Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 244: Charm car

Zhou Fan was practicing all afternoon, while my brother was sleeping on his stomach while bored.

After it was reborn, it has abundant physical strength, and its demand for food has also greatly increased. The body has undergone great changes, but the only thing that remains unchanged is that it still likes to sleep when there is nothing.

Zhou Fan is also a little strange about the state of the old man. After all, the old man is very old, but after eating the dog fetus pill, he does not know how long he can live?

Regarding this question, Zhou Fan asked Lao Wangtou for advice, but unfortunately Lao Wangtou was not sure whether the old man's lifespan also increased.

At sunset, Zhou Fancai stopped cultivating. It was inconvenient for him to get food alone, so he had to go out and buy food for him and his brother.

At this time, North Street became bustling. After all, Tianliang City is a city with more than 100,000 people. Now people who have returned from work gather together, and it has become such a scene.

Most of the residents of Tianliang City make a living by farming. Outside the three city gates in the north, south, south, and north of Tianliang City, there are crops connected by qianmo.

The shops on both sides of the street have lit lanterns at the entrances, and each lantern looks like a winding fire snake.

After arriving in this world, Zhou Fan had never seen such a lively night market scene.

He stood by and watched the excitement for a while before turning around to buy food. As for the man behind him, he followed Zhou Fan's feet unhurriedly. All these lively scenes did not affect him much.

On the contrary, when some people see such a big dog, they will unconsciously get out of the way and dare not provoke them.

After buying and eating food, Zhou Fan took his brother out of the crowd and prepared to go home.

However, there was a sudden uproar in front of the North City Gate, and people crowded from both sides. Zhou Fan could only helplessly stand still and looked forward.

Four high-headed horses came with a dome chariot. The horses were splendid, their bodies were snow-white and free of stray hairs, but the horses that were strong enough to travel thousands of miles a day kept snoring, and they walked only a little faster than ordinary people, because they pulled The car is very heavy.

This allows four or five people to sleep in the car. The unusually large car is bronze in color, with cyan curtains blocking the window, and dense runes are engraved on all parts of the car.

The rune radiated a faint golden glow in the darkness.

The bronze chariot is so heavy because of its own metal weight and the reason why the rune is not activated. Once the rune is activated, the bronze chariot will become as light as a feather, and the speed of the carriage will become fast.

The noisy crowd fell silent, silently watching the carriage slowly pass by them.

The driver of the car was wearing a bamboo hat, so he couldn't see his face. He didn't have a whip in his hand.

Zhou Fan's eyes showed surprise. This car obviously came from the wild. He once heard from Master Fu and the others that there was a car that dared to walk fast in the wild, but he didn't expect to see one here.

The runes on the carriage can resist strange attacks, so they dare to run in the wild.

This kind of talisman is extremely expensive, and most people can't afford it. Even the three Si'an envoys in Tianliang are pitifully walking or slowly walking in the wild on donkeys and mules.

The carriage headed towards Xifang and soon disappeared in North Street.

After the consternation of the crowd, many people began to talk about it.

"Which master bought this talisman? My darling, but I'm really rich." Someone said dumbfounded.

There are two big businessmen in Tianliang City who own a talisman car, but they are not as luxurious as the one just passed by. Even the people who live in Tianliang City have never seen that car.

Therefore, he guessed that the old man in the city bought a new car, and he could afford such a car. He suspected that it was Li Liangtai, Li Yuanwai, who was called the richest man in Tianliang.

"Impossible, even Master Li can't afford such a car." Someone sneered.

"That's because you don't know how much Li Yuanwai has?" Someone retorted.

"I don't know, you know?"

Similar conversations in the crowd entered Zhou Fan's ears. He did not confirm whether Li Liangtai could afford this luxurious talisman car, nor did he know whether or not there were people sitting in the talisman car, and who was sitting there.

This kind of thing has nothing to do with his little wrestler's thoughts. He dispersed with the crowd and walked towards the West Square.

What all the people of Tianliang City didn't know was that Li Liangtai and Li Yuanwai, who they were talking about, had already screened everyone at the door and waited alone in front of the high gate of the mansion.

At the age of fifty, his fat face was red and moist, and the black hair on his head was just a few silver threads.

In fact, all the merchants in Tianliangli who are familiar with Li Liangtai know that Mr. Li is cautious and cautious, and even if he is a small merchant, he usually looks polite, without the slightest arrogance.

In addition to being impolite in the business field, Li Liangtai has been unanimously praised by all the businessmen in Tianliang in his dealings with others, saying that Li Liangtai is modest and gentle.

Li Liangtai is often noncommittal to these evaluations. As the richest man in Tianliangli, even if Tianliangli is in front of him, he has to bow his head and be polite to him.

He looks like a big businessman like him, but he has raised a lot of warriors to do business for him, and Tianliangli sometimes has to rely on him for help.

It can be said that as long as he does not offend the three adults of Yiluan Si, no one in Tianliang City dares to provoke him.

Even if he is a little arrogant and arrogant occasionally in Tianliang City, no one will say anything more.

But Li Liangtai never showed a bit of arrogance, because he was fortunate to know how vast the Great Wei Dynasty was, not to mention other places, even in Luoshui Township, there were many people who could stretch out a finger and run over him.

Why is he arrogant?

Taking a step back and saying that he can become the richest man in Tianliang, it is not his own, he only plays a key role in a small part of it.

Merchants seem to be happy to make money, but in essence they fight fiercely. If there is no one to rely on, they will not be able to stand out in this fighting game.

Those who faintly dared to compete with Li Liangtai in the city also knew that there was someone behind Mr. Li, but it was a pity that they never knew who was behind Li Liangtai.

They tried to smack in front of Li Liangtai again, but they were perfunctory every time by Li Liangtai with a smile.

But let alone them, how does Li Liangtai know who is behind him?

It can't be said that he doesn't know that behind him is his righteous brother who is sworn to him. His righteous brother's name is Wang Haidong.

Back then, it was Wang Haidong who brought the impoverished and down-to-earth him home, and after befriending him, he pushed him to Tianliang City, allowing him to develop step by step in Tianliang City to where he is today.

But to this day, Li Liangtai, who thinks he has seen countless people, still can't see the depth of his righteous brother Wang Haidong.

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