Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 753: silver scorpion

After Zhou Fan finished speaking, Gu Yan shook his head and said, "You have the lowest realm, so let me come."

"Master Gu is right. Both of us are higher in realm than you and have rich experience. Even if there is something, we can deal with it. Let me or Master Gu come first." Huang Bujue also pondered. Just a moment.

Zhou Fan saw that Gu Yan and the two were so determined, so he could only agree.

Because the danger of each jump in Qianhuan Mountain may be different, the danger of jumping first may not be as great as imagined.

The three discussed it for a while, and finally Gu Yan danced first, while Zhou Fan and Huang Bujue took his place.

Zhou Fan was not in the Qi Gang segment, so he could only take out the hidden weapon in the talisman bag, wrapped it in talisman paper, and prepared to help Gu Yan if he encountered trouble that was difficult to deal with.

As for Huang Bujue's flicking of the folding fan, the folding fan is his weapon.

Gu Yan took a sip of wine in his mouth, his face was solemn, his feet were slightly bent, and he stepped on it hard, and the whole person flew towards the other side of the gully like an arrow.

In mid-air, a small pebble suddenly ejected from the depths of the gully, just under Gu Yan's feet.

Even Gu Yan, who was in the air, was able to identify the position by listening to the sound. He just saw the small stone shot from the corner of his eye. He snorted coldly, the true energy of his left foot emerged, and he stepped on it, bang With a sound, the pebble was smashed into powder.

After this step, Gu Yan easily flew to the other side of the gully and turned to look at Zhou Fan and Huang Bujue.

"Could it be the pebble I dropped?" Zhou Fan asked in surprise.

"No, maybe it's just a coincidence, then it's my turn." Huang Bujue closed his folding fan, stepped on the ground lightly with his feet, and flew towards Gu Yan's side.

The moment Huang Bujue jumped up, dozens of fireballs rose up in the gully, and each fireball was wrapped in a talisman.

This is very similar to Huang Bujue throwing down the temptation talisman.

Huang Bujue saw the dozens of fireballs shot towards him, his face changed slightly, he folded a fan in his hand, and a gust of wind swept through, blowing the dozens of talisman fireballs that came down, and Huang Bujue fell down. It also fell to the other side.

Huang Bujue turned around and said with a strange face: "It seems to be the talisman I dropped just now."

That is to say, if you drop a small stone, the small stone will pop up, and if you drop the talisman, it will bounce on the talisman?

But they just dropped two things, so what happens on the third jump?

Zhou Fan thought about it, he didn't dare to gamble like this, and he bent down and threw a small pebble. If it was really the pattern that they had drawn from the two jumps, then Zhou Fan hoped that when he jumped, the one that bounced up would be the same. Small pebbles, even if there are more small pebbles, he doesn't feel terrible.

"That's a good idea, maybe it was a small stone that bounced up." Huang Bujue praised with a smile.

Zhou Fan didn't think any more, he glanced at the pitch-black gully, stepped on his feet hard, and the whole person flew into the sky like a parabola.

Huang Bujue and Gu Yan both stared at Zhou Fan who was flying in the sky.

Zhou Fan lowered his head slightly, his mind resting on the abyss-like mountain under his feet.

No small stone bullets came up, Zhou Fan had reached the highest point of his jump, and he was about to fall to the other side.

At this moment, there was a buzzing sound, and a dozen or so half-palm-sized flying insects appeared in the air. The flying insects were a bit like wasps, but their heads were surprisingly large, occupying half of the body.

Zhou Fan looked at the dozen or so flying insects, his pupils shrank slightly, and he saw a silver figure about two inches sitting on the back of each flying insect. Wearing golden rings, they held a silver javelin in their right hand.

When Zhou Fan saw the silver villain, he instantly recognized that it was a group of blood-threatening silver scorpions.

If it was on the ground, Zhou Fan would not think that this was just a group of blood-threatening silver scorpions, but now he is in mid-air.

Zhou Fan didn't even hesitate, his body had purple-gold rays of light emerging, his right hand moved slightly, and the rusty knife in his hand was already unsheathed, and as soon as the rust knife slashed, dozens of knife rays fell on the silver scorpion monsters.

The little silver man rode flying insects to buzz and disperse flexibly, they made a sharp whistling sound, and the javelin in their hands had been thrown out.

The dozen or so golden lights that are thicker than a hair may seem useless, but they are aimed at Zhou Fan's eyes.

After throwing the javelin, the silver scorpions were again flying insects under their feet, and the flying insects flew downward, and they aimed at Zhou Fan's feet.

Because the target is too small, Huang Bujue and Gu Yan on the other side are at a loss. If they dare to send out their qi to attack, the attack will cover even Zhou Fan.

Zhou Fan looked at the dozen or so golden javelins that were stabbed quickly. He knew that if he was stabbed, if the purple-gold visor could not defend himself, not only would his eyes be destroyed, but he would also die.

Because it is recorded that the golden javelin of the silver scorpion group is coated with highly poisonous!

At this moment, Zhou Fan spit out a strange syllable between his lips and teeth.

Dragon God Language!

The golden ripples that only Zhou Fan can see spread out around him. The ripples are controlled by him within a range of three feet. The dozen or so golden javelins and the silver scorpions riding on flying insects are all wrapped in the golden ripples. Stopped in the air.

But Zhou Fan didn't stop. The moment the Dragon God uttered the words, the rusty knife in his hand also waved, and it was in front of his eyes.

The sound of ding ding sounded one after another, and all the ten or so small golden javelins hit the back of the knife and were thrown away.

The golden javelins were sharp, but they couldn't hurt the Star Frost Rust Knives, and their size was too small, but the force of the blow had little effect on Zhou Fan's flight to the other side.

This pause was only a moment, but it was enough. At the moment when the dozen or so silver scorpions stopped on the flying insects, Zhou Fan had already landed beside Huang Bujue and Gu Yan.

Huang Bujue and Gu Yan were stunned for a moment, but they quickly They all shouted loudly and used their own Qi Gang method.

The fist gang and the fan-shaped wind gang tore the dozen or so silver scorpions that still wanted to attack into countless pieces.

In fact, Huang Bujue and Gu Yan didn't understand how Zhou Fan did it. It just happened in a very short period of time.

Even the syllable Zhou Fan shouted, they just thought it was Zhou Fan's random cold drink in the crisis.

Zhou Fan was sweating on his forehead. Just now, his heart felt like water, but in retrospect, if he responded slowly or wrongly, his eyes might have been destroyed, and he might even have been ripped off the mountain by the thoughts of the silver scorpions who attacked his feet. under.

If you really fall into the extremely dangerous mountain ravine, even if you are lucky not to fall to your death, no one can say what terrible things exist under the mountain ravine?

If you can't say it well, you will always stay at the bottom of the mountain.

Zhou Fan and Huang Bujue didn't speak anymore, but looked at the direction Qianhuan Mountain and the others jumped over.

Because the ghost burial coffin hasn't come yet.

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