Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 259: red line

With a bang, the house collapsed, and the dust filled the air.

A gorilla-like monster rushed out of the collapsed house, and it headed towards the city with its iron back and silver hair.

With a swipe, Zhou Fan's tall figure emerged from the ashes, and he slashed with a knife, forcibly forcing the monster back.

Not far away, Li Jiuyue, who was standing with a group of hunters to prevent strange escapes, laughed and shouted, "Brother Zhou, are you okay? You can't let me come."

After the outbreak, Zhou Fan's face was cold, how could a man say that he can't?

The sharp knife in Zhou Fan's hand slashed towards the monster like a phantom, and the monster was imprisoned in a corner of the city. It roared angrily and kept trying to avoid the dangerous sharp knife.

It's just that it was slashed by a knife from top to bottom, and silver blood rushed out from the middle of the body, and it fell to the ground with a bang, splashing a pile of dust.

Zhou Fan's body slowly shrank back to its original state.

Seeing this, Li Jiuyue came over with a group of arresters, who all took Zhou Fan with admiration.

This is a silver-blooded ape of the white resentment level, and it was quickly resolved by Zhou Fan alone. They often see such things during this time.

There are so many groups of fighters in the city, Zhou Fan and Li Jiuyue are the most bizarre, almost all of them are solved by Zhou Fan, Li Jiuyue is watching the excitement, but every time they solve the strange things very quickly, compared to other groups, this group of new fighters is absolutely Not weak.

Zhou Fan returned the knife to the sheath, he took out a dagger, then turned the huge body of the silver-blooded ape over, he stabbed the dagger into the **** of the silver-blooded ape, and with a hiss, the silver blood splashed out.

The catchers looked at each other.

"Hey, Brother Zhou, what are you doing?" Li Jiuyue asked strangely.

Zhou Fan didn't answer, he cut the **** of the silver-blooded ape open, pulled it for a while, and then found a thumb-sized silver pill from the silver-blooded flesh, he smiled and said, "This is Silver meat, the only valuable material on the silver-blooded ape, eats the blood energy that can quickly make up for the lack of warriors."

"Brother Zhou is really knowledgeable, we all know that, but this hemorrhoid that looks like a silver-blooded ape, can you really eat it?" Li Jiuyue laughed dumbly.

Zhou Fan was a little disgusted by Li Jiuyue's words, and he said helplessly: "Who said I ate it, I can sell it to others, do you want it?"

Li Jiuyue shook her head again and again with a look of disgust.

The arresters began to clean up the scene with their husbands.

Liu Chaotou, who came over with Zhu Kuai, came over and smiled and said, "Thank you for your help."

"Liu Caotou is polite, this is what we should do." Zhou Fan looked at the ruins of the collapsed house, he shook his head, the destructive power of the White Resentment Silver Blood Ape was a little big, and he couldn't stop it.

However, the houses occasionally collapse, which is not surprising to the people of Tianliang City. These houses will be built quickly by special people, and Tianliang Liya will bear part of the cost.

Just when Zhou Fan and Li Jiuyue were about to leave, Ge Zhaotou, whom they first met, walked over quickly.

"Zhou Lishi, Li Lishi." Ge Zhaotou was a very serious person, and he bowed his hands expressionlessly.

"Ge Zhaotou, did you find any weirdness?" Zhou Fan asked in a spirited way. Tianliang City is a good place. There are several times more weirdness than patrolling the village every day. Grey Worm.

"I can't confirm it yet. I think it's a little suspicious. If the two of you are okay, you can follow me to take a look." Ge Zhaotou showed a hint of hesitation on his face.

Zhou Fan and Li Jiuyue originally wanted to go back to the Yiluan Division to wait for the mission, but now when Ge Zhaotou said this, they went over with Ge Zhaotou.

Soon they met a young man named Wang Er in Tianliang Liya.

Wang Er's face was pale, and his hands and feet were shaking slightly.

"Take off your shirt and show it to the two warriors." Ge Zhao said to Wang Er.

Wang Er unfastened his belt and uncovered his gray coat. The only abnormality about his body was that there was a bloodline as thick as a little finger on his waist, and the bloodline formed a blood circle around his waist. Bright red.

Zhou Fan frowned. On the way here, Ge Zhaotou told the two of them that this Wang Er had such a blood line on his waist since yesterday.

People in Tianliang City are very sensitive to strange things. Wang Er went to the pharmacy to find a doctor, but after the doctor couldn't say anything, he was very frightened and came to Tianliang Liya to seek help.

The hunters in Tianliang Liya tested him, but there was no response to the test talisman or the like. Ge Zhaotou couldn't recognize the origin of the blood line for a while, but he felt something was wrong in his heart. He left Wang Er behind, and went to the Yiluan Sifu to invite the luxuries to come and have a look.

However, all the wrestlers from the Yiluan government office were not there. After Ge Zhaotou made some inquiries, he finally found two wrestlers from Zhou Fan who just solved the problem.

"Brother Li, can you see anything from this blood line?" Zhou Fan looked at Li Jiuyue, who had more knowledge than him.

Li Jiuyue's eyes wandered in the room, he heard Zhou Fan's question, glanced at the blood line on Wang Er's waist and abdomen, shook his head and said, "It's very strange, and I can't tell if it's a strange act, or some kind of weirdness. sick."

"Wang Er, have you encountered anything unusual these days?" Zhou Fan saw that Li Jiuyue didn't know, so he could only look at Wang Er and ask.

"The villain sells cooking cakes in the city for a living. He is busy day and night. When he gets home, he falls asleep. Nothing unusual happened." Wang Er shook his head blankly.

"Then have you met any strange people?" Zhou Fan asked again.

"People come and go on the street, but there is no one who impressed me a lot during this time." Wang Er shook his head again.

Zhou Fan asked a few questions one after another, but he didn't have any clue. He glanced at the dog following him: "Brother, go sniff."

The old man walked over, circled around Wang Er, and finally walked back.

Dude didn't find anything either.

Zhou Fan took a closer look at the blood line on Wang Er's waist. He didn't touch the blood line with his hands. He just said a little strangely: "This blood line has been like this since it appeared, hasn't it changed?"

"It's always been like this." Wang Er nodded.

"Then does your body feel uncomfortable?"


Zhou Fan looked puzzled.

"Zhou Lishi, what do you think? If it doesn't work, let Wang Er stay in the Liya for a few days, observe the results and let you know." Ge Zhaotou suggested that Zhou Fan had nothing to do with it.

After all, this is just suspected to be a hoax, and it has not been confirmed yet. Maybe this is a strange disease.

"Brother Li, what do you think?" Zhou Fan looked at Li Jiuyue again and asked.

"It's good for Brother Zhou to make up his mind about this kind of thing." Li Jiuyue said with a smile.

"Ge Zhaotou, I don't think this is inappropriate. I'll ask the talismans in the government office. It's best to let them come over and take a look." Zhou Fan hesitated.

The talisman in the shrine has to draw talismans every day and provide talisman support to the The talisman is very busy, but if the wrestlers need it, they can also ask the talisman to come and help.

Master Fu's age is relatively rich and experience is relatively rich, maybe he recognizes this blood line.

"That's fine." Ge Zhao nodded in agreement.

"Three adults..." Wang Er said suddenly.

"What, did you remember something?" Zhou Fan looked at Wang Er and asked.

"I feel that my waist hurts..." Wang Er's lips trembled, and sweat dripped from his forehead.

The blood circle around his waist suddenly sprayed out countless **** water, wetting his open clothes.

Wang Er screamed miserably.

His whole body was split in two from the blood circle, and his upper body fell down and hit the ground.

Blood flowed, and the intestines, heart, lungs, kidneys and other internal organs all slid down from the body, and bright red blood spread from the floor.

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