In fact, Wang Xiaohua has wanted to use Mr. Ji's banner for a long time!

It's just that it was useless because Qi Lin didn't allow it before, but now it's been exposed, which is exactly what it wants!

And it was just like what she thought before, ever since Qi Lin's 'backer' was exposed!

Many of the things she handled before had different results.

What used to take a month and a half to finish can now be done in a week.

Things that could not be done before can now be done within 20 working days!

It can be said that many problems have been solved, and this is the benefit of having someone behind them.

【Kylin Media】After the establishment, everything started to fall into place!

Long before, Wang Xiaohua led people to make a work plan, but now they are proceeding step by step.

Actors have gone out to film, sing, or accept business endorsements, etc., and have begun to generate income for the company.

But Qi Lin, the big boss and the first brother of [Kylin Media], is lying on the sofa in his office at this moment, staring at the ceiling in a daze.

Wang Xiaohua opened the door and came in, seeing his state and laughing.

"What's the matter? You usually do exercise in addition to exercising. Why are you lying flat today?"

Qi Lin sighed and said, "Lonely."

Startled, Wang Xiaohua went straight to the refrigerator and took out two bottles of water from it.

"Then go find Xiaoxue."

Qi Lin, with black hair, took the water thrown by Wang Xiaohua and said.

"It's not that lonely."

Qi Lin got up and sighed.

"Sister, people outside are afraid of me now, and they are not as kind as before."

Wang Xiaohua understood as soon as she heard it, and said while sitting opposite Qi Lin.

"Brother, you have to know that this will happen sooner or later."

Qi Lin was still a little unhappy. In the previous studio, although there were not many people, everyone had a great time.

Especially with Han Guanqi and other old people, they are laughing and joking all day long, without any airs.

But since the establishment of the media company, even Han Guanqi stopped when he saw him, and walked away after saying hello to Mr. Qi.

This made Qi Lin feel a little uncomfortable, as if he had no friends around him all of a sudden.

Wang Xiaohua could understand Qi Lin's feeling at the moment, and explained softly.

"Brother, this is a perfectly normal thing. In ancient times, the emperors and generals were all brothers and sisters before they fought in the country. But as the territory grows larger, a class will naturally form between them."

"In the end, when the emperor ascended the throne, all those brothers who fought on the battlefield will have to kneel down and shout long live when they see him again!"

"This is also the reason why those emperors said they were lonely. No one can avoid it."

After hearing this, Qi Lin sighed: "But I'm not the emperor, I'm just a small boss, why don't I have any friends?"

Wang Xiaohua laughed and said, "Because you are advancing too fast! Back then, you and your friends were on the same starting line, but you walked so fast that they were the last to catch up, so when you looked around, only You're alone, and you're lonely."

Qi Lin understood a little bit.

Wang Xiaohua continued: "Moreover, no one in this world can stay with someone forever. Life is to constantly expand new circles, and then integrate into them. After they grow stronger, they will change to another circle, and the cycle repeats."

Looking at Qi Lin who was still thinking, Wang Xiaohua smiled.

"So brother, it's not that you don't have friends, but that your friends haven't caught up, so you need some new friends."

After seeing Qi Lin frowning, Wang Xiaohua added with a smile.

"Of course, you can also help your old friends and help them catch up faster."

Hearing this, Qi Lin sighed, feeling troubled!

My old brothers, I don't know when they all became my 'subordinates'.

If this continues, he may become a loner too.

Just as he was thinking, there was a knock on the door, and then Bi Zimu walked in carelessly.

"Go bro, let's play!"

Qi Lin laughed as soon as he heard it, and suddenly had a feeling of going back to the past, in his own mountain elementary school, and the children opened the window and called him to go out to play.

"Where are you going to play?"

Qi Lin asked subconsciously.

"I don't know, let's go for a walk."

Now even Wang Xiaohua couldn't help laughing, she thought to herself, why is she still looking at a child?

Besides, does Qi Lin dare to wander around now?

With his current popularity, if he goes out on the street without a mask, he will be recognized in minutes!

At that time, just signing autographs and taking photos will be enough for him to be busy for a while, and it may even become a traffic jam.

So as long as you become a star, you can basically say goodbye to shopping.

Of course, it is also possible to go out with makeup, but it is a little more troublesome.

"I don't want to go, but you came just in time. Wang Datou has written a new notebook these days, and you just have a look at it."

Bi Zimu's eyes lit up instantly when he heard the words: "Chasing the Dragon II?"

Qi Lin said with a black line on his forehead: "What are you thinking, "Chasing the Dragon" is still not on the shelves, how could it be possible to make a second film so soon."

Speaking of "Chasing the Dragon", the current box office has exceeded 3 billion. According to the team's analysis, it is very likely to break through 4 billion at the box office!

In other words, Qi Lin can get more than a billion yuan, which is so beautiful just thinking about it.

And Bi Zimu was also very excited when he thought of the new movie, the two hurried to the editorial department and found Wang Datou.

Today's Wang Datou has become a hot screenwriter because of "Chasing the Dragon"!

The price of a script now starts at 200,000.

It's just that it's still not far from the screenwriter who gets the share.

"Yo! Big head!"

Bi Zimu greeted Wang Datou from all the way. Now, Wang Datou has become a well-known screenwriter, and most people have to respectfully call out Wang Datou when they meet.

Only those who are close to him, such as Qi Lin, and Bi Zimu, the second hundred and five, will call him big when they see him.

Wang Datou invited the two into the office with a smile, and then enthusiastically showed them his script.

"This script, I was also inspired by the drug lord in the previous "Chasing the Dragon"!"

After hearing this, Qi Lin's heart skipped a beat, and he thought to himself, isn't there another movie based on drug lords?

In fact, they edited a lot of shots when the movie was released this time! So much so that the final film is not complete.

But fortunately, Qi Lin and Liu Tianwang barely supported it, which made the box office passable.

If there is another one, Qi Lin doesn't know if he can hold it.

Qi Lin took over the script, and saw "Operation Mekong" written on it!

After looking at it twice, Qi Lin was sure that if he wanted to make this movie well, investment must be indispensable!

But can this kind of movie sell well?

Qi Lin looked at the script in detail, and felt that this kind of subject matter somewhat had the meaning of the main theme.

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