed into Zhou Fan's head.

As soon as you make a move, you will go all out!

With twice the explosion, Zhu Pei's strength has reached more than 20,000 pounds!

Just at the moment when Zhu Pei ejected, Zhou Fan's right arm swelled up, and his charcoal fist also swung out.

The two fists collided, making a loud Zhu Pei flew back, as fast as he ejected, he flew back as fast as a cannonball fired, smashing towards Hongyao Village go.

Cui Yu's face changed slightly, he moved his steps sideways, and stretched out his hands to catch Zhu Pei, but his hands just touched Zhu Pei's back, and the huge strength came, which made his face flush, and he almost couldn't stand.

Cui Yu lifted his right leg slightly and stepped on the ground hard, then stabilized his figure and caught Zhu Pei's huge body.

Zhu Pei spurted out a stream of blood like an arrow, his body shrank, and the whole person completely fainted. As for his right arm, blood was dripping, and it looked miserable.

Seeing this, Mimura Samurai let out a cheer.

Dong Kai and Wei Shaohua's two talisman masters suddenly widened their eyes. They were a little unbelievable. Zhu Pei and the others were very familiar. This is a martial artist who can reach more than 20,000 kilograms after a full explosion. He lost this punch?

The most important thing is that the opponent only broke out a right arm. If you want to punch Zhu Pei like this, you must have more than 30,000 pounds of strength. Where are the young warriors sent by these three villages?

The power of one punch is so terrifying.

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