Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 726: Creepy Conch

"The surface of the river? A silver-white fishing rod?" Zhao Yazhu asked in surprise, "Is that all?"

"That's enough." Zhou Fan said with a smile, "It means that the answer lies at the bottom of the river."

"You have to remember that my agreement with you is to know clearly about the problems in 'Dreadful Sea', or else I won't give you 5,000 Great Grey Worms." Zhao Yazhu said with a cold face.

"Don't worry, you will always know." Zhou Fan glanced at Qifu again and said: "Since you have decided to exchange the "Nine Furnace Deflagration Skill", then I will borrow your big gray worm in advance. problem?"

"I don't agree." Chifu coldly refused.

"You kid..." Zhou Fan said with a chuckle, "I'm just asking politely, I'll use it if you don't agree."

Chifu gritted her teeth, she knew she couldn't stop Zhou Fan, and in the end she didn't say anything.

Zhao Yazhu knocked on the table next to her, and the gray mist condensed and turned into seven fishing rods. She sneered: "Even if you use the little guy's big gray worm, it's just a fishing opportunity, you can confirm it once. Fishing for the solution to "Dream Sea"?"

"Always try." Zhou Fan walked over and picked up the silver-white fishing rod.

If there is no boat prompt, he may choose a dark gray fishing rod to try his luck, after all, a dark gray fishing rod can catch twice with one bait.

Zhou Fan is also a little curious, why is it a silver fishing rod?

The silver-white fishing rod is an utensil fishing rod. Could it be that the problem of solving the problem of "Dream Sea" lies in the utensils?

Zhou Fan, who walked to the side of the boat, didn't think much about it, because it was just a fishing opportunity, he might not be able to catch it, no matter how much he thought about it, it was useless.

He was not in a hurry to fish but prayed with words.

Zhao Yazhu's face darkened slightly. She remembered what she caught when she was fishing and praying last time, but she didn't scold her, because she couldn't afford to lose this person.

After Zhou Fan finished praying, he flicked his fishing rod, and the silver-white fishing line appeared and fell into the Gray River.

Just three breaths time, the fishing line sinks and immediately tightens.

Zhou Fan hurriedly mentioned the fishing rod, and the end of the fishing line scattered in the shape of eight claws grabbed a square blue lacquered wooden box.

The fishing line swayed back with the wooden box, Zhou Fan grabbed the wooden box, Zhao Yazhu and Qifu's eyes fell on the wooden box, they were very curious if Zhou Fan had caught the solution to "The Weird Sea"?

Zhou Fan opened the wooden box, only to find that there was a conical screw inside, with a conical tip and a spiral shell with jet black stripes.

"What is this?" Zhou Fan observed with the conch.

The corners of Zhao Yazhu's eyes jumped, she came over and said, "Show me."

Zhou Fan hurriedly handed it over, he glanced at the wooden box again, the wooden box was empty, and there was nothing left.

Zhao Yazhu carefully identified it for a while, and her face showed surprise. She thought for a while and said, "If you want to know, I need 20 large gray worms for the identification fee, is it alright?"

"Okay." Zhou Fan agreed. Without Zhao Yazhu's identification, he wouldn't be able to know about it by himself.

He was a little uneasy in his heart. After fishing, 4,096 big gray worms disappeared. Don't catch any garbage.

"I'm not sure if this thing can solve the problem of the 'Turky Sea' exercise, but this thing is indeed related to the Twisted Sea." Zhao Yazhu said slowly after collecting 20 large gray worms: "This magic snail comes from the depths of the seabed. It is also known as the Strange Conch."

"I remember that this conch is not very useful. Even a cultivator who can reach the sea, it is difficult to dive into the depths of the sea to obtain the sea snail. It is also dangerous when it is alive."

Zhao Yazhu frowned slightly when she said this, and she looked at the conch in her hand: "This conch has been specially refined, and dozens of layers of rune prohibition are inscribed on it, and it has become a tool."

"Can you see its use?" Zhou Fan asked.

"It seems to be a kind of rhythm rune." Zhao Yazhu whispered to herself, she picked up the strange conch, and blew her mouth against the tip of the snail.

The sound of the snail was thick and loud, and it reverberated on the boat. A circle of golden sound waves spread in the conch snail, and soon it turned into a golden circle of light that enveloped Zhao Yazhu.

Zhou Fan and Qifu both looked at them with surprise.

Zhao Yazhu stopped playing, she just calmly looked at the golden circle of light that enveloped her like a bubble.

There are runes faintly appearing on the golden circle of light.

Zhao Yazhu observed it for a while, and she tutted her tongue in surprise and said, "This is a special instrument, as long as it is played, even an ordinary person can activate it. strength."

"I didn't expect a monk to discover the purpose of the conch. The golden circle of light played by the rune seems to be able to block some evil ravings, but the more specific is unknown. These are what I know."

Zhou Fan suddenly said: "Just now, the boat said that as long as you play the quirky sea conch, and then practice the "Bad Sea" exercise in it, you are not afraid of the situation of exploding and dying. It said that those monks who practiced "Break Sea" died because they heard Caused by the erosion of the roar of the waves from the treacherous sea."

Zhao Yazhu touched the circle of light lightly, and the circle of light shattered like a flat mirror. She nodded and said, "So that's how it is."

Zhao Yazhu's face was a little unsightly, she returned the conch to Zhou Fan, because she knew the problems in "Bad Sea", but to solve this problem, it was necessary to use the conch, with her knowledge, and the talisman of the conch. I wrote down all the texts, and it is not difficult to refine a conch utensil.

But she is on the boat now and can't find the wormy conch. If she can go out, why is she refining the wormy conch? Then she won't have to deal with the boarding people.

In the end, the deal was a loss.

But Zhao Yazhu had no choice but to go back on it. She could only hold her face down, summon Zhou Fan's glass ball, and press her fat palm on the glass ball.

She didn't stop until there were 5,000 more large gray worms in the glass ball, and took out a silver square box from the gray fog and threw it to Zhou Fan.

Zhou Fan quickly caught it, he opened it with a grin, and found that there was a book inside the box, and the word "Strange Sea" was written in blood on the black cover of the book.

Zhou Fan solved the problem of cultivation in "Strange Sea" Of course, Zhao Yazhu is willing to hand over the "Strange Sea" exercise to Zhou Fan in advance, and then he will get a chance to possess himself.

Don't talk about Zhou Fan, even Zhao Yazhu didn't suspect that the boat was lying, there was no need for the boat to lie about this kind of thing.

It wasn't long after he took a lot of time to get the "Dreadful Sea", Zhou Fan's time was up, his figure quickly disappeared on the boat, and soon the two blue and silver boxes on the boat were also dissipating.

Since the previous failure, Chefu just watched the items belonging to Zhou Fan disappear and never made any attempt.

"Why did the ship help him like this?" Chifu asked with a frown.

She had heard from Zhao Yazhu before that the boat never cared about the relationship between the boarding person and the guide, but since she got on the boat, it was completely different from what Zhao Yazhu said. If the boat had not helped a few times, Zhao Yazhu would not have downwind.

"How do I know this?" Zhao Yazhu said with a stern face, she was also puzzled by this.

The attitude of the boat is something Zhao Yazhu has never seen before.

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