Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 296: 4 Season Dan

As for Zhou Fan's thought that the four were strange, Yan returned without rushing to make a sound, he just picked up the ice blue gourd, took a sip of wine, and pondered for a while before saying: "Actually, Yi Luan has always suspected that there is a hidden one in the city. Organised monstrous forces."

"It's just that no matter whether it is to send detectives to investigate secretly or to let the patrol team conduct a large search in the city, it is difficult to find their traces. You also know that they have a set of methods that can evade various methods such as the detection talisman. Even if you check the household registration, They can also parasitize or possess people's bodies..."

"If it weren't for this, they wouldn't be allowed to hide in the city and continue to harm the people in the city."

"I think your guess is very likely. Those four people belong to the strange forces in the city."

Yan returned to take another sip of wine, and then said with a cold face: "If it is as they said, not only did they set up eyeliner in Yiluan Division, but even the mask forces put the eyeliner into Yiluan. Si, I'm afraid Si Luan in Liangli didn't have any secrets that day."

"I'm afraid our every move is under the eyes of these two forces. The previous relocation of the three villages may have been passed on to people by one of them."

Hearing this, Zhou Fan's face also turned cold. The three villages had won a big victory in the first battle of human leg robbery, but the person who died was dead. Many people.

"Lord Yan, these two forces have to be found out as soon as possible, otherwise we will be tied down no matter what we do."

"I know this." Yan returned and raised his eyebrows, "You go back to work first, or you will have eyes on this matter today or tomorrow."

Zhou Fan said goodbye and left the room where Yan returned.

It's just that the speed at which Yan returned to catch the inner ghost was far beyond Zhou Fan's imagination.

Zhou Fan and Li Jiuyue went out to eliminate a monster, and when they came back, they heard the news that the three Si An envoys had caught two inner ghosts.

One of the two inner ghosts is a geek, and the other is a spy who has joined the Yiluan Division for more than a year.

It's a pity that both the spy and the detective died when they were arrested, leaving no clues available.

In fact, this has already been expected, and that Weird will definitely not cooperate with Yiluan Division. As for the human warrior, when he came in to be an undercover agent, he must have made a ghost oath or been banned by something or the like.

But no matter what, the inner ghost was finally eliminated.

In the evening, after Zhou Fan finished some trivial tasks, he began to practice as usual. After completing the fixed Yanyang Qi, he turned to practice "You Four Seasons" and entered the illusion of the four seasons.

After several hours of practice, he was sweating profusely before taking the second step in the illusion.

After taking the second step, Zhou Fan has reached the limit and completely separated from the illusion.

He rubbed his eyebrows. He didn't expect that the second step of the "You Four Seasons" exercise would consume so much mental and physical energy.

And this is only the second step, there are still six steps waiting for him.

According to the records of "You Four Seasons", only after completing the eight steps of spring can we break through the bottleneck and enter the middle of the speed.

Don't look at Zhou Fan taking the second step on the second day, that is because he has a solid foundation, and the next six steps are not so simple.

To take the third step, he estimates that it will take half a month to do it.

This made Zhou Fan a little silent.


The gray fog floated on the boat and slid in front of Zhou Fan.

Rouge was playing lazily. Playing with those big boxes and small boxes of gouache, she raised her head and glanced at Zhou Fan, "Congratulations on entering the speed section."

"How many gray worms do I have now?" Zhou Fan asked.

Rouge didn't answer, but the gray fog rolled, and the glass ball was stored with twenty-nine large gray worms and three small gray worms.

"If I want to catch an advanced pill that matches my current situation, how many meters do I need to advance?" Zhou Fan thought about it and asked.

"A little gray worm." Rouge quoted the price in question.

"Okay." Zhou Fan didn't hesitate, knowing that Rouge wouldn't be like a fog, giving him a chance to bargain.

"What you are doing is the teleportation-level speed stage exercise. This type of exercise is powerful and naturally difficult, and there are not many suitable medicinal pills. If you are lucky, if you advance twenty meters, there is a small probability that you will be able to catch a suitable pill for you. Yao, if you think there is a high probability, you can only advance 30 meters."

"But if you advance 30 meters, your gray worms will not be enough to use as bait. In fact, you have no choice, so you can only advance 20 meters, but..." Rouge Mei blinked, ""You Four Seasons" is me For you, I actually have the matching pills."

"It just so happens that I'm in a good mood. You give me twenty-five big gray worms, and I'll give you enough advanced Four Seasons Pills to allow you to complete the cultivation of this rank."

"Twenty-five?" Zhou Fan raised his eyebrows slightly. He traded the question. Rouge couldn't lie to him. If there is only a small chance of catching the advanced medicine pill after advancing 20 meters, then trading medicine pill with Rouge is indeed the best. s Choice.

"I heard people say that medicine is three-point poisonous. It seems that I have been taking medicine for an upgrade. Will there be any physical hidden dangers?" Zhou Fan asked with some concern.

When Rouge heard this, she burst into laughter.

"What's so funny?" Zhou Fan said speechlessly.

Rouge laughed for a while before she stopped: "I found that you are stupid in some ways. Ordinary medicinal pills may have a certain amount of toxicity, but looking at the records that the ship gave me, you are always taking the current level. The top-grade medicinal pills, if those medicinal pills can't even remove the toxicity, it will become a joke."

"As for the Four Seasons Pill I gave you, it was originally a top-grade pill prepared for a top-grade exercise like "You Four Seasons". What kind of toxicity could it have?"

"Let me tell you a little common sense. Outside is often inapplicable in Grey River space."

"But if you talk about hidden dangers, you can't say that there are no hidden dangers at all..." Rouge pondered again.

"What hidden danger?" Zhou Fan asked nervously.

"If you improve too fast, your xinxing will easily become unstable. Otherwise, you should practice slowly and hard, and your mentality will definitely be tempered very well." Rouge said with a smile, "A warrior has an unstable mentality and no perseverance, it is difficult to walk. to the highest level."

"Is it easy to be unstable?" Zhou Fan frowned slightly, "There is really no absolute benefit in this world, and you have to pay some necessary price when you get something."

"To be honest, with my talent, if I have enough time, I am confident that I can break through the bottlenecks and stand at the pinnacle of human beings without relying on medicinal pills."

Zhou Fan sighed a little.

"But the time doesn't wait for me. Where do I have so much time to cultivate slowly? It's better to wait for my lifespan to slowly hone my xinxing."

"Twenty-five big gray worms, right? I agreed."

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