Whispering Verse

Chapter 674 Enlightenment of the First Era


Raising his hand, he saw golden light traces radiating outward from the terrifying cracks. Shade turned his head to look at the shrine again in surprise, only to find that the shrine on the stack of books had disappeared, replaced by an old man wearing a gray robe, with white hair shawl, which almost completely blended with the white beard on his chin. gentlemen.

Wearing a gray pointed hat with a wide brim on his head, even though he was sitting on a not-so-high pile of books, the position of his head was still higher than Shade's. He holds a long staff in his left hand, and a smoking pipe in his right hand.

Because Shade was looking towards the shrine just now, he turned around again and met the old man almost face to face. Before Shade could react, the old man suddenly opened his eyes and shouted:


Because it was so sudden, Shade was frightened and took two steps back. If Miss Olanode hadn't come to hold him in time, he almost fell into the bonfire.


Holding the pipe, the old man in gray robe laughed loudly:

"It's so funny, it's so funny who's calling me this time."

He put down his pipe and looked at the four people while leaning on the long stick. He was obviously just sitting on a pile of old books, but it was as if He was sitting on a throne in the clouds. He smiled and took another puff of his pipe:

"Since this shrine has finally been touched, it means that this library that should not have existed will finally be completely destroyed. So, mortals, before it is destroyed, are you willing to help me collect a few books? ?”

He looked at the four people in turn and spoke in a tone like an old farmer sitting on a field in the countryside, asking his neighbors for help harvesting crops:

"The Library of Caddis, the Forbidden Library, the knowledge and history of the First Age were not allowed to be known by mortals after that. The destruction of this library was because they tried to learn the secrets of the First Age. And Now, it is time to recover and record the forbidden books buried here...Three books, yes, three books are needed. Bring them here and I can grant your three wishes."

"Any wishes?"

Shade asked immediately.

"Oh, no, of course not. I can't give you the power to fight, but as the guardian of the library, I have a lot of knowledge that you are interested in. Of course, I can only give you knowledge that is not taboo. "

Shade swallowed:

"For example, enhance time perception to perceive the most real time knowledge?"


Shade nodded and turned to look at the witches. They were obviously not ready to face the gods directly here, but they also heard the conversation between the gods and Shad. Miss Olanode and the witch of Zarath both nodded to Shad, so Shad asked again:

"God, may I ask, what book are you looking for?"

"The forbidden book "The Book of Nameless Sacrifice" which records the power of the sun, the forbidden book "The Scroll of Jaeger" which records the mystery of death, and the forbidden book "The Whorl Text" which records the history of the First Age."

God replied, blowing out white smoke. The white smoke did not dissipate, but formed the cover pattern of three large books in the cold air. The first one has a huge sun emblem on its surface, the second one is wrapped in chains, and the third one seems to be made of rock, with traces similar to conch fossils on the surface.

Even though they were unwilling to face the gods directly, the witches and Shade still raised their heads and observed carefully in the firelight. And the style of those book covers, just by looking at them, was immediately deeply engraved in my mind.

"Mortals, each of these three books has infinite power for mortals. I will not prohibit you from reading them in advance, but you have to bear the price yourself."

"God, will you always be here? How are we going to get our books to you?"

Shade actually wanted to ask whether the god would leave after he left. If He does not leave, then there is no need to worry about the safety of the three witches.

"Do you think that by sacrificing three books, you can start a complete god summoning ceremony? No, no, what you see now is just using my remaining power in the shrine."

Shade's eyelids twitched.

". Summoned some of my projections, otherwise why would you let you go find those banned books instead of me getting them myself? Oh, children, including this time, I can appear three times to answer some questions about those banned books. As for you It's up to you to decide when you plan to hand the book to me. If nothing goes wrong this time, then"

"God, please wait!"

The witch of Zaras suddenly said, the god's gaze was on her, and even a high-level witch was not used to it:

"That's right, we have obtained the forbidden book "The Thread Text" that records the history of the First Age."

She reached into the pocket of her dress and took out a slate. That pocket is definitely not able to hold such a big book. It must be a space-type power.

And although the style of the stone slab was exactly the same as the book cover shown by the god just now, it didn't look like a book at all. When he actually saw the traces of threads on the surface, Shade actually felt as if his consciousness was about to be sucked into it.

Simple and heavy, this was Shade's first impression of this book. He was quite interested in the knowledge recorded in it, but he also knew that his current strength was not enough to read the knowledge about the original era.

"It's true. Look, it's still sealed. Aren't you going to study the contents of this book?"

God asked with a smile. Miss Becky Samuel shook her head slightly. Seeing that her companions did not object, she handed the book to Shade.

Shade figured that he was about to leave, so he took the time to hand the book to the god in front of him.

The light of the campfire crackled behind him, casting his entire shadow onto the stone slab in front of him. The stone slab was unusually cold and thick.

This is a feeling that is hard to describe. Holding it is really like holding a piece of history, a piece of history that has been lost. The sensitivity of his soul allowed Shade to perceive more information, and holding this lost history in his hands, he seemed to actually see the ancient scroll unfolding before his eyes.

Shade did not intend to explore the power of this forbidden book that records the history of the First Age. But when a stone slab appeared in his hand, it was difficult for him not to look down.

But it was really just a glance. The mottled cracks on the surface of the stone slab, the ancient runes in the twisted threads, and even the weight of the stone itself were all conveying a message to him, a very complex message.

【Ancient God. 】

This is a word in an unknown ancient language. In the Sixth Age, it could express its meaning with only four sounds, but in that unknown language, it is so complicated. So, just knowing this word, Shade felt more painful than when "she" gave him a whole set of Dralion words in the first place.

"No, I can't continue watching."

He closed his eyes forcibly, and a gentle murmur sounded in his ears:

[That’s the old story, that’s the original story, that’s the origin story. When you stand in the distant present and look at the scroll covered with yellow sand and dust, the bright and gorgeous ancient civilization is trying to tell you their secrets. Outlander, this is your first exposure to the stories of the First Age, this is your initial "enlightenment." 】

[You have obtained thaumaturgy, the ancient voice. When you touch those items from the First Age, you can safely obtain a piece of information about them. Each item is only available once. 】

The light of enlightenment shines in Shade's soul. This is a thaumaturgy related to the core spiritual rune [Time and Space]. And when the new power generated by the enlightenment became stable, the stone tablet belonging to the First Era in his hand immediately told Shade the information he did not know.

[The First Era was extremely long. When the first era ended, the thirteen ancient gods were not far away. 】

Before Shade could think about this information, the old man in front of him took the heavy stone slab from Shade's hand. Then, a phantom-like bookshelf appeared next to Him. The god inserted the stone tablet in his hand into the gap of the bookshelf, and the bookshelf disappeared:

"Very good. In this way, the record of the first book is completed."

He took out his pipe from the air and ignored the expression on Shade's face:

"A book and a wish, make a wish. Knowledge, or power related to the library. This is just my projection, not much power, so don't be too greedy."

The bonfire was crackling, and the wind and snow outside were still shocking. The old man blew out a puff of smoke again, and a huge shadow swayed on the wall behind him, but the shape of the shadow did not look like a human being.

After recovering from the information about the First Age, the god in front of him said "not much power", which reminded Shade of the young man wearing a clown hat in the toy store.

It has been 25 minutes since Shade arrived here, and he doesn't have much time left. Therefore, I apologized to the gods in front of me, suppressed the information I just obtained about the ancient gods in my heart, and then turned around to the side of the bonfire to discuss this wish with the three witches.

"It's up to you to make this wish. You found that book and it has nothing to do with me."

Although he wanted to know ways to enhance time perception, Shade made his attitude clear.

The young girl with red dragon blood carefully looked at the scars on Shade's body and said softly:

"Teacher, please don't consider my attitude. I came out this time just to gain experience with you."

This was addressed to Miss Ole Nord.

So the two high-level witches looked at each other, and finally the witch from Zarath Academy spoke first:

"This book itself is the purpose of my coming to the Valley of Death. Since I found it, my first wish is to let God help you learn this gentleman's thaumaturgy - Silent Moonlight. He Only three rings can already slowly restore our strength, and aren't you thirteenth level?"

The last time Shade saw Miss Olanold in the Forest of a Thousand Trees, she was at level 12.

"Bryony, if you perform this magic trick, no matter how long the blizzard lasts, or even if the black snow arrives, we won't be as embarrassed as we are now. At least, this can help us escape."

Miss Becky Samuel's proposal was a very good one. It was not too much of a wish, and it essentially empowered Miss Olanold and would benefit others.

So the proposal was approved, and the blond witch wearing round glasses motioned to Shade to speak.

"Why me again?"

he asked quietly.

"Isn't it obvious, sir?"

She once again took the initiative to grab Shade's wrist, but this time Miss Olanold did not object. The witch of Zarath smiled and pushed Shade to turn around and face the old man on the pile of old books. After she let go of Shade's wrist, she observed her palm behind Shade by the light of the bonfire:

"It's really fun."

Shade heard these words coming from behind him.

He described the first wish of the three people to the god, and the god nodded in agreement, but after taking a puff of the pipe and exhaling the smoke in his mouth, the blue eyes on the old face looked at Shade in front of him again:

"This power is very unusual. In my current state, I cannot directly let the mortals over there learn it, but I can transfer your power to her."

Shade raised his eyebrows, that is to say, at the cost of losing his thaumaturgy [Silent Moonlight], Miss Olanold learned this thaumaturgy:

"Excuse me, is this process reversible?"

Miss Olanode took the initiative to walk to Shade and stood behind him. The main entrance to the ruins of the Gaddis Library is actually very empty. The shadows of the two people were entangled due to the bonfire, and were reflected on the walls with peeling murals.

"If you make another wish, this will of course be reversible."

The old man holding the staff said with a smile and urged:

"Decide quickly, young people, I'm leaving."

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