Whispering Verse

Chapter 624 The Princess in the Morning

Although Shade made a nest for Mia in the closet with old clothes on Tuesday night, the orange cat was still quite unhappy early Wednesday morning.

After being released by Sha De in the morning, he had not paid much attention to him. Even if Shade heated the goat's milk, soaked the cat food and put it in Mia's special bowl, she just barked reservedly, and waited until Shade returned to his seat before walking over pretending to be reserved.

Shade never thought that he could see such a human expression from a cat.

Shade, who was sitting at the table, carefully peeled the hard-boiled eggs, and then under Mia's cautious gaze, he moved from his seat to the cat standing on the table eating.

He separated the still-hot white egg from the middle, and the yellow yolk was even steaming.

Mia looked at the direction of Room 2, then looked at the egg yolk in Shade's hand with wide eyes, and tilted her head:


"Want to eat?"

Shade asked. The cat blinked and meekly called:


So Mia got a snack for breakfast, and Shade got his cat's affection again.

[Do you need a reminder, it is]

"Yes, it is Miss Mia's cat, I know..."

Pulling Mia's bowl to his hand, and then petting the well-behaved cat, Shade sat back in his seat and opened the newspaper to read the report on this year's Tobesk autumn harvest statistics. It looks like this year will be a good year, and the grain production around Tobesk is very good.

Ding dong~

The doorbell rang from downstairs, and the cat with goat's milk on its face looked in the direction of the stairs. Shade touched it to reassure it. He stood up in surprise, looked down from the living room window, and saw a strange carriage parked downstairs of his house.

"Oh, a client came to your door today?"

Xia De was happy, but frowned slightly:

"It's only half past seven, why is the client so anxious?"

I picked up the clothes on the hanger at the door of the second floor, put on a coat over my shirt, stomped downstairs, and changed my slippers into leather shoes at the door:

"please wait for a moment."

Shade shouted from behind the door, took off the anti-theft chain of the door, pulled the latch inside the door, and then turned the door handle.

Outside the door was the early morning in Tobesk. The autumn fog and gray fog mixed together, making the sky a little gloomy. There were already some pedestrians on Saint Teresa Square, but most of them were sleepy and in a hurry. In the distance, a newspaper-selling child wearing a black hat was entangled with a middle-aged man holding a briefcase, while a flower-selling girl was talking in a low voice to the lady who poked her head out of the carriage at the street corner.

The fog adds a little color to this picture, making this scene somewhat like a street scene in a classical oil painting become a reality. The century-old buildings of Saint Teresa Square stand in the center of the capital as they did in the past. The statue of a girl holding a water bottle still smiles in the misty, dark morning.

The carriage stopped in front of No. 6 St. Teresa Square. The door had been opened. The red-haired girl in a black pleated floral skirt, together with the gem decoration on her skirt, gave the oil painting of the early morning street scene a special color. .

The red-haired girl smiled at Shade:

"Good morning, Shade, I hope I won't run into Luvia at your place."

Of course not. Luvia left very early. She didn’t bring a change of clothes, and she needed to go home and change before going to work at the Prophet’s Association.

"Good morning, Lesia."

Shade was very surprised and said that this should be the first physical meeting between the two of them in a month since the Queen's birthday party was unexpectedly interrupted by Darkness.

"Good morning, Detective!"

Another voice said, and the shorter sixteen-year-old princess also poked her head out of the carriage. It was Princess Agelina Cavendish, with a big smile on her face. Her youthful face and youthful clothing make her very different from her sister.

"Why are you here? Come in quickly."

Realizing that it would be best not to let too many people see Lesia and Agelina, Shade stepped aside by the door to let the princesses in. Followed by two maids with their heads lowered, but Shade had never seen them, they were probably the personal servants beside the little princess.

The two princesses passed by Shade one after another, their hair brushing against Shade's shoulders. Lesia still has the familiar smell of lily perfume, which is not very strong. Even Shade, who hates ordinary perfumes of this era, can accept it. On Agelina.

"Floral perfume."

Shade couldn't distinguish different floral fragrances. He didn't have this ability. The smell of perfume on Lesia's body was her own.

Nodding to the expressionless coachman, Shade closed the door of St. Teresa's Square in the early morning from the inside, which was shrouded in fog.

Although Lecia has never been to No. 6 Saint Teresa Square herself, she has been there many times through Dorothy's body. So he didn't use Shade to lead the way, so he walked in front and took the lead up the stairs. This surprised Agelina, who wanted to go to the first floor. She looked back at Shade who was closing the door, but said nothing.

The group of people came to the living room on the second floor. Lecia naturally sat on the sofa and asked the two maids to go to the kitchen to prepare tea. A cat who sees a group of strangers coming into his home is obviously very uncomfortable with this atmosphere. Because of his fear, he didn't even pay attention to the goat's milk left in the bowl. When the maids approached the kitchen, he ran quickly to Shade.

"Mr. Hamilton, are you having breakfast?"

The little princess was very curious about this place, but due to her status as a "royal lady", she did not look around, but sat obediently next to her sister.

Lesia is about the same age as Dorothy, and both are slightly older than Shade's body. Speaking of which, Luvia is actually older than Lesia. The sixteen-year-old Agelina doesn't have so many worries. In addition, the sky blue princess dress she is wearing today is a younger style, so she looks even younger.

"Yes, I usually have breakfast at this time. Why are you here so early? Is there something urgent?"

Shade sat on the single sofa on one side.

"There's no urgency because if it hadn't been so early, I wouldn't have been able to come here."

Lesia said, scanning Shade with her eyes. She knew that Shade had broken into the narrow realm of life and death:

"After Brother Sachs was sentenced to death, someone had to take over the affairs of the New World that he originally managed."

"Is it under your control?"

"That would be great, but obviously I'm not good enough in my father's eyes to handle these things."

"After Sister Lesia came back from Kasenlik, her father has always asked her to be responsible for handling diplomatic matters. Meeting with foreign ambassadors, attending some banquets, or giving a speech in the Kingdom Parliament, probably this kind of thing."

Agelina said that Lesia, who successfully completed her visit to the Southern Kingdom on behalf of the royal family, successfully gained greater power.

"Yes, yes, the taste of power is very good, but it also takes up a lot of time. Fortunately, I can still handle it."

Lesia smiled, and then the red-haired princess looked at Shade:

"I have to go back before nine in the morning. As for coming to see you so early, it's because you were busy saving your friends last Saturday. Didn't you miss our class?"

"Is such that."

"So to make up for it, the spiritual rune matter cannot be delayed, especially for you."

Shade did not speak, but glanced at Agelina. Lesia shook her head:

"It doesn't matter, Agelina is trustworthy. And she is very talented. No, I don't mean that she has become a ring magician. Agelina has been very inspired since she was a child." (Note)

"Yes, if I guess the head or tail of a coin, as long as the amount of data is large enough, I can achieve a success rate of more than 80%!"

The little princess said, and then smiled and waved to the cat huddled in Shade's arms, but the cat ignored her at all.

"Oh, such a strong inspiration?"

For such ordinary people, it is almost certain that they will awaken at some point in the future. Of course, it's just "almost". It might just be good luck.

"Well you guess this, how about we guess it ten times?"

Shade took out the [upright coin]. Dorothy heard Shade mention something he bought from Fort Midhill, so Lesia also knew this:

"Stop bullying my sister. If you throw this out, it will only stand on the ground. Shade, let's get down to business. I want to entrust you to do something."

"whats the matter?"

Shade asked curiously, and Lecia took out a photo from the pocket of her skirt. Above is a man wearing the uniform of the Royal Army of Delarian. Judging from the epaulettes, he is a lieutenant.

Turn to the back of the photo and it says "The Wind Rises Trail - Redwater Camp 1st Company - Lieutenant Shorten".

"If you have time, help investigate this person. You don't need to be very careful, you just need to know if he has any strange large expenses recently."

Shade raised his eyebrows:

"No problem, it's easy."

Yesterday, he also helped the corporal who died in the "Gulf of Life and Death" return the pistol to Captain Ronald in the Red Water Camp. Unexpectedly, he would have another mission related to that place. Maybe, he should go to the traveler camp next to the Red Water Camp on the Fengqi Trail, so that he can go into the mountains to find the witcher's sword.

"After I get your reply, I will give you a suitable reward. No, there is no need to refuse. You know what I lack most is gold pounds."

Lesia waved her hands, but did not explain what was wrong with Lieutenant Shorten. She talked about another thing:

"As for your [Sleeping], in the class two weeks ago, we already started trying to read "Sleeping Princess". How is the recent progress?"

"Not bad. I try to copy the stories written in ancient characters every day. The parchment is in the drawer now."

Shade emphasized again:

"This time, I didn't burn it."

This sentence is emphasized because the parchment provided by Lesia that recorded the ancient text of the fairy tale "Match Girl" and "Kiss of the Tree" was destroyed by Shade as the price of obtaining the Mystery Lock.

PS: In Chapter 484, Agelina mentioned, "When I first saw you in the courtyard on the second floor terrace of Lakeview Manor, I felt that you were different from everyone else."

This sentence is not polite.

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