Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 284: dream catcher

When Zhou Fan opened his eyes, he instantly became vigilant.

However, he was stunned again soon, because the gray fog permeated everywhere, he did not enter the nightmare, and returned to the gray river space.

Rouge curled up in the mist.

She stared at Zhou Fan's left shoulder with interest.

Zhou Fan followed her line of sight and looked at his left shoulder, only to find a small dream puppet sitting on his left shoulder.

"This is..." Zhou Fan looked at the dream puppet, he was a little confused about the current situation.

"You were cursed by the dream puppet." Rouge said with a smile on her face, "but because you fell asleep, the boat dragged you into the gray river space again, so this is what happened."

Zhou Fan raised his eyebrows.

"But don't be too happy. When you get out of the Grey River space, you will directly enter a nightmare." Rouge continued.

"You should have a way to lift this curse for me, right?" Zhou Fan looked at Rouge and said.

"Of course I have a solution, but I won't help you." Rouge laughed again.

"Even if I am willing to pay for Gray Worm and my lifespan, are you unwilling to take action?" Zhou Fan asked in a deep voice.


In the face of such a positive answer, Zhou Fan's face was calm, and it was not strange that Rouge was unwilling to help, he said slowly: "It doesn't matter if you don't want to help, I can also use a fishing rod, I think the fishing rod should be able to catch up and relieve this problem. Cursed thing."

But to Zhou Fan's surprise, Rouge chuckled again, "It's useless, you're just wasting your efforts, the fishing rod can indeed catch the curse-relieving thing, but the problem is that you have been dragged by the dream puppet now. In the nightmare, even if you really catch something that lifts the curse, you won't be able to use it."

Zhou Fan's face changed slightly, Rouge should be telling the truth, except for the nothingness like Shouguo, which can be taken on the boat, and the rest of the caught things can only be used when they return to the world where they are.

If so, even if this cursed thing can be caught, it won't work if he can't wake up.

Zhou Fan pondered silently, could he only go to that nightmare and fight once?

"Actually, it's not useless for you to take a trip to that nightmare." Rouge said slowly.

"What's the benefit of this?" Zhou Fan felt a little strange in his heart, Rouge told him so much for no reason, it should be for some purpose.

"You go into that nightmare, bring out the dream puppet, I don't want your heart, and give you the speed section of "You Four Seasons", how about it?" Rouge looked at the dream puppet on Zhou Fan's shoulder and smiled.

"Why are you interested in Mengou?" Zhou Fan asked in a daze.

This is just a black hatred.

"This has nothing to do with you, I just ask if you agree?" Rouge shook her head, unwilling to answer.

"How can I bring out the dream puppet?" Zhou Fan thought about it.

"This is simple, as long as you can break free from the nightmare, you can bring out the dream puppet." Rouge said with a relaxed expression.

"I'm afraid it's not that simple, right? Many warriors have escaped from nightmares, and I haven't heard of anyone who can bring out the dream puppets." Zhou Fan said suspiciously.

Rouge glanced at Zhou Fan, the mist condensed in her hand, and quickly condensed into a green bead, the bead was only the size of a thumb, crystal clear.

"This is a dream catcher. If you promise me, I can put it into your body. When you have a nightmare, it will automatically find a dream puppet for me. I have at most three dreams, Dream catchers can capture this dream puppet, maybe a dream is enough."

"Three dreams? I remember that once an ordinary person is cursed by the dream couple, he can break free from it with just one nightmare." Zhou Fan's face became solemn. The risk of three dreams was too great, and he might never wake up. Come.

"Otherwise, do you think you can get "You Four Seasons" from me without taking any risks?" Rouge sneered.

"But this means that I have to fight with my life. This is more than just a little risk." Zhou Fan shook his head. "It's not easy to break free from one nightmare. The risk of three nightmares is too great."

Rouge pondered for a while, and she looked at the dream catcher in her hand, "Then I will take a step back, I will carve a restriction into the dream catcher, and whenever you break free from a nightmare, the dream catcher will return to you. Awaken your memory within your body, and then you can choose whether or not to enter the next nightmare."

"If you don't choose to enter, then the Dream Catcher will stop catching it, and the Dream Catcher should let you go. It's up to you, which means you can choose whether to continue the adventure or not."

"If this is the case..." Zhou Fan thought for a while, then looked at Rouge and asked, "Is this a deal?"

Zhou Fan asked, once Rouge admits, everything she said about the transaction must be without any falsehood. This is the rule set by the ship and it is a kind of protection for the boarding people.

Rouge's face became solemn: "If you agree, this is naturally a deal. If you don't get the permission of the ship, even if you capture the dream puppet, I can't let it come in here and get it."

To get things from outside in or things out of the river, only boats have that ability.

"I promise you." Zhou Fan responded, as long as he could choose whether to enter the next nightmare, he would have more room for manipulation.

He still didn't understand why a top-level existence like Rouge would be so interested in a black hatred-level dream puppet?

However, Rouge was unwilling to answer, so it was useless for him to ask.

A satisfied smile appeared on Rouge's face, and she flicked her jade finger to shoot a white light into the Dream Catcher.

This should be the ban Rouge said.

The Dream Catcher flew from Rouge's and soon disappeared into Zhou Fan's body.

"I'll send you away now and enter the nightmare." Seeing that things were done, Rouge chuckled again, "If you can live and bring the dream puppet back, then 'You Four Seasons' is yours. "

"Wait." Zhou Fan hurriedly said, "I believe you don't want me to fail. Is there any way you can reduce the difficulty of my nightmare?"

"How could there be?" Rouge smiled and flicked her fingers, the gray mist drifted towards Zhou Fan, and swirled around his body, "It's the realm of dreams, I can't get involved, whether it can survive successfully depends on you. Tolerance to terror."

The gray fog rolled around, and Zhou Fan's body had disappeared on the wooden boat.

Zhou Fan left, Rouge stepped on the deck with her foot, making a rattling sound, she smiled tenderly: "You have already done what you told me, when he brings back the dream puppet, don't forget your promise to me, Otherwise I'm not finished with you."

The wooden boat remained silent, without any response.

"Hmph, what a nasty cheapskate, he won't even say a word to me." Rouge's face showed a trace of resentment.

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