Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 281: The villa is weird

"After a certain period of exploration by the government, there is enough evidence to prove that the cocoon tree incident in the low hills and the red line disease and honey pear incidents in Tianliang City are all related to a masked force, and now it is even more clear that this The masked forces have an unclear relationship with Na Linjie and Bihu Villa."

"The purpose of our trip is to control Bihu Villa and capture Lin Jie alive." Eunuch Ao said sharply with a cold face.

Grandpa Ao's heart was fiery, and this was a lot of credit.

Originally, when Yan returned from the Sifu to discuss with him and the monk Yuanhui, Yan returned's suggestion was to let him stay in Tianliang City, but a person like him would have to drill seamlessly, and of course he was unwilling to let it go.

After some arguing, the monk Yuanhui gave in and stayed in Tianliang City. Instead, he got the task of encircling the Bihu Villa with Yan's return.

The power of the masked man is not simple, maybe he can find out more things.

Then the credit will be even greater.

Listening to Eunuch Ao's explanation, everyone no longer objected.

Bihu Villa was not far behind the hillside, and the two detectives returned shortly after Grandpa Ao finished speaking.

"Master Yan and Eunuch Ao, there are no spies in front of you." One of the two spies replied.

It's not surprising that there are no spies. Even though this Bihu Villa is related to the masked man, it's all in the dark. From time to time, there will be warriors coming to stay here. If the warriors find that there are spies at this distance, they will definitely be intimidated by Bihu. Lake Villa has questions.

It is just a prudent approach to let two detectives go forward to investigate.

Yan returned and Eunuch Ao just nodded slightly, and took Zhou Fan's fifteen people to climb the not-so-short hillside and step into the jungle.

After walking in the jungle for a while, you can see the huge manor from the shadow of the trees.

The half ring of the manor is built against a green lake.

In the lake in the wild, there are always strange things hidden in the lake. Bihu Villa dares to build a villa on the Hupan, which is obviously a symbol of its strength.

It's just a pity that its opponent this time is the powerful Yiluan Si.

When they were only a hundred paces away, Yan returned and made a gesture. Zhou Fan and the others took out their weapons and began to put talismans on their weapons.

Zhou Fan had become accustomed to Yan returning with his bare hands, and he was a little surprised by Eunuch Ao.

Ao Gong shared a pair of large copper hammers that looked like pumpkins.

In stark contrast to his always feminine image.

Seeing that everyone had put on the talisman, Yan returned and said solemnly: "Rush in, show your identity, and kill those who dare to disobey."

Under the leadership of Yan Huilai and Grandpa Ao, everyone climbed over the walls of the villa.

Just the moment they just landed, their faces changed slightly.

Because the villa was unbelievably quiet, and there was no human voice.

Yan returned and Eunuch Ao looked at each other with vigilance in their eyes.

"Be careful, we may have been discovered." Yan returned in a low voice.

It is impossible to step back at this time.

Everyone cautiously rushed into the main hall of the manor.

Then they saw dead bodies all over the place.

Blood stained the manor red.

"Back up." Yan Huihui's face changed slightly.

The world has a fear of the corpse capital.

Zhou Fan and the others immediately retreated outside the hall door.

Yan returned to let a talisman and a detective enter to investigate, and the rest of them were all vigilantly looking around, beware of the enemy rushing out.

The situation was completely different from what they thought.

The two went in and quickly backed out, with a look of horror on their faces: "Some of the people inside were homicides, and some committed suicide. Judging from their clothes, the people who killed them were all staying warriors, and the ones who committed suicide seemed to be from Bihu Villa. people."

"It's not surprising to kill a resident martial artist, but why did you commit suicide?" Eunuch Ao muttered to himself.

"Oops." Several people in the crowd exclaimed.

"Maybe it's a sacrifice!" Yan returned angrily and shouted, "Fast back and exit the villa."

Everyone ran towards the gate of the villa.

It's just that the forbidden evil talisman they have been wearing on their arms spontaneously ignited, and the more they leaned towards the door, the faster the forbidden evil talisman burned.

Seeing that only ten steps can rush out of the manor.

"Stop!" Yan returned and shouted again with a slightly dark face, which was really wrong.

Most of the seventeen people, including Yan Huihui and Grandpa Ao, stopped.

Zhou Fan put one hand on Li Jiuyue's shoulder, who was rushing too fast, and pulled him abruptly.

But there were two fighters who didn't know if they were running too fast and couldn't stop or were too scared.

In the blink of an eye, the two warriors had already rushed out of the villa.

They stopped when they rushed out of the villa.

The forbidden evil talisman on their arms ignited a faint blue flame, which burned out in an instant.

The two fighters who rushed out of the villa quickly turned around, and they looked back with fear on their faces.

In Zhou Fan and the others' eyes, the two Luxuries were swollen and swelled with blood blisters, as if they were injected with something strange.

The blood blisters on the two people's bodies grew bigger and bigger, and with two bangs, they completely exploded, and countless flesh and blood splashed out.

The remaining fifteen Zhou Fans had already retreated rapidly, and their faces were all filled with fears of different sizes.

When Zhou Fan stepped back, he kept aiming at the forbidden evil talisman on his arm.

The forbidden evil talisman that had already burned half was extinguished when they retreated.

Zhou Fan secretly breathed a sigh of relief, if the forbidden evil talisman continued to burn, he would have to use other means to save himself.

The same is true of the forbidden evil charms on the rest of the people.

Yan returned and Ao Gonggong looked ugly, which was obviously a trap.

They just don't know whether it was secrets that led to the trap set by the enemy, or the news they got was originally false.

They never thought that this would be the case, otherwise they would never fall into the trap so easily.

A blood-colored mist began to emerge from the outside of the manor, covering the manor.

Everyone's faces showed more vigilant Zhou Fan and the thirteen people looked at Yan Huihui and Eunuch Ao, to see how they were going to respond?

"Go back to the hall first." Yan returned in a deep voice.

Since he can't get out, then go back to the hall first. He wants to see what the enemy wants to do?

Everyone quickly returned to the hall full of corpses and stood by the door.

Everyone was on high alert, unwilling to touch a corpse on the ground.

On the edge of Nawang Lake in Bihu Villa, there is a tall tree, and a man appeared. He was wearing a white ghost mask.

He looked at the villa surrounded by blood mist by the lake, holding a sound transmission in his hand, and said slowly in a hoarse and low voice: "Tianliangli No. 6 test item is opened, I hope to correct the existing defects, The experimenter, the talisman master of Yiluan's office..."

"Regardless of success or failure, after this mission, there will be no Lin Jie in the world. I will hide in another identity. The Bihu Villa has been abandoned. Remember to remember!"

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