Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 737: ice forest

The ghost burial coffin is very similar to the ghost burial in the mouth of Heilong, and the ghost burial is a strange thing that can bury the top powerhouse!

Even the top powerhouses are very difficult to deal with!

Therefore, Zhou Fan is not sure what level the ghost burial coffin is in, but it is definitely not only the brutal level!

"What should I do now?" Gu Yan asked, feeling a little troubled.

"Should Master Huang and Teacher Gu leave first?" Zhou Fan said with a wry smile.

Zhou Fan was very worried in his heart. He knew that the ghost burial coffin appeared, probably because of the bad luck of his lifeless person, and this cross-country trial might have great danger waiting for him!

That's why he persuaded Huang Bujue and Gu Yan to go first.

"Just because of it?" Huang Bujue chuckled and said, "Zhou Fan, we agreed not to work hard for you, but it's not time to evacuate yet."

"Yeah, I left for a strange and unprovoked joke, then I'm ashamed that I received your money." Gu Yan laughed.

What I worry about is not the ghost burial coffin, but the possible danger ahead, but I can't tell you about the lifeless people and the ghost burial... Zhou Fan said helplessly and politely: "This ghost burial coffin last time, although He didn't do anything to me, but at that time, I was not high enough to encounter a strange attack that was extremely powerful to me."

"I almost died that time, so I suspect that it will follow me again, and maybe something extremely dangerous will happen."

"Okay, you don't need to say it." Huang Bujue waved his hand and said with disdain: "Where do you think this is? This is the Thousand Illusionary Snow Mountain. Isn't it normal to be in danger? We just came in with you, If you are mentally prepared for danger, if you are greedy for life and afraid of death, would you dare to come with you?"

"..." Zhou Fan was speechless for a moment, he decided not to persuade the two anymore, Huang Bujue's realm was higher than him, and if they had to evacuate, they would naturally leave.

"We don't have to worry about you, you just need to protect yourself." Gu Yan also smiled: "What do we do with the ghost burial coffin now?"

"Let it go." Zhou Fan thought about it seriously: "If it likes to follow along, if it dares to attack us, we will fight it. If we can win, we will run away."

Said so, but Zhou Fan knew in his heart that the ghost burial coffin should not be shot. As long as the danger brought by the fate of the lifeless person passes, it will leave like last time.

In fact, the appearance of the ghost burial coffin also has an advantage, that is, it allows him to predict the occurrence of danger in advance!

"Among the three of us, only you have been in contact with it, and you know it best, so listen to you." Huang Bujue pondered for a while.

In fact, Huang Bujue didn't know how to deal with the ghost burial coffin. After all, there was a high possibility that the three of them would not be the opponents of the ghost burial coffin. In this case, it is better to wait and see.

"Can we use the movement technique to get rid of it?" Gu Yan asked thoughtfully.

"Impossible, it can easily find our location." Zhou Fan shook his head.

The three discussed a few more words and decided to ignore the ghost burial coffin, and they continued to walk forward.

When the three of Zhou Fan moved, the six-hoofed black beast pulled the black iron sledge slowly forward and followed behind the three of them. Three gray shadows stared at Zhou Fan, and the three black shadow beasts followed behind, from time to time on the snow Roll and play.

Sometimes Zhou Fan and the others stop to inspect the terrain and identify the danger, and the ghost burial coffin will also stop.

"It's like a little tail." Gu Yan was still in a mood to laugh, "I really want to lift the lid of the coffin to see what's inside? Is that woman's ghost husband?"

There was nothing in the coffin, the coffin was actually prepared for me... Zhou Fan silently answered Gu Yan's question in his heart.

Gu Yan is just talking about it, he will not really provoke the ghost burial coffin.

The weather did not continue to be bad, and the three of Zhou Fan did not stop until noon, when a blue ice forest finally appeared in their field of vision.

Along the way, they never saw any candidate team again, but they didn't see the candidate team, it didn't mean that other candidate teams didn't see them.

Maybe they would leave quietly when they saw Zhou Fan, maybe they avoided it.

After all, the wind and snow blocked the view. Even if Zhou Fan and the three tried to pay attention to the surrounding environment, there would inevitably be some omissions.

After eating some dry food outside the ice forest, after a while, Zhou Fan and the three stepped into the ice forest.

The tall and upright ice trees are blue and crystal clear, the canopy is covered with heavy snow, and the trunk has icicles hanging down.

With the shelter of the ice forest, the wind and snow gradually decreased, but the cold air inside the ice forest was colder than the wind and snow outside.

The huge canopy of the ice tree and the luxuriant foliage made the woods appear dim and misty.

Zhou Fan and the others had to slow down and beware of unknown dangers in the ice forest.

As he moved forward, Zhou Fan found that there was no longer a thick snow field under his feet, but a blue ice field.

The ice field looks like a lake frozen by extreme cold. The ice field is covered with dead leaves, beasts, and even human or bizarre amputated limbs, like cruel and delicate ice sculptures.

Zhou Fan understands how this is caused. Gu Yan once said that there will always be a few days every year when the ground of the ice forest will melt into a lake, and it will not take long for the lake to congeal quickly due to the extreme cold, so this happens. special sight.

The warriors walking in the wilderness are very clear that the danger not only comes from the four directions of the east, west, north and west, but also from the sky and the ground.

If a martial artist wants to see all directions, and listen to all directions, Zhou Fan is responsible for monitoring this unique ice surface.

And Huang Bujue is responsible for the vigilance of all sides, Gu Yan is responsible for the sky, naturally including the top of the tall ice trees.

The three of them took their own responsibilities and moved forward slowly. The six-hoofed black beast behind them was dragging the iron sledge. Every time it stepped on, it left shallow hoof prints on the ice, which was even more icy than expected. It was thick, and there was no lake water underneath, and it was completely frozen by ice.

"Be careful, look over there!" Huang Bujue's face changed He pointed to the right front.

Zhou Fan and Gu Yan quickly looked over.

Next to an ice tree in the front right, a figure slowly moved out. With a slightly arched back, it looked like an old man with gray hair and a tattered black animal coat, but its face was exposed in the air. Every part of the body had large or small white pustules, and the swollen green eyes were staring at Zhou Fan and the others indifferently.

"This is..." Gu Yan's pupils narrowed.

"It's the Xue Lao Zhe!" Huang Bujue took out his fan and said in a deep voice, "Xue Lao Zhe is a small group of monsters. They usually move with two to four people, and there may be its companions nearby!"

As soon as Huang Bujue's words fell, something broke through the ice surface of the ground, and cracks with the thickness of the arms appeared on the solid ice surface. It was an old snow corpse that looked like an old man moving under the ice.

From the branch on the ice tree, there is also a snow old corpse that jumps slowly like an ape.

The three old snow corpses all stared at their prey coldly, the pustules on their bodies burst and formed again, and a low and suppressed strange roar was faintly emitted from their mouths.

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