Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 757: leaked information

As long as the outside world has passed half an hour, will it be pulled out of the gray river space?

Zhou Fan frowned slightly.

"I'm not lying, look at your feet." Zhao Yazhu said slowly again.

Zhou Fan looked down at his feet, his feet were already covered with gray fog, which was a feature of his being pulled out of the gray river space.

Chifu saw it too, but she quickly looked away.

"Why is this happening? Could it be that the ship can't stop the erosion of the Ring of Horror?" Zhou Fan asked a little puzzled.

"How do I know this?" Zhao Yazhu shrugged.

Zhou Fan tried to ask the ship again, but the ship did not respond.

Zhou Fan guessed that it may be because the ship does not want to be too involved with the outside world, otherwise there would be no way to erase all traces of the dead boarding people in the world.

As for why, even Zhao Yazhu didn't know, and Zhou Fan naturally couldn't guess it. The way the boat was doing was really weird.

"Why don't you have an easy way? Or are you trapped in that dangerous place?" Zhao Yazhu asked curiously.

If she could escape from the area covered by the Ring of Horror immediately after waking up, Zhou Fan would not have asked her if she had any other way.

"This has nothing to do with you." Zhou Fan said coldly, and he glanced at Qifu cautiously.

Since adding an assistant, Zhou Fan has been cautious enough about any information about himself, and dare not reveal the slightest bit of his own information.

"It's fine if you don't say it." Zhao Yazhu said disdainfully, "But I advise you to stay away from the Grey River space as soon as possible, or else... don't forget, you will be caught in an illusion and you will be hunted by the hidden thread. possible."

Zhou Fan's face changed slightly. Of course, he always remembered that the Hidden Thread Skull was an unknowable monster. Since the last time he ate the Phantom Spirit Fruit and fell into an illusion and was invaded by the Hidden Thread Skull, he has not forgotten it.

The Hidden Thread Skull may invade again when he falls into the illusion.

"But it's fine even if we meet." Zhao Yazhu turned and smiled again. "Anyway, I made an agreement with you. If you meet the Hidden Thread Skull in the illusion, you can call me by my name and let me save you."

Zhou Fan snorted coldly, this kind of life-saving method has to pay a price, he needs to pay for a possession, and he doesn't want to call Zhao Yazhu's name unless it is a last resort.

Half an hour sometimes passes very quickly in the Grey River space. Tonight, Zhou Fan and Zhao Yazhu just had a conversation, and the outside world is almost there in half an hour.

The gray fog has spread to Zhou Fan's neck, he raised his eyebrows slightly and said, "Think about it, is there really no way? If there is, I can give you a good reward."

"Unfortunately, I really don't have a solution you can use." Zhao Yazhu shook her head. If there was, she would have already quoted the price to squeeze Zhou Fan once.

Zhou Fan sighed regretfully, the gray fog had completely covered him, and when the gray fog dissipated, his figure disappeared on the boat.

Zhao Yazhu and Qifu were left on the boat in an instant. The two were silent for a while, and Zhao Yazhu asked, "Why don't you ask me, will he die?"

In the past, when Zhou Fan encountered danger, Qifu would ask this question.

"You can't help him, it's pointless to ask." Chifu said indifferently.

"I don't think he will listen to my persuasion and leave that dangerous place. He estimates that for some reason, he will have to stay in that dangerous place for a while." Zhao Yazhu deduced, "I persuaded him to leave, but it was for your safety. Otherwise, what am I doing with this tongue?"

"Thank you." Chifu said coldly.

For many of Zhao Yazhu's words, Chufu has always maintained a skeptical attitude, and Zhao Yazhu's words are no exception.

"You little guy, you can't feel any sincerity in your thanks." Zhao Yazhu covered her mouth and smiled.

Qifu's face was tensed, and every time she saw Zhao Yazhu's little daughter's movements covering her mouth and smiling, she felt a burst of numbness in her scalp.

"By the way, there is one more thing." Zhao Yazhu's smile converged.

Chifu didn't ask, but listened carefully.

"Actually, what Zhou Fan said just now revealed a very important message. We can confirm that he is in a dangerous place in the Ring of Horror."

When Chifu heard this, her face condensed, "You mean if I can find that dangerous place, I can find him, right?"

"You're so smart." Zhao Yazhu praised, "How many dangerous places can you emit the Ring of Horror Dreams? I guess, if the ship makes you his assistant, then your two positions will not be too far apart, as long as you Go back and find out the nearest dangerous place in the Ring of Horrors, maybe you can find him!"

"Of course, in the outside world, no one may know what the Ring of Horror Dreams is, but as long as you remember the characteristics of the Ring of Horror Dreams, as long as you are asleep, you may not be able to wake up, but if you don't sleep, you will be extremely exhausted. It is very likely to be a dangerous place that emits the Ring of Horror..."

Zhao Yazhu had told Zhou Fan all of this information before, so she could tell it to Qifu once, but it wasn't like imparting valuable information to Qifu.

"But I'm afraid that the time will be too late." Chefu hesitated, "and I'm not ready here yet."

Zhao Yazhu said, "You little guy, I didn't tell you to stop him now, you can go and look for him first, if you can find him, he will come into your sight later, and you can send someone to monitor him. , and then slowly think of a way to restrain him."

"Even if he is not found in the worst case, as long as it can be confirmed that he has appeared in that dangerous place, it is a good thing, at least it can prove that he is active in that area, maybe he will leave some clues, so that you can find him. ."

"Don't waste such a good opportunity..."

Qifu listened to Zhao Yazhu's words, she thought for a while before slowly saying, "You are right. After I go back, I will try to find that dangerous place."

The two didn't speak any more, Chufu walked aside to practice martial arts, and when the time was up, she left the Grey River space.

Zhao Yazhu, who was sitting cross-legged on the deck at random, saw Chufu disappear, and she whispered to herself, "You little guy will definitely be able to bear it, but unfortunately I can't get out, or I really want to see the two of you meet. situation.”

Zhou Fan woke He glanced at the starry night sky and raised his eyebrows slightly.

Leaving Qianhuan Snow Mountain would mean that his grades would stop at nine hundred zhang, and nine hundred zhang might not even be considered an average grade, so he would definitely not leave just like that.

"I still have to take a risk and try again. Anyway, I have a chance to call Miss Zhao to save my life. Even if the Ring of Horror Dreams will attract the hidden thread skull, don't be too afraid. If I consume this opportunity to call Miss Zhao to save my life, then You have to consider whether to leave." Zhou Fan thought helplessly.

Before long, Gu Yan came to call Zhou Fan and Huang Bujue.

Zhou Fan fell asleep, and when he heard Gu Yan calling him, he opened his eyes and sat up.

Huang Bujue also woke up quickly.

"How is it? Did you encounter anything strange in your dream?" Gu Yan looked at the two and asked curiously.

"I didn't dream." Zhou Fan shook his head and looked at Huang Bujue.

Zhou Fan was in the Grey River space just now, and of course he didn't dream, but Huang Bujue might have been affected by the Ring of Horror Dreams, and he also wanted to know some information about the Ring of Horror Dreams from Huang Bujue.

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