Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 721: The connection is complete

"Then are you going to find the squire by yourself?" Zhongtian asked again with concern.

Du Ni was stunned and said: "Teacher, of course, the academy sent experts to protect me from participating in the cross-country test. The academy didn't send experts, so why should I find it myself?"

"I'm also a secret disciple who was painstakingly cultivated by the Gaoxiang Academy. Don't you even send me two masters? Am I so unprofessional?"

"Teacher, what you said is really chilling..."

Zhongtian said helplessly: "Du Ni, you are good at everything, but you are too straight! When did I say that the academy would not send squires to you? I just asked casually to see if you are ready to be self-reliant? Tian Xingjian, a gentleman is self-improvement..."

"It's good that the academy sends squires to me." Du Ni interrupted with a sigh of relief: "Who is the academy going to send to **** me? It would be great if the teacher could go, but the teacher said that you won't go!"

Zhongtian twitched the corner of his mouth and said, "Your face is not big enough for me to be your squire, even if it is temporary, I will let two Qi Gang professors accompany you to participate, right?"

"Qi Gang Duan... Okay." Du Ni smiled, but his smile quickly subsided and asked, "Teacher, I still don't know something."

"tell me the story."

"If you say that the exam is because the Class A class is in the academy, and my generation is a scholar, it makes sense, but why do you have to do a background test like the cross-country test?" Du Ni said solemnly: "I don't believe you are against those What the candidates said, at least that's not the whole reason."

"Why did the saint design such a test?"

Zhongtian was silent for a while and said: "Teacher has a reason for doing this, I can't tell you too specific for the time being, you will understand later, this year's class A exam is called the strongest one, and the above is looking for Not just talented geniuses."

"This genius has to have enough connections and financial resources. It's completely reasonable to do so."

"Is it reasonable?" Du Ni's face showed doubts.



Everyone is trying to find their own entourage or try to form a team.

The powerful warriors in Gaoxiang City have also become in demand. In the circle of warriors, it is rumored from time to time that a certain powerful warrior has become a squire of a certain candidate.

In order to enter the Grade A class, the candidates are willing to go bankrupt.

Even Cao Yanfang, Tan Yunfei, and Guan Yingfeng came to Zhou Fan and asked if Zhou Fan was short of money and they could help Zhou Fan.

Zhou Fan had already found his entourage, and he declined the kindness of the three Cao Yanfang.

Of course, not to mention Cao Yanfang and Tan Yunfei, even Guan Yingfeng didn't ask who Zhou Fan had hired as his squire.

The less people know about this, the better.

After Zhou Fan found a squire, in order to avoid extracurricular troubles, he just went to find Li Chungniang once and told Chungniang that he had found a squire, so that she no longer had to worry about it.

After that, Zhou Fan had been hiding in the inn to cultivate, spending two days taking Yiqi Pill, and he finally hooked up with the twenty-four meridians of the Qi orifice.

All the twenty-four meridians were opened, and the true qi was continuously generated in the twenty-four meridians, as majestic as twenty-four galloping rivers.

Zhou Fan visualized it for a while, and the martial seeds of the twenty-four energy channels were full of vitality, forming a towering giant tree with lush branches.

This is the martial arts seed of the dead wood stance. Once you step into the martial arts stage, the martial arts seed will break out of the ground and quickly grow into a real stance!

The higher the rank of a martial artist, the more difficult it is to fight. For example, a martial artist who has mastered the martial arts will easily be crushed by the martial arts.

For Zhou Fan, it was time to consider the matter of Wu Shi Duan.

"If you can, it's best to step into the martial arts stage tomorrow." Zhou Fan thought to himself, he did not expect that his entry would be so fast, and the connection stage would be completed so quickly.

But he soon felt a faint headache again, because he had few grey worms left, which was the reason why he never asked Zhao Yazhu about Wu Shi Duan.

Zhou Fan pondered these things, and at night, after he completed his daily practice, he lay down to sleep and entered the Grey River space.

On the wooden boat, it goes without saying that Chufu has always been there, and Zhao Yazhu is here tonight, she is still learning embroidery.

Zhou Fan first looked at Qifu and asked, "How many gray worms have you collected?"

Qifu didn't answer, but turned her face, her small mouth moved slightly, cursing Zhou Fan in her heart.

Seeing that the awkward little girl didn't answer, Zhou Fan looked at Zhao Yazhu and said, "Miss Zhao, I want to see two gray worms with glass balls."

Zhao Yazhu didn't lift her head, and two glazed glass **** condensed out of the gray fog.

Zhou Fan's glass ball only had less than 200 large gray worms, but there were quite a few large gray worms in Qifu's glass ball.

Zhao Yazhu raised his head and glanced at the two glazed balls: "Yours is still the original 196 large gray worms, and the little guy has 6,325 large gray worms."

Zhou Fan's brows stretched, and he smiled at Chifu: "Yes, when you have enough 8,000 big gray worms, you can get the "Nine Furnace Deflagration Technique" from me."

It is really not slow for Chefu to accumulate the number of large gray worms. In just a few days, more than 6,000 large gray worms have been collected. In a few days, they should be able to collect 8,000 large gray worms.

This assistant is still very fast in accumulating the Great Grey Worm, no wonder he can become an assistant.

Chu Fu just snorted coldly, she was very entangled in her heart, she needed the best practice technique like "Nine Furnace Deflagration Technique", but she didn't want Zhou Fan to get a lot of gray worms from her.

Zhou Fan ignored Chufu, but thought about it and said to Zhao Yazhu, "I want to know about Wu Shi Duan."

"It takes fifty big gray worms." Zhao Yazhu thought for a while.

"No problem." Zhou Fan agreed. After all, this is a big problem, and Zhao Yazhu's price is reasonable.

Zhao Yazhu stabbed the embroidery needle on her hand, and she waved her hand, attracting Zhou Fan's glass ball, and deducting fifty large gray worms from it.

"Do you want to audition? Eighty gray worms are required to Zhou Fan glanced at Qifu Road.

"Didn't I only need thirty big gray worms last time?" Chifu asked slightly startled.

"The realm is higher this time, and the price is of course different. Didn't you see that Miss Zhao's price went up?" Zhou Fan laughed.

Zhao Yazhu sneered: "You can't be too shameless, your price is higher than mine."

"That's different. You promised me that the price was reasonable, but I didn't promise her. What's wrong with a proper promotion?" Zhou Fan said with reason.

Qifu said bitterly, "I listen."

"Miss Zhao, please move the gray worm for me." Zhou Fan nodded slightly when he saw this.

This was what Zhao Yazhu had promised Zhou Fan. She just waved lazily and transferred the thirty gray worms that had eaten the glass ball to Zhou Fan.

"Can I say it?" Zhao Yazhu asked impatiently after doing this.

"Of course." Zhou Fan raised his eyebrows.

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