Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 246: love money

The night was dark, and the Yiluan Sifu was brightly lit.

Yan returned to take the hot towel and wiped the dusty face before he let out a long sigh of relief. He looked at Lu Boyuan who was standing beside him and asked, "Have those two come back?"

Lu Boyuan was a trusted confidant he had cultivated. There were four aides in the Yiluan government, and he trusted Lu Boyuan the most.

Yan returned to ask about the other two four security envoys. It is reasonable to say that one of the four security envoys should be in charge of Tianliang City, but there are only three four security envoys in Tianliang, and the staff in the department is seriously insufficient. , so sometimes you can only follow the power in a hurry, and there will be a situation where all three of Yan's return may not be in Tianliang City.

After all, Tianliang City has a wall of talismans, a complete patrol team and talisman masters, and nothing major can happen for a while.

"Master Yuanhui won't be back tonight, Eunuch Ao has already returned to the office and is resting in the room." Lu Boyuan replied respectfully.

There is a room for Si'an envoys to rest in Yiluan's mansion, and he can also live here for a long time. Ao Gonggong has always been loyal to the monarch and patriotism, and he is the only person in the Yiluan company who lives in the Yiluan company for a long time.

Yan returned just nodded slightly, "You said just now that Zhou Fan has come, you let him settle down, who are you going to let him partner with?"

"It's a newcomer. This newcomer is a distant relative of Li Liangtai. I haven't seen him before." Lu Boyuan thought for a while.

Yan returned his brows slightly, and he glanced at Lu Boyuan, "Did Eunuch Ao arrange it?"

"Yes." Lu Boyuan nodded and said, "Li Liangtai and Eunuch Ao have always been on good terms. His distant relatives came here to be wrestlers. Eunuch Ao did the formalities for him, saying that he would be there tomorrow."

"Have you read that person's information?" Yan returned and asked again.

"I've seen it, and there's nothing wrong with the data. It's the son of a big businessman in Jiudali, Luoshui Township, and I've heard a little about that businessman." Lu Boyuan considered that Yan would ask when he returned, and he had already memorized the data.

"It's not surprising that the son of a merchant has a talent for martial arts to become a martial artist, but why do those martial artists who only know how to be a sleight of hand want to be dangerous warriors? They also came to the cool sky?" Yan returned with a puzzled face.

"The documentation says that he has dreamed of becoming a fighter since he was a child, so..." Lu Boyuan couldn't go on, and a fighter was not a high-level profession. This is ridiculous, but the documentation says so.

"Ignore what his purpose is, just give me a good look when the ghost oath takes an oath. Ao Gonggong will never do anything to harm the company, so Li Liangtai has the courage to dare to attack the Yiluan company." Yan returned without further scrutiny. In his opinion, if something really happened, then the idiot of Grandpa Ao would take the blame. Anyway, he brought in people.

"It's just that the merchant's son teamed up with Zhou Fan..." Yan returned with a hesitant look on his face.

"Why don't I think of dismantling them?" Lu Boyuan said sympathetically.

When a newcomer joins the job, the senior staff in the division will bring the most important ones, but in fact, there is not so much attention. After all, the two are used to their partners, and they will not want to change partners.

Besides, there is nothing to bring about this kind of thing. Those who dare to enter the Yiluan Division as wrestlers are all martial artists with certain experience, and they must have some understanding of strange delusions.

But the rules are there, and when they are used at critical times, no one dares to say anything.

It's not difficult.

"Forget it, let him and Zhou Fan team up to see it." Yan returned to think about it, shook his head and rejected Lu Boyuan's proposal, feeling that it was unnecessary to do so.

Officials still have to follow the rules. Eunuch Ao has arranged it himself. If he wants to intervene again, he is not afraid of Eunuch Ao, but that idiot will definitely think about it. Eunuch Ao may do something to Zhou Fan at that time. That's not good.

"I have to go out tomorrow morning, so you can give me a little bit of Zhou Fan, don't let him get confused." Yan returned to slowly closing his eyes, rubbed his brows and said.



A shofar glass lamp was placed on the table in the room to brighten the room.

Eunuch Ao, who was sitting at the table, had a sullen face. He was looking at the ancient books in his hand.

This information is Zhou Fan's information.

"This week, Zhou Fan eliminated thirteen legged thieves with the power of one person... Even if the water is removed, he is still an incredible genius at a young age." Eunuch Ao said to himself.

There was a hint of jealousy on his face. This genius was introduced by Yan Guilai, so naturally it was someone from Yan Guilai's side. Even if he wanted to win over and curry favor, it would be difficult for him to bring this young man under his command.

Ao Gonggong has more detailed information, and he even knows that Zhou Fan is a short-lived species.

But even if this young man is a short-lived species with only three or four years to live, three or four years are enough for Yan to return to a higher level.

"I'm still being careless. I didn't expect such a genius to exist in the shabby weather." Eunuch Ao sighed.

In this way, he would lose to Yanhuihui. In the Yiluan Company, Yuanhui, the bald donkey, he did not take it seriously. Only Yanhuihui was his father-in-law's opponent.

Now Yan Huilai has introduced a talented martial artist like Zhou Fan. First, this is a great achievement. Second, when such a genius enters the Yiluan Division, he will become Yan Huilai's right arm. , he was at a disadvantage.

"It can't go on like this, I also have to find some experts to help!" Grandpa Ao frowned slightly. As a person from the palace, fighting for power and profit is what he is best at. He can't lose, if he loses to When Yan returned, if he wanted to enter the palace again, it would be an extravagant hope.

Of course, he has no idea of ​​what to do with Zhou Fan. If he does, then the conflict between him and Yan returning will be put on the table, and Si Luan will be destroyed by the struggle between the two of them. This is not him. desired result.

Those in high positions should take into account the overall situation, which is what his godfather often taught him.

When it comes to godfather, Eunuch Ao has a sad face again. I don't know if godfather is doing well in the palace.

Even every time he sent a letter back, his godfather told him not to worry, saying that he was in a good situation in the palace, and he would be able to take him back to the palace soon, but he did not take him back to the palace for a long time, which explained the situation.

Eunuch Ao felt that his godfather was comforting him. He was helping his godfather in the palace without being shrewd and strong. Maybe the godfather was already Eunuch Ao sighed deeply again, he must think as soon as possible Just go back to the palace. It has been a while since he left the palace. If he doesn't go back, his godfather might kill those treacherous villains.

Grandpa Ao thought about it for a while before putting down the information about Zhou Fan, and then picked up the second information, which was about Li Liangtai's relative.

He was a little surprised when Li Liangtai came to him.

These merchants' homes will lack other things, but the most important thing is money. Why should they go to Yiluan to be a dangerous wrestler?

As a smart person like him, he immediately felt that something was wrong, so he asked Li Liangtai carefully.

Li Liangtai smiled bitterly and said that his relatives had this hobby, and he couldn't stop it, and then gave a large sum of money to Grandpa Ao.

What **** doesn't love money? His father-in-law... liked it too, he immediately took the money back with a smile and agreed.

However, he promised to return to promise, and he had to study it carefully, so as not to be overshadowed by others.

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