Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 716: free limit

The copper frog Zhou Fan with his eyes closed on the table certainly recognized it.

The copper frog is a very special kind of black tour-level monster. It can detect the true qi of a warrior, which is more accurate than measuring qi beads.

Therefore, some forces specially capture copper frogs to check the level of warriors.

The amount of true qi in a warrior varies, so it is difficult to accurately determine the realm of a warrior, but the copper frog can do it, which is also the value of the copper frog.

Usually, the copper frog needs to be placed in an all-copper environment, so that it will fall into a state of dormancy.

Zhou Fan stretched out an index finger and placed it beside the mouth of the copper frog.

The copper frog's mouth opened slightly, biting Zhou Fan's index finger, and the infuriating energy of the index finger overflowed.

The whole copper frog seems to be inflated, its body swells rapidly, its eyes suddenly open, and the all-white eyes change from white to yellow, from green, blue, blue...

The color continued to change until the eyeballs turned purple, and Zhou Fan stopped his infuriating output.

"Purple-eyed copper frog, this kind of true qi really is only available to even martial artists." Yuan Liwei's eyes showed a strange color, and he quickly said with a smile.

Zhou Fan has this level of infuriating energy, even if it is not a linking segment, it can be treated as a linking segment.

Zhou Fan retracted his fingers.

The copper frog's eyes quickly turned white, and just as it was about to jump, the martial artist next to him quickly closed the box, locked it, and took it away.

Yuan Liwei looked at Zhou Fan, he smiled gently and said, "Inspector Zhou, the squire's office will try their best to find it for you, and promise to find two warriors in the martial arts section as your squires."

Yuan Liwei knew in his heart that Zhou Fan became a Lianmai martial artist at such a young age, and he was definitely a target worthy of training. His future prospects were limitless, and such a martial artist needed to be treated well now.

"Can I only find warriors in the martial arts section?" Zhou Fan frowned slightly.

"Then I'll think of a way." Seeing Zhou Fan's dissatisfaction, Yuan Liwei thought about it and made up his mind: "I will ask the four adults for instructions and let them think of sending a martial artist with martial arts to Zhou Inspector."

After Wu Shi Duan is Wu Shi Duan, even if it is only one realm away, but in terms of strength, Wu Shi Duan is almost impossible to defeat Wu Shi Duan!

Martial arts practitioners in the martial arts section are absolutely rare in Gaoxiangyi Luan's mansion. You must know that as long as the strength reaches the link section, it has already reached the threshold of Siping envoy.

Few of the Siping envoys in the five townships of Gaoxiang County have reached the martial arts level.

But Zhou Fan still frowned and did not stretch out. Yuan Liwei smiled bitterly when he saw this: "My Lord Zhou, this martial arts section is already the limit that our Yiluan government can send, are you still not satisfied?"

"I believe that too many candidates may not be able to find Wu Shi Duan as their squire."

Zhou Fan shook his head and said: "Master Yuan, how can we only compare with ordinary martial artists, martial arts martial artists are strong, but I believe that those big families will not just send martial arts martial artists to **** their disciples, I am determined In the A-class class, the martial arts level is still too low for me."

"Especially when I took the first place in the test this time, I don't know how many people have been eyeing me, and they want to get rid of me." Zhou Fan said with a heavy face: "Don't mention one martial arts...even if it's two Martial Consciousness Duan, I'm afraid it won't work either."

Yuan Liwei rubbed his forehead lightly and said with a headache: "You are right, but this is not for me to shirk, but it is really difficult. You go back first and let me discuss it with the four adults."

If Zhou Fan can enter the Class A, it will definitely be a good thing for the Yiluan Division, but the Yiluan Division is different from other forces, and the binding force on the warrior is too small. It is a big loss for Yiluansi.

Therefore, Division Yiluan will have a system for cultivating warriors, but it is mainly a reward system for accumulating merit points. If Division Yiluan wants to pay too much price, Division Yiluan will definitely not be happy.

This is also one of the reasons why very few Yiluan martial artists can be admitted to the Class A class.

Zhou Fan and Yuan Liwei knew about this, Yuan Liwei even felt that unless Zhou Fan was willing to make a new ghost oath to serve Yiluan Division for a few more years, and it was the kind that could not be separated, or Yiluan Si Cai is willing to pay a higher price to help Zhou Fan.

But don't rush to tell Zhou Fan about these matters, Yuan Liwei still has to discuss with the four adults first to see how to deal with it.

Zhou Fan also knew that the limit of Yiluan's willingness to help him for free was to send him a martial arts section. That is the four towns making the Lord the strongest, right?"

Yuan Liwei looked at Zhou Fan speechlessly: "Of course, but the four adults are busy with official business, and they are not afraid to tell the truth, it is basically impossible for you to ask the four adults to come forward as your off-road test squires."

"Of course I know it's impossible for free." Zhou Fan coughed softly: "What if I'm willing to pay a certain price?"

Yuan Liwei's eyes lit up immediately, he was still thinking about how to make the conditions suitable, but Zhou Fan took the initiative to say it, it saved him trouble, he immediately said: "If Zhou Inspector is willing to sign with Yiluan Division With a ten-year death appointment, the four adults will definitely be willing to do anything to cultivate Zhou Inspector, and it will be very easy for one of the adults to accompany Zhou Inspector on a cross-country test."

In the Yiluan Division, it is not only a political achievement to eliminate the slander, but also to discover and cultivate talents. If a talented warrior like Zhou Fan is willing to sign a ten-year death contract with the Yiluan Division, this political achievement is definitely not small. , it also has a lot of temptation for people of this level of the four towns.

What is a death covenant?

That is, if the Yiluan Division does not agree to cancel, the warrior who signed the ten-year death contract can only continue to serve in the Yiluan Division until the end of the service period!

A ten-year death contract, I'm stupid to sign it with you... Zhou Fan twitched his mouth and said, "I'm not talking about a death contract. I wonder if Sir Yuan can see the merits I made in the Yiluan Division?"

"Of course you Your information has already been copied by Luoshui Township and transferred to us." Yuan Liwei was slightly startled and said, "But I haven't read it in detail, Zhou inspector means that Do you want to use the merit points to exchange the four towns' envoys to be your off-road test squires?"

"That's what I meant." Zhou Fan nodded lightly.

In the disaster of Nianmao, Zhou Fan was the first to discover Nianmare and then led a team to kill a lot of nightmare spirits. His credit was even greater than that of Gu Yuquan and the others, and he accumulated a lot of merit points.

"This..." Yuan Liwei asked curiously: "How many merit points do you have? If you want to use the merit points to invite four adults to take action, it will be a sky-high price. Do you have enough merit points?"

"Master Yuan, if the four adults don't take action, then it should at least send me a martial artist. Now I don't want a martial artist. Should the four adults charge me cheaper?" Zhou Fan again Is to speak.

"Even if it's cheap, it's still a sky-high price." Yuan Liwei said silently.

"How much is it?" Zhou Fan asked.

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