Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 250: first sight

A white line appeared on the edge of the dome, the whole city began to wake up, and there were loud noises from outside the courtyard.

Zhou Fan stood by the bed, looking at the black pot in his hand, his face was very strange.

Last night, he was able to guess the ten numbers on the variable paper in a row when a voice suddenly appeared in his mind, telling him the ten numbers in advance.

The one who can do this is the boat in their mouths.

This ship doesn't know if it can predict the future in advance, or it can silently change the numbers on the variable paper under the eyes of Rouge.

But in any case, its power is undeniable.

The boat would help him, probably because he wanted him to push the boat forward until it reached the finish line.

For some reason, the ship seemed to be very interested in him, just as the fog had said.

He is now somewhat unsure whether this is good intentions or malicious.

However, he quickly adjusted his mentality, at least until the goal was not achieved, the ship would not hurt him or his sister.

As for reaching the end, so many boarding people have failed. If he wants to reach the end, I am afraid it is not something he can do in a short time.

In a short time, neither he nor his sister will be in danger.

Zhou Fan left his residence and went to the nearby North Street to buy breakfast and an empty gourd.

After turning back, he quickly ate his breakfast. He used a funnel to pour the melted water from the black pot into the gourd.

He had already learned from Rouge that the amount of water in this gourd was only enough for him to use once.

After all, this is a place that he is not familiar with for the time being. He will carry anything too valuable, otherwise if a thief steals the water, he will cry to death.

After doing this, Zhou Fan took out the medicine bottle given by Rouge again.

He opened the cork, and what was poured out was a stone as fine as an elixir. These ten stones were colorful and looked very unique.

It's just that a stone is a stone after all. Zhou Fan threw the medicine bottle and the stone in the corner and ignored it.

After locking the courtyard door, Zhou Fan walked with his brother along the gradually bustling North Alley, and crossed the wide Tianliang Avenue to Tianliang Street.

After walking a few steps forward, I saw a locust tree taller than the wall. The locust tree with small locust flowers fell to the ground with the wind.

Zhou Fan walked over.

Two more guards were replaced in Yiluan's house. They didn't recognize Zhou Fan. Zhou Fan showed the two guards the token that Lu Boyuan gave him yesterday.

The guard quickly let go.

Zhou Fan entered the mansion and asked people where Lu Boyuan was. After being instructed, Zhou Fan stepped into the main hall of Yiluan Si.

The main hall was much more lively than yesterday afternoon. There were more than a dozen people busy, and they didn't even look up at Zhou Fan. Among them were the strong men who were waiting for the task and the office staff.

If all the observers had been dispatched to the low hills, the Yiluan Sifu would have been even more lively.

"Zhou Lishi, come with me." Lu Boyuan said with a smile when he saw Zhou Fan coming.

Zhou Fan followed Lu Boyuan out of the main hall. The smile on Lu Boyuan's face narrowed slightly. He looked at the people coming and going around, and took Zhou Fan to a secluded corner before whispering, "Your new partner has been found."

"Is there any problem?" Zhou Fan felt that something was wrong. If he just found a new partner, Lu Bo would never talk to him like this.

"I can't say there is any problem." Lu Boyuan shook his head, "But he is different from you. He is a young man from a merchant's family. He may be a little arrogant. I hope you will take more care of him."

"The merchant's family..." Zhou Fan frowned slightly. He had also met such colleagues in his previous life. Some were well-educated, but others were arrogant and arrogant.

"Can it be changed?" Zhou Fan has always been grateful to such people.

"Si Li's staff is a little nervous..." Lu Boyuan's face showed a look of embarrassment, "So..."

"That's fine." Zhou Fan decided to get along for the time being and have a look.

"Zhou Lishi can rest assured. If you really can't get along, I will try to replace you. I won't force the two of you to be partners all the time." Lu Boyuan comforted lightly.

It's best not to change, or you'll offend Eunuch Ao. Uncle Lu was relieved to see Zhou Fan agree.

He took Zhou Fan to a side hall of the Yiluan Division, and then took out a stack of documents and handed it to Zhou Fan, saying that this was the specific regulations of the Yiluan Division. Let him take a look first, his new partner should be coming soon. , Lu Boyuan turned around and went out.

Zhou Fan sat in the side hall and read the regulations for a while. Not long after, footsteps came from the hall.

Zhou Fan raised his head and saw Lu Boyuan came in with two people.

One of them was wearing a dark red official robe. This man had a thin face. He was fifty years old, with a red face and no stubble on his face.

The second is a young man of similar age to him. This young man has a sallow complexion, two thick eyebrows, and wears a blue robe with a few greasy smudges on the robe.

He looked at Zhou Fan's big eyes with a smile, and nodded slightly to Zhou Fan.

Standing up, Zhou Fan raised his eyebrows, which was not the same as the rich boy he thought.

"Zhou Fan, this is our Ambassador Annan, Eunuch Ao." Lu Boyuan hurriedly introduced Zhou Fan.

"Zhou Fan has met Eunuch Ao." Zhou Fan gave Eunuch Ao a light salute, which is the etiquette stipulated by the Yiluan Company.

Eunuch Ao glanced at Zhou Fan, and he said with a smile, "Zhou Lishi killed thirteen legged thieves by himself and turned the tide. I am also a famous name for a long time."

This Eunuch Ao was neither yin nor yang, and it didn't sound like he was complimenting him, but Zhou Fan didn't know Eunuch Ao's character, so he didn't even dare to say it, saying it was just a fluke.

"Lu's I'll leave it to you." Eunuch Ao ignored Zhou Fan, said something to Lu Boyuan, then looked at the sallow-faced boy, he said with a stern face, "Look at For the sake of your uncle, let you enter the Yiluan Division, grow up, do it well, and don't lose your uncle's face, understand?"

"Got it, Eunuch Ao." The sallow-faced boy said calmly, his voice a little hoarse.

Eunuch Ao just turned around and went out. He woke up early in the morning to meet Li Liangtai's relatives. After seeing the young man brought by the servants of the Li family, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief. He was just a strange young man, no problem. big.

And just when he wanted to beat the young man, the young man gave him a box of treasures, saying that his uncle asked him to bring it.

Seeing that the Li family was so knowledgeable, Eunuch Ao had no choice but to give up, and brought people here in person.

As soon as Eunuch Ao left, the hall was silent for a while, and Lu Boyuan smiled and said: "Zhou Lishi, this is your new partner Li Jiuyue, a high-level martial artist, Li Lishi, this is Zhou Fan, you are lucky, Zhou Lishi is Fight against the first stage warriors."

Li Jiuyue said with a smile: "Brother Zhou has become a martial artist at such a young age. It's really amazing."

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