Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 701: Doom is inevitable

The result of the divination points to the Holy One?

Duanmu Xiaohong trembled, and he said in a trembling voice, "Teacher, the divination may not be accurate. What connection can there be between the sage and the calamity?"

"Without the protection of the royal family of the Great Wei Li family, the Great Wei would not be able to survive two great calamities and stand still. This hexagram is too absurd."

The old man looked at the pool and said calmly: "I have solved countless hexagrams, but I don't know how to interpret this hexagram, but the royal family of the Great Wei Li family must be hiding something, this secret is related to the catastrophe, and now only the little emperor knows, this is me The reason why you keep pushing him."

"I hope he can say it. If there is any problem to solve, why do you want to be like a useless person, indulging in alcohol all day long, hiding in the turtle shell and daring to come out?"

The problem returned to the original point, Duanmu Xiaohong's back was soaked with sweat, but he understood everything.

The teacher's divination ability rarely makes mistakes, and the teacher feels uneasy... This makes Duanmu Xiaohong helpless.

He even wanted to go to the palace immediately to ask the sage to tell the secret, but he knew that the sage would not tell it, and I was afraid that no one could force it. The teacher pressed the sage several times, but the sage just chose to back down. How can it be done?

"Xiaohong, I will handle these matters. You should go back to the border to guard. In the future of the catastrophe, those two neighboring countries will not have as many countermeasures as our big Wei. Maybe there will be a war before the catastrophe..." The old man slowed down. Slow down.

Every time the catastrophe comes, I don’t know how many dynasties have disappeared in the long river of history in the catastrophe, leaving only a few words.

In order to survive, the two neighbors could do anything.

Duanmu Xiaohong was silent for a while, but he still kowtowed: "Teacher, I will return to the border right away, but before things can't be undone, Xiaohong implores the teacher to leave a chance for Shengshang and Academy, and don't let things go. "

The old man didn't answer, just watched Chi Nian eating chicken wings.

Duanmu Xiaohong couldn't help but nag. He knew that the teacher was measured, and if it wasn't for the last minute, he would not have broken with the saint.

He didn't speak any more, and left with all his worries.

A faint chill came from the pool water in winter, the old man ate the last chicken wing, and he sighed while sitting quietly.

To his eldest disciple Duanmu Xiaohong, there was actually one thing he didn't say. Divination's hexagrams showed that this time he was robbed...

Doom is inevitable.

However, the old man named Lin Wuya quickly laughed again, and the pool water also rippled with his laughter.

Laughter echoed on the winter lawns and small ponds.

Because he remembered the past two divinations about him.

The first time was many years ago. At that time, he was only a fifteen-year-old country boy, a carefree age. In that year, he met a teacher who was not his teacher. The teacher gave him a divination, saying He was doomed.

Later, he suffered a great disaster, but he survived beyond his teacher's expectations. His teacher was surprised and admitted him to the door and taught him carefully.

The second time was the divination he made when he was three hundred years old. It was also doomed. Many people died and many things happened that year, but he was lucky to survive.

Now is the third time, and his calamity overlaps with the great calamity.

"It's not impossible to escape the doom. If I can escape twice, I can escape the third time." The old man shook his head and narrowed his eyes.



Soon the time will come, no matter if you have finished or not, you are asked to stop writing.

There were many candidates in the examination room where Zhou Fan was with very bad faces, because the last domineering chrysanthemum poem was too difficult, and the proportion of the score was too large.

The exam papers were taken away by three invigilators.

After confirming that the number of test papers is correct, it was sealed in a yellow paper bag with a seal talisman attached.

After these test papers are sent into the academy, people will also paste their reputations, so that the professors of the academy will be cross-graded.

The white-haired invigilator nodded slightly, indicating that candidates can leave the examination room.

No matter how good the test is, the candidates can only pack up and leave here.

After coming out of the testing room, Zhou Fan wanted to exchange a few words with Zou Shenshen, but unfortunately Zou Shen Shen left with a cold face.

Zhou Fan shook his head helplessly, his deep wrinkled temper became more and more weird.

He walked out of the inner and outer courtyards of the academy along the corridor, and walked out of the gate of the academy. He looked around and didn't see Cao Yanfang and the three of them, so he wanted to rent a carriage by the roadside to go back to the inn.

"Big Brother Zhou." Li Chungniang saw him and walked towards him.

Next to Li Chungniang was the black-faced groom.

Many passing candidates also looked over to Zhou Fan and the others. After all, Li Chungniang's appearance was like a fairy, and it was not strange that she would attract attention.

"Insect girl." Zhou Fan stopped and smiled.

"Big Brother Zhou wants to go back to Gaoxiang City? I'll take you off." Li Chungniang asked with a smile.

"That's fine." Zhou Fan hesitated and agreed.

Zhou Fan and Li Chungniang got into the carriage together, the black-faced groom raised his whip, and the four blood dragons and horses trod tamely and walked back towards Gaoxiang City along the flow of the carriage.

"Big Brother Zhou, is there something wrong? Why didn't you open the eye talisman for the last question?" Li Chungniang asked with concern when the carriage started.

The score for writing poetry is too large. She originally wrote two poems, and she left one for Zhou Fan that she thought was good, but Zhou Fan did not open her eyes and copied her, just when the time was about the same. , she can only choose the good one.

"Nothing happened, I just saw that question, and I happened to be very excited about poetry, so I wrote a poem myself." Zhou Fan coughed lightly.

"Big Brother Zhou wrote a poem by himself?" Li Chungniang's face showed surprise, "Please forgive the rudeness, I heard in September that Big Brother Zhou was born in a small village and never read many books..."

Writing poetry is not an easy thing, it takes many years of study. After all, what is written on the test paper can't be those limericks that are circulated in the countryside. The limericks won't be on the table, and they may not be awarded a single point.

Why does Brother Li tell you, a little girl, everything? Zhou Fan was a little muttered in his but he still explained with a smile: "Actually, I was just talking nonsense, this poem is actually a poem I heard when I was a child from an old Taoist priest who lived in my village for a few days. of."

"Oops." Li Chungniang's expression changed slightly.

"What's wrong?" Zhou Fan asked.

Li Chungniang worried: "The request for writing poetry is to write it yourself. Brother Zhou, will the poem you heard have already appeared in the poetry collection? If so, it can't be hidden from the eyes of the academy teachers."

Those who can grade the papers are some old professors of the academy, and those professors are all scholars who have learned a lot. There are very few poems that appear in the poetry collection that they have not read.

It seems that this kind of poems will not only be cross-marked, but also carefully compared, and points will be given to confirm that the poems have not appeared before.

Zhou Fan smiled and said, "I think this shouldn't be a big problem."

As long as there are no people like me who came from my world, the poem I copied should never have appeared in this world, Zhou Fan thought to himself.

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