Whispering Verse

Chapter 683 [Forgiveness of the Moon Goddess]

The joy of defeating the Balrog and obtaining the Demon Hunter's sword brought a successful end to the first week of the Moon of Dead Leaves. The next day, Monday, Shade had to face the troublesome matter in his hands again.

The doctor came early, and Shade asked him to go directly behind the dark door in the basement. Before breakfast, Shade sent a letter to the librarian Miss Danist, the "Red Moon Witch" through the poem pages in his hand, explaining that he had obtained the [Yellow Moon] spirit rune.

The reply happened to be sent back after Shade had breakfast, so after simple preparations, Shade went through the four-chair undead ritual and projected it again from St. Teresa Square to the college library in the far north. middle.

When Shad showed up, the two St. Byrons students assisting in the ceremony left immediately. Shade turned to look at their backs. One of them actually had a small bat pattern suspended above his head, which meant that he was also a vampire.

"The college actually recruits vampires as students?"

He curiously asked the thirteen-ring sorceress sitting on the couch. The two of them were now located in the open space in the middle of the quiet and empty library. The bookshelves around them stretched to a place where Shade could not see, and the drawings above their heads There is a star chart and a metal spherical astrologer hanging.

The astrologer, which Shade couldn't understand at all, was spinning slowly, leaving traces of light on the ceiling.

Probably because it was still early, there weren't many footsteps in the library. Even diligent ring magicians probably would not go to the academy library to study after seven o'clock in the morning.

"Yes, there is a clan of vampires living in St. Byrons."

The red-haired sorceress is still the same. There is a stack of unevenly stacked books on the coffee table in front of her. Judging from the style, they all seem to be the textbook "Basic Potions" that Shade has received. .

"I'm glad you took the initiative to contact me about the Silver Moon Library, Mr. Hamilton. I have read your letter. You said you obtained the Yellow Moon Spirit Rune?"


With that said, Shade, who was in the projection state, called out the life ring behind him.

"Oh, three rings? And three rings already have two spiritual runes?"

Miss Danister asked in surprise, but after thinking about it she didn’t say much:

"In this case, you can consider advancing to the third grade after the exam at the end of the year. The progress is really fast."

Thaumaturgy can still be used in the projection state, as the professors who came to Shade's house demonstrated this. Therefore, after confirming that it was indeed the Yellow Moon Spirit rune, Miss Danister once again took out the black-shell book that could help her find the "Silver Moon Library".

Lying this book on his lap, the core spiritual rune "Red Moon" in the center of the thirteen-ring warlock's life ring casts spiritual light, while on the life ring behind Shade, the core spiritual rune "Silver Moon" and the three-ring spiritual rune "Yellow Moon" also casts spiritual light together.

On the originally blank page, blurry traces gradually appeared as the aura of brass and gold illuminated it. But just like last time, the contents of the book are still not fully revealed.

"It seems that just pure spiritual runes are not enough. Core spiritual runes are still needed."

The librarian lady shook her head with regret:

"The traces are indeed clearer now than last time, but they are still unrecognizable."

"Speaking of which, when will Serksese's Guiding Moon arrive in Tobesk?"

Shade couldn't help but ask.

"Soon, at the end of this month or at the beginning of next month, I will trouble you to collect traces of his aura."

Miss Danister closed the black-shell book, and then raised her head to look at the life ring behind Shade, which was gradually disappearing in the steam mist:

"Silver Moon and Yellow Moon, it's really interesting. If you can obtain the [Red Moon] Spirit Rune again, you will be eligible to learn the Thirteenth Ring that evolved from the spell of the witch of the Fifth Age. Ring thaumaturgy."

"What thaumaturgy?"

"[Forgiveness of the Moon Goddess]. It requires the spiritual rune of March, and it can only be [Yellow Moon], [Red Moon] and [Silver Moon]. Similar concepts are not acceptable, and at least one moon in March is the core Spirit rune. This is the thirteen-ring thaumaturgy that belongs exclusively to St. Byrons. It was left behind by the first librarian of the college. It is said that the prototype is a power from the Fourth Age or earlier."

"The first administrator."

The image of Miss Olanode suddenly jumped into Shade's mind. He embraced her in the past time, as if it happened yesterday. Yesterday was Sunday, so it really happened yesterday morning.

In order to stop himself from thinking wildly, Shade hurriedly ended the topic:

"Oh, is there any progress in investigating the appearance of Miss Myrna Feliana in Tobesk? Everyone in our group is very curious."

"The ring warlocks all over the world will be curious, but unfortunately there are no traces left locally. The most valuable clues at present are actually the memories of the witnesses at the time."

Speaking of this matter, Miss Denister also had a headache:

"Recently I have been checking the materials from the previous era in the library, hoping to find some clues. But Mr. Hamilton, this library is filled with old parchment rolls, probably enough to pave the way from here to your home. Library Administrators all have this 'good habit'. No matter what kind of documents they are, as long as they enter the library, they will not be thrown away even if they are no longer valuable."

"That's it. This reminds me of the fallen old god, the guardian of the library [Grey-robed Sage]."

Shade pretended to be casual and said;

"I remember that this god's magic seems to be related to the library."

"Yes, and the magic of the old gods is now called incantation, don't get it wrong."

Miss Denister said very strictly. She also knew what Shade meant:

"But there are not many remaining statues and powerful objects of this god. It is not easy to learn the spells corresponding to this god. Speaking of which, this great man also helped St. Byrons in the college library. When the library was first built, his followers followed the oracle and completed the initial structure of the library. Now I can wave my hand and take out the right book from any bookshelf. The power of this library and the position of administrator has given me It’s about power, and this power comes from the underlying ritual structure of the library.”

"Are the founders of the college familiar with that great man's order?"

"I don't know about this, but it is said that the first generation of administrators once completed the task of the great [grey robe sage]. This is recorded in Zarath's documents."

It seems that the mission that Shade is experiencing in the fifth era, 3024, directly determines the appearance of the library where he is currently located. The past and present are connected again. In the era when [Father of the Infinite Tree] has passed away, Shade will continue to use his power to connect the orderly but incoherent time.

[The Father of the Infinite Tree is with you. 】

"She" whispered in Shade's ear with admiration.

In the quiet library, Shade narrowed his eyes, while Miss Daniste picked up the teacup and wondered what she was thinking. There is no wind here, only the right light of unknown origin, illuminating every inch of the floor engraved with runes and every old bookshelf filled with books.

Inspired, Shade suddenly thought that perhaps in the previous era thousands of years ago, Miss Feliana, Miss Olanode and the girl with the red dragon tail, Fiona, had also stood here. Recalling Shade here is like how Shade recalls them now.

Same space, different time. Shade even wanted to reach out and touch the air in front of him at this moment, because the deceased people really existed here.

"Perhaps they were also at the other end of time, imagining that I would appear here a thousand years later, sitting on the sofa and looking back at their position."

Shade thought to himself.

[Time and space are intertwined here. 】

"so what?"

[So, let’s continue the stories that have already happened. 】

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