Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 750: Black Flame Skull

Zhou Fan successfully persuaded Huang Bujue and Gu Yan, and the two did not object to Zhou Fan doing so.

Qianhuan Snow Mountain had light snow weather, but they still had six days left, so it was impossible to choose a sunny day to climb the mountain.

Moreover, it is estimated that they will stay on the snow-capped mountains for a long time, and any bad weather may be encountered, which can only be handled carefully.

The three of Zhou Fan began to climb up the mountain. Even if Wen Xiao opened the way, they didn't know how long Wen Xiao had gone, so in addition to the traps left by Wen Xiao, there was also the possibility of encountering strange things.

After all, the monsters are not standing still, they will constantly change positions.

If Wen Xiao has gone too far, even if there are monsters killed by Wen Xiao or their squires, there may be new monsters blocking Zhou Fan's way.

Therefore, Zhou Fan and the others did not dare to be careless. After all, this is the first dangerous place in Gaoxiang County.

After climbing a few feet, Zhou Fan turned his head to look back, and then the corner of his mouth twitched.

The ghost burial coffin that had been following them also climbed up the snowy mountain.

The black beast stepped on the mountain with six hooves, and the coffin and three gray shadows on the black iron sledge it was dragging were only slightly inclined, and there was no sign of falling.

The three little black shadow beasts were even more relaxed.

The ghost burial coffin climbs the mountain like walking on the ground.

"I thought it wouldn't come, but was waiting for us at the foot of the mountain." Zhou Fan said with a wry smile.

"It seems that it is really following you step by step." Huang Bujue said helplessly.

The three turned their heads again, ignoring the ghost burial coffin, and continued to climb.

Even if they encountered a steep mountain wall, it was not a big problem for the three warriors. They climbed against the wall or jumped over like apes.

The mountain is more snowy and colder than the foot of the mountain.

Zhou Fan could see the white mist condensing into frost when he breathed.

The three must also beware of possible dangers at any time. They did not dare to climb too fast, but moved forward at a slow and safe enough speed.

"I thought of a question." Zhou Fan suddenly said.

"What's the problem?" Gu Yan asked after taking a sip of wine.

"There may be other teams of candidates between us and Wen Xiao." Zhou Fan said.

"How is this possible?" Gu Yan was stunned for a moment and said, "Aren't the patina silkworms and worm-eaters on the dead corpse road sign intact?"

But after saying this, Gu Yan and Huang Bujue both reacted.

The dead corpse road sign is there, it does not mean that no one is climbing, and there may be a team of candidates who find that there are spirit insects on the dead corpse road sign. After they dodge, and then circle around to avoid the dead corpse road sign, they choose this route.

Seeing that the two of Gu Yan understood, Zhou Fan said again: "So we must not only guard against Wen Xiao and his entourage, but also guard against other teams of candidates ahead."

"And if we climb too slowly, there is a possibility that other teams will catch up."

"It sounds like there are wolves in front and tigers behind, and this mountain road is not so easy to go." Gu Yan smiled bitterly.

"Other routes will also have other problems. At least we know that there will be a strong enemy like Wen Xiao ahead, which is better than knowing nothing about other routes." Zhou Fan added.

As the three climbed, they discussed various possibilities, and for this purpose, they divided the work and cooperated again. Gu Yan monitored the bottom of the mountain, Zhou Fan monitored the mountain, Huang Bujue paid attention to the mountain under his feet, and the left and right directions were divided among Gu Yan and Huang Bujue were lost.

After climbing Baizhang, the cold wind whistled like a knife.

"This ghost weather." Gu Yan tightened the collar with his hand, and the snowflake hit his face like an ice thorn.

All three began to feel cold to varying degrees.

This made Zhou Fan look worried. Judging from the information obtained so far, one of the dangers of Qianhuan Snow Mountain is that the higher the climb, the worse the weather, and now it has only climbed more than 100 meters. , It's already so cold, and I'm afraid it will be worse in the future.

The three walked a few feet again, and Gu Yan's face changed slightly: "Look at my left."

Zhou Fan and Huang Bujue both stopped and looked to the left.

In the vast and snowy mountains, there is a person standing, but the wind and snow are too heavy, affecting the sight, Zhou Fan and the others can only see a vague shadow.

"Is it a human being or is it weird?" Huang Bujue asked in a low voice.

"I don't know, but there's only one, and it looks more weird." Zhou Fan thought for a while.

"Don't you know if you ask?" Gu Yan said.

Huang Bujue stopped him, shook his head and said, "Did you forget 'don't dare to answer'?"

Outside the wilderness, some strange people shouted at people. If people responded, they would be cursed or bound by some special rules, thus falling into danger.

Therefore, it is rumored among monks that if there is a strange voice in the wild, don't respond in the end, that is, don't dare to respond.

Zhou Fan also knew this principle.

Conversely, people asking strange things may also produce similar questions.

Gu Yan smiled and said, "Of course I didn't forget it, I just talked about making the atmosphere active."

Huang Bujue and Zhou Fan were both speechless.

The three of Zhou Fan and the figure faced each other in silence for a while. Seeing that the figure didn't mean to come, Huang Bujue said, "If it doesn't come, forget it."

Zhou Fan and Gu Yan nodded slightly, and the three climbed up the mountain again, but the figure was on the other side, and it also began to climb.

Zhou Fan and the others had to stop again, Gu Yan glanced at Zhou Fan and joked: "It shouldn't be like a ghost burial, right?"

Zhou Fan snorted and felt a little nervous in his heart: I shouldn't be so unlucky, right?

When they stopped, not only did the ghost burial coffin behind them stop, but the figure also stopped, it seemed to be observing Zhou Fan and the others.

"Let me come closer and see what's wrong?" Huang Bujue thought for a while.

Zhou Fan and the two have no objection. If it is a strange thing they know, then clean up and get on the road as soon as possible.

If it's the same unknown and weird like last night, it will be troublesome.

It's just that Huang Bujue hadn't lifted his foot yet, but the figure in the distance in the snow moved It rushed towards Zhou Fan and the three of them quickly.

Zhou Fan and the others quickly saw what the figure looked like.

This is a human-shaped white bone skeleton. When the white bone skeleton approached, its body suddenly burned, and the dark flames filled the air.

The snowflakes floating around and the snow on the rocks melted by this fiery black flame.

The three of Zhou Fan seemed to be under a scorching sun, and the chill on their bodies was instantly dissipated, replaced by unbearable heat, and the clothes and hair on their bodies also showed signs of burning.

Their pupils narrowed.

It is a black flame skeleton of the white brutality level!

The three of them hurriedly flew backwards. The terrifying thing about the Black Flame Skull was the black flame emanating from its body, which could melt gold and iron.

The Black Flame Skull let out a screeching roar, and several black flame **** immediately shot towards Zhou Fan and the three of them in its body.

The black flame ball traversed the flying snow, fiery and full of majestic energy.

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