Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 709: Add 1%

A good match? Zhou Fan twitched the corners of his mouth, he smiled bitterly and said, "Insect girl, why are you suddenly talking about this?"

Li Chungniang's eyes brightened slightly and said, "Before I came out, in September, I said that Brother Zhou has not been married yet. Let me try to find a suitable woman from a good family for Brother Zhou."

"Don't listen to Brother Li's nonsense." Zhou Fan said slightly embarrassed.

"Big Brother Zhou is not too young, I think what September is reasonable, it's time to think about it." Li Chungniang gently comforted, "It doesn't mean that the fragrance must come in the night, the fragrance of the night is not suitable, then slowly look for it , will always find the right one.”

"Insect girl, I didn't expect you to take on the heavy responsibility of matchmaking when you came out this time. It's really hard for you." Zhou Fan said helplessly.

Li Chungniang smiled slightly.



"Go, find the one named Zhang An, if you live to see people die, you will see corpses!"

"Capture all the servants who have had the opportunity to come into contact with the Leisha dog and the dancing girl, and interrogate them one by one."

"Check it out for me, and do whatever it takes to check it. If the family asks, just say I said it. I will use the credit I have accumulated to mobilize the strength of the family to check it, and let the family send the most powerful spies to find out the truth for me!"

Bai Xuanyu issued a series of orders with a cold face.

To him, what happened tonight was nothing short of a great disgrace. It is estimated that when it spreads tomorrow, his Bai Xuanyu will become a joke in Gaoxiang County.

Even because the candidates from the three counties gathered here, maybe it will spread to the two counties of Juxiong and Feihe.

He must find out who is targeting him!

Zhang Li Xiaohu was also left in the manor. After Bai Xuanyu issued the order, he said indifferently, "Do you think we can still find out?"

"How do you know if you don't try?" Bai Xuanyu said in a deep voice.

Of course, Bai Xuanyu understood that this was a well-prepared game, and the purpose was not to kill him, but as long as those two geeks killed or injured the people who came to the tea party, he would be in big trouble!

Fortunately, no martial artist was injured tonight.

"Brother Zhang Li, thank you for tonight." Bai Xuanyu said sincerely.

If it wasn't for Zhang Li Xiaohu taking the lead in blocking the Baisha-level Leisha dog, the problem would have been serious.

"You're welcome." Zhang Li Xiaohu said with an expressionless face, "This tea party is held based on my reputation and your reputation. If these two monsters hurt people here or rush into other places in the city to make trouble, It's not good for me either."

"But if you want to thank me, then add money, give me 10% of the original money!"

Bai Xuanyu was slightly silent, as long as the members of the Gao Xiang family knew that Zhang Li Xiaohu of Zhang Li's family was a monster who loved money like his life, as long as he had money, he could invite Zhang Li Xiaohu. Some people joked that as long as the price was right, It can even make Zhang Li Xiaohu change his face and leave the Zhang Li family.

It's not that Zhang Li's family has no money, but Zhang Li Xiaohu still loves money very much. Even if the old man of Zhang Li's family wants him to do things, he has to pay!

Tonight, Bai Xuanyu paid Zhang Li Xiaohu to be his background. Of course, if he thought that he would be able to get along with Zhang Li Xiaohu by giving him money, he would be wrong. Such people only recognize money and not people.

So even if you add money, it's a waste of money, but Bai Xuanyu still smiled casually and said, "No problem, add 1 to get 10%."

Because if you don't pay more, you might hate Zhang Li Xiaohu.

Zhang Li Xiaohu rarely softened his face, he nodded towards Bai Xuanyu and said, "Then I'll go first, you're good, call me again if you have anything, the price is easy to negotiate."

Zhang Li Xiaohu didn't chat with Bai Xuanyu anymore, turned around and walked out. He stayed here for so long just to get Bai Xuanyu to give him more money.

Bai Xuanyu looked at Zhang Li Xiaohu's back, and he felt a little heartache. Zhang Li Xiaohu's price was too expensive, and if he added 10%, he would lose half a month's monthly money.

His face was a little gloomy, he was thinking about whether Zhang Li Xiaohu did this?

But Bai Xuanyu quickly shook his head, Zhang Li Xiaohu had such strength to do it, but Zhang Li Xiaohu never bothered to do so, at least he Bai Xuanyu had this self-knowledge, and it was not enough for Zhang Li Xiaohu to make such a plan. .

Bai Xuanyu felt a little cold in his heart. He guessed that there were only two situations in this matter. The first situation was that the incompetent peers in the family did it, and they would have more opportunities to bribe the servants.

The second situation may be done by those competitors in the A-class exam. He has enough strength to get a place in the A-class class. If those people count him, there will be one less competitor!

Who would that be?

The competitor information he had collected flashed in his mind, but there was too little information to confirm.

"We can only wait for the results of the investigation..." Bai Xuanyu sighed, "I have to be careful during this time, this time I shouldn't hold a tea party just to try to find out the news, or I won't be so nice to that person. It's time to take advantage."



The next day, news of the tea party really spread.

Well-informed candidates in Gaoxiang City have heard about this, and many candidates in Class A are stunned for this and have raised their vigilance.

Wealth and silk are heartwarming, not to mention that this is a Class A place that represents a huge cultivation resource. It is not difficult to understand that someone secretly plays tricks and reduces competitors.

More candidates use this relationship to collect information on test opponents.

The peaceful and lively Gaoxiang City has a faint trend.

Zhou Fan was also keenly aware of this, so he didn't go anywhere that day, but just stayed in the inn room to cultivate. The more time this happens, the more low-key he should be, and he won't be targeted by those in the dark.

On this day, Zhou Fan connected two more Qi meridians, and his Qi meridians reached nineteen!

As long as he is given two more days, he will be able to pass through all twenty-four qi channels and reach the perfect state of the high-level connecting channels.

But it is a pity that the results of the class A literary test will be released tomorrow, and I don’t know if the academy will hold a martial arts test on the After all, the academy only announced the results of the literary test, and said that it mentioned martial arts. The competition rules for the test, but did not bluntly say whether the martial arts test will be held immediately.

The academy strictly guards against the big exam, and refuses to disclose any information.

So we still have to do some preparations, Zhou Fan frowned and thought.

Another day passed, Zhou Fan got up early, and after having breakfast at the inn, he went out to the academy with Cao Yanfang and the three of them.

The exams of the general class and the class A exams are carried out almost simultaneously, so the results of the literary exam are announced on the same day.

Of course, it will only be known today whether the subsequent martial arts tests have the same rules.

"Brother Zhou, why do I feel so flustered?" Guan Yingfeng, who was sitting in the carriage, sighed.

Instead, Cao Yanfang and Tan Yunfei's faces were calm. They both did well in the exam, so they showed enough confidence now.

"What's the use of panic now?" Cao Yanfang said angrily.

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