Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 714: Huayuan Dan and 9 Spirit Rings

Compared with ordinary martial artists, Zhou Fan is considered rich even in terms of profound coins, but he is far worse than those merchants from aristocratic families.

And the gray worms are so few now that he can't even fish.

But asking a powerful warrior to be his squire would definitely be impossible without money, so now he must first identify the three bottles of unknown medicinal pills in his hand and break the restrictions in the wooden box to see if these are garbage or treasures.

Soon the talisman stopped at a shop called Wanbao Pavilion.

Zhou Fan and Li Chungniang got off the talisman, and Liu Sanhuo followed behind them both.

The Wanbaoge shop mainly sells medicinal herbs and talismans, and it is a large shop in the city.

But it does not belong to any aristocratic family in Gaoxiang City. Even the five major families in Gaoxiang City dare not make it difficult for Wanbao Pavilion, because Wanbao Pavilion has a lot of background, and there are semicolon shops in every county in Xiaoleizhou.

Even the five great families of Gaoxiang City do not know who is behind it, only that it has a profound background.

Of course, Wanbao Pavilion is also very low-key, and the rent that should be paid will not be less.

The shopkeeper of Wanbaoge shop came out of the counter soon, and he bowed to Liu Sanhuo: "Master."

As for Li Chungniang and Zhou Fan, the shopkeeper did not know each other, but he still saluted them.

Zhou Fan was a little surprised. He didn't expect Liu Sanhuo, the groom, to be the owner of Wanbao Pavilion.

However, he quickly realized that this owner should be taking care of Gaoxiang County's business for Jiuyue or Zongniang's family.

"Let Master Zhang and Master Huang come over." Liu Sanhuo nodded slightly.

The shopkeeper of Wanbao Pavilion responded quickly, and then asked the apprentices in the store to bring Liu Sanhuo and the three into the best reception room.

Not long after the three of Zhou Fan entered the room, the shopkeeper of Wanbao Pavilion brought two old men over.

"Master Zhang is the most powerful alchemy master in Wanbao Pavilion, while Master Huang is good at drawing talismans and breaking restrictions." Liu Sanhuo introduced to Zhou Fan.

"Brother Zhou, we'll wait for you outside." Li Chungniang stood up and said after Liu Sanhuo finished her introduction.

What Zhou Fan is going to do may involve her own secrets, so it is inconvenient for her to stay.

"Alright." Zhou Fan nodded.

"Master Zhang, Master Huang, Young Master Zhou is a distinguished guest of our Wanbao Pavilion. Just say what he asks, and don't hide anything." Liu Sanhuo warned worriedly.

"Don't worry, owner." Master Zhang replied with a smile.

Soon Li Chungniang, Liu Sanhuo, and the shopkeeper of Wanbao Pavilion withdrew and closed the door for Zhou Fan and the others.

Zhou Fan took out three bottles of medicinal pills and handed them to Master Zhang, and handed the wooden box to Master Huang before he said, "I want to know what medicinal pills those three bottles are, what the ban on the wooden box is and whether it can be broken?"

Master Zhang and Master Huang sat down and carefully studied the things in their hands.

After a while, Master Zhang's hands trembled a little. He closed the stopper and handed the medicinal pill back to Zhou Fan. He remembered the owner's advice, so he refrained from asking the origin of the medicinal pill, but said: " These three bottles are all the same kind of Yuan Hua Dan medicine, which should be Yin attribute Hua Yuan Dan medicine, the quality is not low, and it is very precious."

"Is Yuan Hua Dan medicine..." Zhou Fan's face became a little subtle.

He had vaguely heard that the Huayuan elixir was used only after entering the Taoist realm from the martial realm. The mysterious owner of the carriage he killed had already surpassed the warrior realm, and it seemed that he was in the first realm of the Taoist realm.

There are a total of twenty-two pills in the three bottles.

Zhou Fan thought for a while, then nodded and put away the three bottles of Yuan Hua Dan.

Master Zhang's eyes showed a look of envy. Even if the Wanbao Pavilion in Gaoxiang County did not have this kind of medicine, he could not refine it.

Master Huang kept looking at the wooden box. Even though Master Zhang and Zhou Fan mentioned such a precious medicinal pill, he did not raise his head to look at it.

After waiting for a while, Master Huang sighed and shook his head: "Young Master Zhou, this wooden box uses the rune restriction of the Nine Spirit Rings. Without the key, if I want to break the ban on the wooden box, I only have a 100% certainty that if I fail, the contents of the wooden box will be destroyed immediately.”

"Young Master Zhou still asks Gao Ming. This wooden box can only be broken if it is strong and proficient in rune restrictions."

Zhou Fan frowned slightly when he heard it. He suspected that the contents in the wooden box were more precious compared to the Yuan Hua pills, but the Master Fu Lu in front of him couldn't get rid of it, so he had to think of another way.

Zhou Fan opened the door and asked Li Chungniang to come in.

Zhou Fan took the initiative to say: "The elixir I identified just now is the Yuanhua elixir, and there is a wooden box, but the ban on the wooden box cannot be broken for the time being, let's not talk about it."

Hearing that it was a Huayuan elixir, the shopkeeper's eyes lit up, but he cautiously did not speak, but looked at his owner Liu Sanhuo.

Liu Sanhuo's face was calm, Li Chungniang was here, but it was not his turn to be the master.

"What do you want Big Brother Zhou to do?" Li Chungniang asked.

"I want to sell these three bottles of Yuan Hua Dan medicine to Wanbao Pavilion, but Zongniang, I don't want you and Brother Li to suffer." Zhou Fan smiled and said.

Zhou Fan was not worried that Li Chungniang would lower the purchase price, but was worried that she would raise the price.

"Brother Zhou, don't worry, it won't affect the relationship between you and us, Lao Liu, you are in business." Li Chungniang glanced at Liu Sanhuo and said.

Liu Sanhuo nodded slightly. He looked at the shopkeeper and said, "How much is this Yuan Hua Dan medicine worth? You are all friends even if you say a real price, so don't make false claims."

"Yes, the owner." The shopkeeper walked aside and discussed with the Master Zhang.

Soon the two of them walked back, and the shopkeeper said: "Zhou Gongzi, our Wanbao Pavilion will pay 11,000 Xuan coins for this Huayuan Pill. According to our boss's instructions, this is the real price. If Zhou Gongzi doesn't believe it, you can go. If you look at other stores, they will charge this price even if they are willing to pay a premium."

11,000 profound coins, Zhou Fan has 22, that is 242,000 profound coins, he twitched the corners of his mouth, he knew that the Yuanhua pill was but he didn't Thought it would be so valuable.

This is also the reason why he has never brought medicinal pills to sell before. I don't know how expensive medicinal pills are, especially since they are Taoist medicinal pills.

"Very good, that's the price." Zhou Fan believed that Li Chungniang's subordinates would not dare to lie to him about this kind of thing, so he had no intention of bargaining.

Zhou Fan handed three bottles of medicinal pills to the shopkeeper.

The shopkeeper carefully handed the elixir to Master Zhang, and he smiled: "Does Zhou Gongzi want a silver note or a medicinal elixir of equal value?"

242,000 profound coins, of course, it is impossible to ask for profound coins, it can only be exchanged for silver notes or medicinal herbs of the same value.

Zhou Fan directly asked for a bank note, and with this money, he could be considered to have the confidence to hire powerful warriors as squires.

"Chong Niang, if you want to find a squire, you must do it as soon as possible. Don't forget that there are many candidates who come from other places like you in this big exam. They may not really come with powerful experts. That will definitely target the few powerful warriors in the High Elephant City." Zhou Fan reminded the bug girl before leaving.

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