Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 724: The Story of the Weird Sea

"That is a truly boundless ocean." Zhao Yazhu said.

"If the sea is endless? Wouldn't it be impossible to get out of it?" Zhou Fan couldn't help interrupting.

"Boundless doesn't mean that you can't get out." Zhao Yazhu said indifferently: "As for how to get out, each cultivator uses a different method, but this has nothing to do with the martial arts section. If you want to know, give me five Hundreds of grey worms."

I don't know where the Weihai is, and I definitely can't use those ways to escape... Zhou Fan thought while saying: "You also know, unless I misappropriate the big gray worm of Qifu, how can I find you five hundred Big gray worm, you should continue to tell me martial arts."

"The Weihai Sea is not only as simple as Boundless. If you enter it, there will be many strange dangers. Even me, it will feel very difficult. It simulates the martial power of the Weihai Sea. At least I don't have any martial power that can be compared with it in the world. I've seen it." Zhao Yazhu shook his head and said, "It doesn't make much sense to tell you specifically, because you can't afford it."

"How much do you want for 'The Weird Sea'?" Zhou Fan asked with a tug at the corner of his mouth.

Zhao Yazhu hesitated and said, "I want 30,000 big gray worms."

30,000 Great Grey Worms? Zhou Fan's expression became subtle, and the price was even cheaper than he expected.

Previously, Zhao Yazhu had 24,000 big gray worms in his hand to cultivate the joint pulse technique that could cultivate the seeds of martial arts.

A book of martial arts that is known as the No. 1 martial art actually only needs 30,000 Great Grey Worms?

Zhou Fan's bottom line was 50,000 gray worms.

Chifu also showed surprise, because she also felt cheap.

"Do you think it's cheap?" Zhao Yazhu seemed to see what Zhou Fan was thinking, she sneered: "It's not because I was so kind, and it's not because you caught the Lianmai section before that I lowered the price, and It's not easy to cultivate in 'The Weird Sea'."

"What do you mean by not easy?" Zhou Fan asked with a slight frown.

Zhao Yazhu didn't want to tell Zhou Fan, but it seems that this kind of transaction is limited by the rules made by the ship, so she must tell the flaws in the transaction, she patiently said: ""Curious Sea" has a unique way, which can make the martial artist become unique. The Wei Hai Shi is known as the best in the world, and the refinement of True Qi is even more difficult to achieve than other martial arts, but it is also the most difficult to cultivate."

"It's good that you can't get started with this exercise, but some warriors died suddenly."

Explosive death? Cold sweat broke out on Zhou Fan's forehead, "How high is the death rate from body explosion?"

Zhao Yazhu glanced at Zhou Fan, she recalled and said: "The ancestor of the sect said that among the 100 disciples in the sect, there are about 50 who could not enter the school, 45 who exploded, and only 5 who succeeded by luck. "

Forty-five percent mortality rate! Zhou Fan almost wanted to scold someone, he resisted and asked, "Will the ancestor be fooling you?"

Zhao Yazhu sneered and said: "Even if it is the first martial art, it is only a martial art, no matter how bold they are, they would not dare to lie to me for the martial art, and based on my later research on the "Beautiful Sea" art. , what the old man said was true."

"Okay, I have already told you what I have to say. If you claim to be talented, you might want to take a gamble. Thirty thousand grey worms can be exchanged from me for "Dreadful Sea". If you don't want to, then here I am. There are also the fourth and fifth Wu Shi Duan exercises."

"The cultivation of these two exercises is not as dangerous as 'Beautiful Sea'. The fifth exercise will charge you 40,000 big gray worms, and the fourth 50,000 big gray worms will not accept bargaining."

Zhou Fan was silent. The fifth and fourth were more expensive than the first, obviously because the first was too dangerous.

Although he is very envious of the first martial arts "Beautiful Sea", but with such a high mortality rate, he took such a big risk when his mind was flooded.

"What's the reason for the high mortality rate of the exercises in "The Weird Sea"?" Zhou Fan still wanted to figure out one thing. If it really doesn't work, he can only give up.

"I want to know too." Zhao Yazhu frowned and said she didn't know either, "If you knew the reason, the sect might have already solved this problem. Those who died of body explosions died before they had time to speak, but I Guess it has something to do with the sea."

"Isn't this a practice created by taking inspiration from the Weihai Sea? What does it have to do with the Weihai Sea?" Zhou Fan felt that Zhao Yazhu's idea was too bizarre.

A sneer appeared on Zhao Yazhu's face: "Do you think this is just a martial art that simulates the Weihai Sea, and it has nothing to do with the Weihai Sea? The existence of the Weihai Sea is a very strange thing, and it cannot be guessed by common sense."

"Maybe it can sense that cultivators are imitating it, and thus kill those cultivators in a very distant place."

Zhou Fan snorted and was speechless for a while, this "Curious Sea" is too weird and dangerous, it is better not to choose it, but at this moment his face changed slightly.

Zhao Yazhu was keenly aware of it, but she didn't take it to heart, thinking that Zhou Fan was just measuring, she picked up the hand stretcher again and practiced her embroidery.

"If I want the "Curious Sea" exercise, can it be cheaper?" Zhou Fan asked after a tangle on his face.

"Do you really dare to cultivate?" Zhao Yazhu looked at Zhou Fan in surprise: "This is nearly half of the death rate, you are dying."

Chofu's face darkened. She is now connected to Zhou Fan's life. If Zhou Fan dies while practicing "Curious Sea", she will be buried with her.

It's just that Chufu knows that even if she opens her mouth, Zhou Fan won't change her mind because of I'm naturally sure, and besides, Miss Zhao hates me, even if I die unfortunately, I think this will be a good thing for Miss Zhao. Does it matter? "Zhou Fan said with a smile.

"I hate you, but it doesn't do me any good if you die." Zhao Yazhu raised his thick eyebrows slightly: "You and I still have a possession agreement, of course, the possession agreement is only when the Hidden Thread Skull appears and you want my help. It is an agreement that can be voided at any time.”

"However, I won't stop you if you want to practice." Zhao Yazhu pondered for a while and said, "But the price of 'Beautiful Sea' will not change again. If you want it, then exchange it for 30,000 Great Grey Worms."

Zhou Fan hesitated.

"I can tell you, I don't know if there will be a "Dreadful Sea" in the Grey River, but even if there is, you have to advance the boat at least 200 meters before you have the chance to catch it, and you will catch a fish when you advance 200 meters. It takes more than 16,000 big gray worms, so my price is definitely not high." Zhao Yazhu added again.

Zhou Fan quickly looked at Zhao Yazhu and said, "I don't have so many big gray worms now. Last time you had 30,000 big gray worms, you could exchange me for a chance to possess one, and my chance of being possessed will be available soon. I will use this possession opportunity to exchange the "Beautiful Sea" exercise with you, do you want to exchange it?"

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