Whispering Verse

Chapter 668 The Secret of the Righteous God

Shade came to the doctor early in the morning, and he did not plan to go to Fort Midhill in the morning because he had to see off Iluna in the morning. After returning home last night, Luvia, who was doing astrology on the third floor, told Shade that the Church of the Sun had officially decided to let Iluna take the steam airship to Fort Midhill and set off this afternoon.

According to the wind direction of this season and the weather along the way predicted by the Prophet Association, Iluna and her party should arrive at the mountain city during the day on Monday. Since she was leaving and didn't know when she would come back, Luvia decided to see Iluna off at No. 6 Saint Teresa Square.

This is why Shade came to disturb the doctor so early. He wants to go home as soon as possible.

Although for Shade, a person who could travel between the two places at will, Iluna's "leave" was limited to the two days she was traveling in the air. But once they arrive at Fort Midhill, Iluna will not be able to meet Shade at any time, so Luvia wants to explain something to her to prevent unexpected situations.

It was obvious that the seventeen-year-old girl did not want to leave Tobesk. When he said goodbye to Shade and Luvia, he reluctantly hugged them both, and even hugged the reluctant little Mia.

"I'll send you a postcard."

When she finally stood in the foyer downstairs to thank the two of them, Iluna said with some reluctance, but Shade wisely did not say that he could also buy a postcard.

"In short, you must be careful in Fort Midhill. If something happens, remember to write to the home for the blind mentioned by Shade. Shade will help you."

Luvia reminded her tirelessly. .

Although Iluna had already held a ceremony to advance to the fourth level after obtaining the [Tragedy] spirit rune, which was once again one level higher than Shade, in Luvia's view, she was still an immature person who had just come of age (note: 16 years old). girl.

"Yes, I know, don't worry about me, I'm very powerful."

She hugged Luvia again:

"You should also be careful, especially Shade."

Saying that, the young girl looked at Shade again:

"The church has opened up some internal information to me, and the situation at Fort Midhill is really bad now."

"I have high-level warlock friends in the local area. They will protect me."

Shade smiled and said:

"We will meet at Fort Midhill on Monday. Although I can't see you directly, I can go to the door of the Church of the Sun and wait for you and your group to enter the church. Remember to look around then, you should be able to see me. , take this, I think it will be useful."

As he spoke, he took out his pocket watch, took out an [Eternal Youth Leaf] from the pocket watch cover and handed it to Iluna. After the reception, he had three pieces in his hand, and the reserve of leaves was abundant.

When the three of them broke into the ruins to fight against the silver-eyed ones, Iluna had seen this kind of leaf, so Shade didn't have to explain what it was:

"I have a lot more, take it with you."


She hesitated for a moment, took the leaf, then stood on tiptoes and kissed Shade on the side of his face:

"Then wish me a safe journey, Shade."

Shade glanced at Luvia, saw her looking at the two of them with a smile, and said softly:

"Have a good trip, Iluna. See you at Fort Midhill."

Today is Friday, the fourth day of the Harvest Moon. After bidding farewell to Iluna, Luvia also left and returned to the Prophet's Association, so Shade finally had time to write a reply to Miss Mia Gold.

The letter arrived this morning, but Shade was in a hurry to go to the doctor to ask about Balrog, so he didn't even open the letter.

This letter is the same as the letters in the past few months. In addition to the usual cat maintenance fee of 10 pounds, the letter still expresses Miss Gold's concern for the orange cat.

Miss Gold also stated her physical condition in the letter. She unfortunately fell ill in the summer, and her condition became more serious last month. But things seem to be getting better this month, at least that's what the letter said.

In Shade's reply, he first expressed his concern for his client, and then described the details of his daily interaction with Xiao Mia. At the end, he praised the cat's cuteness and wrote almost with emotion:

[If I could meet this kind of cat, I would adopt it. 】

This is also part of the temptation, Shade is waiting for a suitable time.

He is now very much like Miss Gold's pen pal. The two exchange letters a month and communicate on cat raising and health topics. In the past few letters, Shade has properly expressed his love for this cat, so this time he goes further to say this, just to be able to finally say what he wants in the winter. Adopt this cat.

"I've gone to great lengths for you."

Putting down the pen in his hand, he touched the cat squatting on the desk and looking at the letter on the table. After being touched by Shade, little Mia squinted her eyes and meowed, looking very satisfied.

I thought that after I mailed the letter, I would go to Fort Midhill for a walk. If nothing happened, I would come back at four o'clock in the afternoon and read a book at home. But before Shade could go out, Luvia, who had only been gone for an hour, came back.

"What's wrong? You can't find any new information about the Death Chosen One?"

Luvia is holding the spare key here because she is going to conduct autumn astrology activities here in Shade. When he hurriedly walked up, he almost scared little Mia.

"No, no, it's something you want me to investigate!"

She held a notebook in her hand:

"Didn't you ask me to investigate the affairs of the [Spiritual Cultivation Group] some time ago? I just left you and as soon as I arrived at the association, I got the documents!"

"Oh, what's the news?"

Shade asked curiously, and a smile appeared on Luvia's face:

"Very good news, Shade, the [Spiritual Cult] is indeed related to the disappeared cult of the Ancient God! Which branch of the Ancient God's cult do you think they are?"

"Um Moon?"

"Of course not, it's death. Why do you think it's the moon?"

Luvia asked curiously, asked Shade to sit down, and then handed him the notebook in her hand:

"I provided effective intelligence to the association during the Tobesk Darkness Incident, so I was able to obtain this confidential information this time. This information is top secret, and the original intelligence text cannot be taken out of the association. The notebook is what I copied. . It’s really interesting. What do you think the association recorded?”

Shade lowered his head to look at his notebook:

"After the ancient god [Ancient Death] left, due to problems with the interpretation of the doctrine, his sect collapsed into different sects, and evolved into different organizations over time. [Spiritual Cult] is A branch of the ancient Church of Death?”

"Yes, and more than that, looking backwards."

Luvia looked very excited:

"I didn't expect that the association would actually be willing to open such information to me. Although the association's statement was vague, or even just mentioned in passing, I could see that the association's information records that the Church of Creation and Destruction and the Church of Nature and Evil Thoughts have their respective It also absorbed some branches of the ancient Death Church.”


Shade looked at her in surprise:

"The Zhengshen Church absorbed part of the Ancient God Church?"


Luvia nodded with a very obvious smile:

"This way, many things can be explained. The reason why the righteous gods are more powerful than the existing evil gods, and the reason why the righteous gods are called righteous gods. I think I can make a bold guess!"

"Yes. After the original thirteen gods left, other great ones inherited part of their power."

Shade also expressed his own judgment. This was an idea he came up with after communicating with Miss Aurora on the train returning to Coldwater Port after obtaining the "Shock" spirit rune through [Earth-Shaking Worm]:

"But they did not inherit all the power. The two Righteous Gods only inherited part of the power of the Ancient God of Death. Otherwise, it cannot be explained why some branches of the sect that believes in the ancient gods have been integrated into the Righteous God Church, because their The doctrine can be explained, and it is not apostasy for those who lived in the time when the old gods left!"


Luvia was glad that Shade was able to keep up with her ideas.

"However, what intelligence did you submit that made the association willing to share such information?"

"It's nothing. Some of the rules of the 'Chosen One' that Iluna mentioned, and the information about the 'Dark Dungeon' you told me. Also, didn't Iluna mention that the Dawn Church also seems to have a door of darkness?" Door (Chapter 548)? I also told the church this."

Luvia said.

"How did you explain the source of the intelligence?"

Although the association knows that Luvia's divination is sometimes "very accurate", such information may not be divined by divination.

"I was in the dark realm. Didn't I leave alone to find rescue? During this period, I encountered a strange shadow, which told me."

"What shadow?"

Shade asked curiously.

"how could I know?"

Luvia shook her head, feeling somewhat proud:

"Let the association guess. Anyway, the information I provided is completely accurate. For diviners, the process of divination is not as important as the conclusion. After all, people only care about the results."

After the ancient gods left, the good gods, the old gods, and the existing evil gods inherited part of their power. This was something that Shade had already guessed. He even thought that the difference between "miracle" and "blasphemy" should be related to this. But the real confirmation of this was after hearing the information about Luvia today.

The secret of the departure of the ancient gods and the source of power of the existing gods also has a lot to do with Shade. After all, the ultimate goal of his path to becoming a god is to become a true god.

Since Luvia knew that the [Spiritual Cult] was a branch of the ancient Death Church, she encouraged Shade to have more contact with the Spiritual Cult.

Maybe Sister Devlin, whose eyes can see souls, is really the third chosen one they have been looking for for a long time.

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