Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 279: plum fragrance

It is impossible for Rouge to ask him to exchange his heart for "You Four Seasons", and the two have nothing to talk about.

The two didn't speak all night, just doing their own thing. When the time came, Zhou Fan left the wooden boat.

As soon as Zhou Fan left, Rouge glanced at the disappearing figure and snorted, looked up at the huge blood ball, and sighed again.

In the early morning, the streets are crowded with people, and the hawkers are screaming one after another, and you can easily smell all kinds of fragrances that come early.

"Brother Zhou, here." In a breakfast shop, Li Jiuyue smiled and waved to him while sitting on a table.

Zhou Fan walked towards him, the man under his feet was faster than him, and had already run to Li Jiuyue's feet, rubbing his trouser legs with the dog's head.

"Here, meat buns." Li Jiuyue threw a meat bun to my brother with a smile.

The old man took the meat bun in his mouth and squatted down to eat happily.

The relationship between my brother and Li Jiuyue is getting better and better, and he probably forgot the dog meat hot pot that Li Jiuyue mentioned before.

Zhou Fan sat opposite Li Jiuyue and smiled: "Brother Li is full of vigor every day, really good spirit."

The guys at the breakfast shop have already brought them some breakfasts such as fried tea, crispy Qiong leaves, ring cakes, Yunying noodles, cooked meat patties, etc.

Li Jiuyue picked up a piece of crisp Qiongye and chewed it with a smile on his face: "That's what Brother Zhou doesn't know, don't look at me being happy, in fact, there is a lot of bitterness hidden in my heart, but it's so deep, you can't see it. That's it."

Crispy Qiongye is to cut the cold steamed buns steamed at night into thin slices, smear honey, and bake them on the fire. After baking, they are browned and extremely crispy. Zhou Fan also picked up a piece of crispy Qiongye and ate it while saying: " Brother Li, these bitter stories should be used to deceive those ignorant girls."

"Brother Zhou, you are just too boring." Li Jiuyue shook his head, "It's not killing monsters all day long, or staying at home to practice hard, even the ascetic monks in the Great Buddha Temple don't work as hard as you, if you have time, or Let me tell you, there is a Ruxiang girl in the Meixiang Courtyard in the city, she looks like a coquettish..."

"These two nights made me nostalgic for going back and forth, and I almost don't want to come to the value." Li Jiuyue said wretchedly.

"I'm not interested." Zhou Fan shook his head, "Brother Li likes to visit brothels, no problem, but you have to be careful not to get sick."

"Hey, hey, what did you say?" Li Jiuyue rolled her eyes and threw another meat bun to the man, "I only chat with Miss Ruxiang, not that."


Zhou Fan and the two finished their breakfast and arrived at the Yiluan Sifu to finish the meal, and waited patiently for the task to arrive.

In a place as big as Tianliang City, there is always a lot of weirdness and trouble, and they soon received a case that was sent over by Zhu Kuai.

However, the expressions of Zhou Fan and Li Jiuyue became a little weird.

What happened was the Meixiangyuan they were talking about. The Meixiangyuan was occupied by a monster. Fortunately, no one died.

"Brother Zhou, I am familiar with Meixiangyuan, and there is a black wandering monster in the area. I can go. You can rest here, and I will go back when I go." Li Jiuyue coughed dryly.

"How can I do that?" Zhou Fan responded, "Brother Li, you also know what's wrong with me. If you don't kill a few monsters a day, you won't be able to sleep well at night."

Even if it was a small black swimmer, Zhou Fan was unwilling to let it go.

"Brother Zhou, it's rare for me to have a chance to show my prestige in front of that old bustard. You wouldn't give me this little face, would you?" Li Jiuyue complained a little.

Li Jiuyue said so, Zhou Fan thought about it and sighed: "Well, I'll go with you, then let you take action, I'll watch the head office beside me."

"You don't need to take action, so don't go." Li Jiuyue said a little coyly.

"In case it's a resentment, I'm afraid Brother Li can't handle it alone..." Zhou Fan said with a suspicious look on his face, "Brother Li, why do I feel like you don't want me to go to Meixiangyuan?"

"No." Li Jiuyue quickly denied.

"Then let's go together." Zhou Fan smiled.

Li Jiuyue couldn't stop it, so he could only agree.

The Meixiangyuan was located on the main street of the market area. It has now been completely surrounded by the arrested people, with a group of Yingyingyanyan women standing beside it.

A woman with a lot of age and heavy makeup saw that Zhou Fan and Zhou Fan were brought over by Zhu Kuai, and she hurried over and just wanted to speak.

Li Jiuyue glared at the woman with her eyebrows raised and raised her eyes: "You old lady, you are working in the Yiluan government office. What are you doing here? Why don't you get out of the way?"

The woman was stunned for a while, "My lord, I'm not a maid, but a little girl in the courtyard. I found out about the strangeness, so my boss asked me to come over and tell the two adults."

After the woman finished speaking, she pointed to the other side with her hand, and Yingying Yanyan was surrounded by a woman in her thirties, but this woman had a big shoulder and a round waist, so she didn't look like the maid of Meixiangyuan.

The woman nodded slightly to Zhou Fan and the two of them.

Li Jiuyue's face froze, Zhou Fan was also stunned, and soon he looked at Li Jiuyue strangely.

"That's not too soon." Li Jiuyue's voice was lowered.

The woman spoke quickly.

"It's not just a scent-smelling demon." Li Jiuyue showed anger, pulled out the golden long sword, and rushed in directly.

Zhou Fan just watched with a smile on his face.

Li Jiuyue quickly walked out as if nothing had happened. He was just a black wanderer, and of course he couldn't be bothered.

"Let's go, Brother Zhou." With a sullen look on his face, he walked quickly.

Zhou Fan followed behind him, and when he was far away from the Meixiangyuan, Zhou Fan smiled and said, "Brother Li, what are you doing in such a hurry? You went in just now, and the old lady came over to say that it's hard work, you are a big customer, and I'll wait for you to come out. Now, even in the daytime, I have to open the business to entertain you, or I have to invite your favorite Ruxiang girl over to sing and dance for us..."

Li Jiuyue didn't say a There was a hint of embarrassment on his face, and he didn't expect to be exposed when he turned around.

Zhou Fan was chattering on the way back, and Li Jiuyue said angrily: "Brother Zhou, you are not allowed to mention this in the future. I will go and buy this Meixiangyuan in the evening and let it close its doors. It is simply immoral!"

"Don't, I won't say it at most. If you really do this, I don't know how many prostitutes in the city. They will hate me to death. Maybe they will have to venture across the wilderness to find flowers in other cities in order to solve their personal problems. , staged a life and death story of a big **** in the wilderness." Zhou Fan said with a fake sigh with a smile.

It's just a pity that Li Jiuyue couldn't understand the hidden meaning in these words, he just understood that Zhou Fan was teasing him.

"It's not that I haven't visited the brothel, but the singer at my uncle's house is so beautiful that I don't have time to go for the time being." Li Jiuyue couldn't help but solemnly declare when she stepped into the gate of the Yiluan Sifu.

"I understand, Brother Li doesn't need to explain." Zhou Fan smiled inwardly, but the smile on his face restrained his answer.

"Two adults, Lord Yan is waiting for you." A small official walked over quickly.

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