Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 755: Top 3 climbing

As night fell, a bright white talisman rose up on the square.

The illumination of the rune beads made the square as bright as day.

The instructors were busy monitoring matters under the Xuanguang jade wall.

Zhong Tian, ​​Yuan Hai, and Mrs. Zhang Li sat on the throne of the white jade platform, their faces solemn and silent.

Today is the first day for most candidates to climb the mountain, and it is also the most dangerous day.

"Report, there are still 147 candidates who will continue to climb the mountain tomorrow, ten candidates who were eliminated alive, 11 candidates who gave up going down the mountain to retain their qualifications for the exam, and 33 candidates who died." said later.

Thirty-three people died!

This number made the faces of the three of Zhongtian change slightly. You must know that all the young geniuses of the Great Wei Dynasty died. So many people died on the first day of the cross-country test!

And these are just candidates. Once they die, how many of their squires will survive?

"Why do so many die? Don't most of them have retinues?" Zhongtian asked coldly.

"According to our observations, excluding those candidates who died unexpectedly, most of them died knowingly knowing the danger, but still impulsively chose to take risks and unfortunately died." The teacher said with a bitter face.

Each place in the Class A class implies huge benefits, so there will always be candidates who know that there is danger ahead, but still take the risk.

"I didn't tell them that if it doesn't work, I'll step back, these idiots..." Zhongtian sighed.

"Who climbs the highest now?" Mrs. Zhang Li asked calmly.

"Wen Xiao, he has climbed 1,200 zhang now." There was a hint of admiration on the teacher's face when he said this.

The Qianhuan Snow Mountain is only three thousand feet long, and Wen Xiao has almost finished half the distance.

The three chief examiners of Zhongtian were also slightly moved. Even with the help of the squires, the Qianhuan Snow Mountain was dangerous. Sometimes the squires could not help, and they still needed their own strength.

"Where's the second place?" Mrs. Zhang Li asked again.

"The second place is a row. He started slower than Wen Xiao, but he also climbed 1,100 meters." Teaching said slowly.

Both Zhong Tian and Mrs Zhang Li glanced at Yuan Hai.

Yuan Hai's face was calm, and he didn't say anything about it.

"The third place is Wrinkled Deep, and he climbed a thousand and fifty feet." The instructor didn't wait for the three of them to ask questions, and said the third place again.

Deep wrinkles?

The three of Zhongtian looked blank, they had never heard this name before.

"That wrinkle Shenshen is from Tianliangli, Luoshui Township, Gaoxiang County. For some reason, he invited Eunuch Zhang, the emissary of the township of Luan's office in Gaoxiang County, to be his squire." The teacher said, with doubts in his eyes. .

This information was only learned from his exchanges with other teachers after he learned that Wrinkle Shenshen was the third place in the audience.

After all, Wu Shenshen is unknown, but many teachers in Zhang Gonggong Academy still recognize him, so he knows that Zhang Gonggong has become a squire named Wu Shen Shen.

"Eunuch Zhang?" Mrs. Zhang Li's expression was a little subtle, not because Eunuch Zhang was strong, but because Eunuch Zhang came from the palace, "Could it be that Wrinkle Shenshen is some nobleman?"

Mrs. Zhang Li is not someone who doesn't talk about the door. He deliberately said this, just to see the reaction of Zhongtian and Yuanhai.

So his eyes narrowed and he kept looking at Nakata and Yuanhai.

Zhongtian and Yuanhai showed surprise on their faces, and I have to say that Mr. Zhang Li's guess is still possible.

Mrs. Zhang Li was a little disappointed, because from the expressions on Zhongtian and Yuanhai's faces, it was obvious that they didn't know about it.

The teacher lowered his head even more, not daring to say a word.

"Even so?" Zhongtian shook his head and said calmly.

What if it was?

Yuan Hai's face was sullen.

Grandpa Zhang Li was silent for a while. He knew that Zhong Tian was right. The Great Wei Royal Family has been passed down to this day, not to mention the huge population of the Li Family Royal Family. Even today's sage has hundreds of princes. There is no use either.

Unless it is a prince who has entered the succession sequence, but the prince who has entered the succession sequence, if the Zhang Li family wants to curry favor, I am afraid they have to stand back.

So it doesn't make sense to know.

The three of Zhongtian did not ask who the fourth place was, but asked the rankings of several candidates they were concerned about.

Because they know that it is meaningless to say that after the fourth place, even if it is the top three, it is only an advantage at present. Today is only the first day of climbing, and the key is to look at the next few days.

This is Qianhuan Snow Mountain. It doesn't mean that if you lead now, you can always lead. It is very likely that after a day, all the rankings will change.

After asking about the basic situation, the teacher bowed to the three of Zhongtian and was about to retreat from the white jade platform. At this time, Zhongtian asked, "Where did the Thirteen Swords go?"

"Just entered the ice forest." The teacher replied.

Just entered the ice forest... Zhongtian's mouth twitched slightly, why did Jianzong send such a strange person?

Yuan Hai and Mrs. Zhang Li also laughed dumbly.

The teacher thought that the Thirteen Swords at that time was quite interesting. All the candidates had already climbed the mountain, but the Thirteen Swords were still wandering in the outer layer of the ice forest.

After the teacher left, Zhongtian looked at the light spot on the Xuanguang jade wall, and he said silently: "I don't know how many people will be left tonight?"

Yuan Hai and Mrs. Zhang Li also frowned slightly, because it was dangerous to spend the night in Qianhuan Snow Mountain.

The whistling cold wind on the snow-capped mountains had already stopped completely.

There was silence all around the mountain, and the three Zhou Fans had already made preparations for the night, and the luminous charm beads emitted a soft white light.

They chose to stay away from the rock wall of the mountain flat for the night, because staying overnight next to the rock wall would result in a loss of vision, and it is very likely that strange creatures would climb the rock wall to attack.

For this reason, they chose an open position in the middle of the mountain, not afraid of being discovered, because there would be no candidate team to continue to climb up at This is too dangerous, and no one dares to climb the mountain overnight.

The three of them sat around and ate some dry food to relieve the fatigue they had encountered all day.

Not far from them was the ghost burial coffin, and the three gray shadows beside the redwood coffin on the iron sledge were watching them.

But Zhou Fan and the others were already used to it and ignored this kind of gaze. After all, they still have more important things to do.

The danger of staying overnight in Qianhuan Snow Mountain is that once you fall asleep, you may not be able to wake up again and die in your sleep.

Therefore, even if the warriors climbed the Qianhuan Snow Mountain, they would choose to go down the mountain before dark as much as possible. If they did not encounter difficulties, they would not spend the night in the Qianhuan Snow Mountain.

"According to those who fell asleep in the snowy mountains and survived, some of them couldn't dream at all, some said they dreamed about strange things, and some even said they had nightmares and almost died in nightmares. , everyone's statement is different."

"No one knows what happened to those who died forever after falling asleep, but they definitely won't freeze to death after falling asleep." Gu Yan said after taking a sip of wine.

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