Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 267: Hakujin Snow

The entire Yiluan Sifu was in operation. Yan returned and summoned Zhou Fan and others to discuss it for a while. Everyone had no good plan for a while, so they could only search the city from house to house.

However, such a search method may not be effective. After all, they are facing strange things, and those strange and powerful ones may even turn into a cloud of smoke and get into the bottles and jars. This is tantamount to looking for a needle in a haystack.

When Li Jiuyue came out of the meeting room, seeing Zhou Fan's worried look, he couldn't help but ask, "Brother Zhou, is he worried about the safety of Lord Yan?"

After coming to the Yiluan Sifu in Tianliang for a while, Li Jiuyue knew that the Yiluan Sifu was divided according to the forces of the three Si'an envoys. Even if the two of them were not very involved in this kind of thing, they would inevitably be labeled, such as He, Li Jiuyue, belonged to Eunuch Ao's group, and Zhou Fan belonged to Yan's return.

So Li Jiuyue thought that Zhou Fan was worried about his boss.

"Brother Zhou is really a good subordinate, but Lord Yan..." Li Jiuyue said so again.

"Master Yan is very powerful, and that person is faceless and not his opponent. What am I worried about? I am worried about myself." Zhou Fan said helplessly.

"Brother Zhou, what do you mean by this?" Li Jiuyue said with a uh.

"That eyeless head was cut off by me." Zhou Fan said with a headache, and faceless came back to retaliate. If he knew that he cut off the eyeless head, he would definitely not let him go.

Who would have guessed that this weirdo also has a group of relatives and friends?

But even if he had guessed it at the time, Zhou Fan reckoned that he would not give up such a good opportunity.

After Li Jiuyue heard the ins and outs of the matter, he couldn't help chuckling with a strange look on his face: "Brother Zhou, make up for the knife."

"Didn't I fear that it wasn't dead?" Zhou Fan explained a little annoyed.

"I guess, that faceless and eyeless may be a couple. If you kill his husband, he will definitely not spare you if he knows." Li Jiuyue said with a smile.

"Who cares what their relationship is, I just hope to find it out as soon as possible, otherwise it will be troublesome." Zhou Fan sighed.

"Then be careful yourself, don't really make people faceless and come to the door, do you want me to give you a few talismans to protect yourself?" Li Jiuyue said with a look of concern.

"No need, the talisman is enough, if it really dares to come..." Zhou Fan snorted coldly, but didn't say the next words.

In a blink of an eye, the sky darkened, and people from the Yiluan Sifu and Tianliang Liya were all on duty tonight.

If Tianliang City, a city of more than 100,000 people, really kills 1,000 people overnight, everyone in the department and the government will suffer.

Zhou Fan and these white people are allowed to rest for half an hour to deal with some private matters.

Li Jiuyue stayed in the Yiluan Sifu and did not go back, while Zhou Fan did not take his brother out of the Yiluan Sifu and walked to Xifang's residence alone.

Zhou Fan was indeed a little worried. Even if Yan returned to the man and was seriously injured, he was the one who cut the last knife, so he had to be prepared.

He came back with a giant sword.

With the giant knife and the gold talisman, even if Wuyan really finds him, he has a better guarantee.

When Zhou Fan stepped into the courtyard, his expression changed slightly.

Red snowflakes fell from the courtyard.

It's summer, it's impossible to snow, and even if it snows in winter, it won't be bloody!

Zhou Fan hurried back towards the door.

Only the courtyard door disappeared.

The entire courtyard turned into a white world.

Zhou Fan's face was slightly cold, and he fell into a strange world, some of which were able to display an enchantment-like deception.

Zhou Fan quickly took out a forbidden evil talisman and stuck it on his left arm, then pulled out the Star Frost Rusted Sword and slashed at the original courtyard gate.

With a bang, the Star Frost Rusted Knife bounced back.

Zhou Fan didn't have time to try to put the talisman on it. He found an edge position where the red snowflakes would not fall.

This blood-red snowflake is too weird, he dare not let the snowflake touch his body.

In the white space, the gates of the houses and courtyards have completely disappeared.

Zhou Fan glanced around, wary of everything in the space, for him, the situation was serious.

A white figure loomed ten feet away from Zhou Fan, and it had a face without any facial features.

It's faceless!

Zhou Fan's heart sank, and Faceless appeared faster than he thought.

"Who are you? Why are you? It wasn't that Yan came back, it was you who killed Wu Yan." Wu Mian's surprised voice echoed in the space.

Zhou Fan took out three talismans inscribed with white runes from the talisman bag. He shook his head and said, "No, you have found the wrong person."

Faceless stretched out a bloodless hand from the loose white sleeve. It held a condensed blood line in its palm, and the blood line turned into an arrow pointing to Zhou Fan.

The corner of Zhou Fan's eyes twitched, and his hand put the three talismans on the Star Frost Rusted Knife one by one.

"There's nothing wrong, it's you." Faceless's voice was full of resentment, "Originally, no matter who swallowed up whoever Wuyan and I were, we could go a step further, but you were all ruined, I want you to suffer. All the pain in the world."

Zhou Fan didn't speak, just looked at faceless vigilantly.

The blood-colored snowflakes falling in the space suddenly changed direction and rushed towards Zhou Fan.

Zhou Fan hurriedly avoided, a snowflake was about to fall on his right shoulder.

Thin black lines flew out, covering his shoulders.

Snowflakes fell on the black jade armor and gradually melted.

With a snort, the forbidden evil talisman began to burn slowly.

Zhou Fan's pupils shrank, this snowflake is a curse.

"This is the cursed snow, as long as it gets contaminated, it will make your intestines rot and slowly die." Faceless, who was standing still, let out a weird laugh. It told Zhou Fan that he wanted Zhou Fan to die before he died. Feel more fear.

Zhou Fan has the forbidden evil which can resist the curse, but how many such talismans can be consumed?

From the faceless point of view, the moment Zhou Fan stepped into its meticulously arranged deceitful domain, the result was doomed, and Zhou Fan couldn't even attack it to launch a single counterattack.

After killing this young martial artist, I will try to force Yan to come back, and I thought to myself.

Zhou Fan glanced at the half-burning forbidden evil talisman. A purple-gold light appeared on his body, and the light condensed into purple-gold light armor, and there were lines of lines on the light armor.

The snowflakes fell again and landed on the armor, but the evil talisman had stopped burning.

Zhou Fan was relieved, this is not a simple light armor, but a layer of different armor shrouded on the light armor, the purple gold eight armor can resist abnormal conditions such as the curse of ice, thunder, water and fire to a certain extent.

Faceless saw Zhou Fan who was shrouded in purple-gold armor. He was stunned. What magic weapon did this young warrior use?

However, while it was stunned, Zhou Fan had already shouted loudly, ignoring the snowflakes falling from the sky, and rushed towards it.

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