Whispering Verse

Chapter 700 Sha De’s Sins

After crossing the fence gate, you have officially entered the interior of the relic.

There is an extremely huge difference in the concentration of whispering elements inside and outside the fence gate. Naturally, this place is not as unbearable as the fishbone pirate ship, but the unique range of influence of location-based relics still makes Shade feel very uncomfortable.

It wasn't the pounding headache or nausea, nor the small whispers that kept harassing him. He felt a kind of desire, and it was very easy for his own messy thoughts to stand out here. In fact, Shade actually thought about quitting at this moment, and this idea of ​​​​escape was absolutely impossible for him.

"Oh, I need to focus a little more."

With his back to the fence gate behind him, Shade closed his eyes and patted his head several times. Good memories and thoughts can drive away those distracting thoughts, but the problem is that good memories can also inspire more wrong thoughts. For example, when I think of Mia the cat, I think it is better to be cautious and turn around and leave. When I think of Luvia, in addition to the sweetness of the relationship, there are also

As Shade realized the unusualness of these chaotic thoughts, standing inside the fence gate, he suddenly felt that the sky around him had become dim. Dark clouds surrounded the forest glade, followed by a dark bolt of lightning from high in the sky, and a rumbling sound was heard a few seconds later.

The building that originally looked clean and tidy in the autumn sunshine became eerie as the light faded. Large swaths of shadows wrapped around the outer walls of the building like creeping monsters, and strange figures appeared in the glass windows. In the courtyard within the fence, the golden fallen leaves rotted into mud. The tree with the swing in the courtyard also lost all its leaves in two seconds. The trunk and branches seemed to have completely lost their vitality in an instant, but the withered look, Like a giant gray hand reaching out from deep underground.

There was a rustling sound behind me. I turned around and saw the black iron fence door. The black metal was crawling like a snake, connecting with each other until it completely blocked the door, like a spider web. The common characteristic of location-type relics is that they cannot leave unless certain conditions are met. This was proven on the [Fishbone Pirate Ship] that Shade experienced.

The light was dim, the cold wind carrying a rancid smell blew over Shade, and everything around him was in dilapidated condition. When the relic fully revealed its inner nature, Shade finally felt a headache and strong discomfort. The Whispering Element affects everything, both physical and non-physical, and is the enemy of civilization.

"Although it is very uncomfortable, it is bearable. It seems that my sin is not particularly serious."

Shade frowned and pressed his head. He now felt like he was in an alley full of garbage and feces, breathing heavily for ten times and then spinning around in circles twenty times.

But in addition to the uncomfortable feeling, he also felt that his strength had increased. All creatures entering the [Sin Mansion] will regard their own sins and gain increased strength. This can be regarded as the unique "site effect" of this location-based relic.

"The feeling I feel now is no less than wearing those witch jewelry. Are my sins so many?"

He was very confused, but shook his head:

"Get out of here quickly. I hope Granny Cassandra's information is correct."

Glancing at the broken swing under the dead tree, Shade walked towards the door of the building that looked like a haunted house, then reached out and knocked on the black door. This is not a metal door but a hardwood door. But the surface of the wood has not been treated so carefully that the grain of the bark is still clear.

But if you look closely, those twisted lines are clearly a language that can be translated. But when Shade tried to decipher the words on the door, a severe headache almost made him unsteady.

After holding on to the wall for a while, he felt better. From this, he understood that the power of the words on this door was no less powerful than most of the words he had come into contact with in this world.

No footsteps were heard, and the door in front of him opened silently. An old man with gray skin and a heavy back appeared in the door holding a lantern.

He looked at Shade with drooped eyelids, and Shade felt a stronger whispering element in the other person.

"Are you a lost traveler?"

The other party spoke Delarian, and his voice was unusually hoarse.

"No, I am a guest here to trade."

Shade said according to the information provided by Granny Cassandra.

[Sin Mansion] itself is a mountain mansion belonging to an unknown noble in the Third or Fourth Age. Later, something extremely terrible happened here. The limited information in the Witch Council shows that it was the owner of the mansion who studied the knowledge of original sin, which led to the fire of sin and burned everything, forming this terrible [Sin Mansion] remains.

Once outsiders are identified as being lost travelers here, they will be permanently trapped as prey by the mansion itself. Only guests who claim to be traders can enjoy the courtesy. Judging from experience, as long as they do not show hostility to the [Sin Mansion] itself, the relics will not easily show malice towards the traders who enter.

"Please come in."

The old man holding the lamp said in a hoarse voice, making way for Shade to enter. When Shade entered the foyer, he noticed that the faint light on the wall of the foyer actually came from a gas lamp, and there were even gas pipes on the wall.

"This was a gift from a guest more than 20 years ago, and we decorated the place with his soul."

The old man smiled and led Shade towards the inside of the building.

Outside the window is a terrifying sky with black lightning flashing from time to time, and the dilapidated courtyard is easily reminiscent of the plot of a horror story. Although there were dim gas lamps in the room as the light source, the atmosphere here was still extremely scary.

However, the light of the broken glass-shaded lantern held by the old man was slightly stronger. Shade, who was following him, looked at the crack-like traces on the wall and tried to ask:

"Excuse me, do you want to sell this lamp of yours?"

When this lamp is taken to the outside world, it can be regarded as a relic in itself.

"Sell, three complete souls, or bear the sin of killing for me for a moment."

The old man said in a hoarse voice, then suddenly stopped and looked back at Shade:

"Guest, don't be too anxious. The trader will have everything you want. I can see that you have enough sins."

The two of them reached the deepest part of the foyer. From here, they could choose to go to the corridors on the left and right, or go to the second floor through the stairs. But the old man stopped again:

"Guest, according to the rules, you must verify the number of your sins before making a transaction."

"no problem."

Shade nodded, followed the old man to the corridor on the right, and entered the first room on the left. The room was very empty, and there was only a weak gas lamp in the deepest part of the room.

Under the gas lamp was a table, behind which sat a man with a blank look on his face and a quill in his hand. He was dressed like an old-fashioned aristocrat, but the red coat was not well made, which made people wonder whether his family had already fallen into decline.

The old man stood at the door and motioned for Shade to walk over, so Shade stepped into the threshold, feeling even more uncomfortable than before.

After walking through the dim room to the table, the man holding the quill spoke in an extremely dull voice:

"Press your palms to the paper."

There was only one piece of parchment on the table that looked like it had been burned, and Shade pressed his hand over it. A few seconds later, the man behind the desk suddenly grabbed the quill and was about to stab Shade's wrist, but Shade quickly dodged it.

The other party glared at Shade, took the parchment back, pierced his wrist with a quill, and then wrote on the parchment with a bloody pen. After finishing writing, he threw the piece of paper to Sha De, with no intention of communicating with Sha De at all.

On the parchment, the "financial resources" possessed by Shade were recorded in words twisted like earthworms:

[Complete Soul (Powerful, Flawless, Holy, Balanced, Dark)]

[Gluttony (treasure) 10.5 quarters]

[Greed (Perfect) 9.9 quarters]

[Lie (Normal) 8.9 ticks]

[Amorous feelings (normal) 2.6 seconds]

[seyu (normal) 1.3 ticks]

[Huricide (flaw) 0.7 ticks]

[Desecration (flaw) 0.6 ticks]

[Infidelity (flaw) 0.1 ticks]

【Chain of Sin】

"Hiss, I have more sins than I thought."

My eyes paused on the middle two lines for a moment, and then looked towards the end:

"The chains of mortal sin count?"

Shade was a little surprised, and several other items were recorded in Granny Cassandra's information.

Everyone has a soul, and those descriptors describe the characteristics of the soul. Among them, [Powerful] and [Flawless] represent the quality of Shade's soul, and [Balance] and "Darkness" represent the characteristics of the soul. This is probably related to the fact that Shade participated in the Chosen Ceremony and also fulfilled the requirements of the ceremony.

On the other hand, [Holiness] was beyond Shade's expectations, because it is said that only the most devout believers can obtain such a description if they have done good deeds throughout their lives.

"Perhaps my 'life' is too short, and I have killed fewer ants than others. Moreover, although I am not a good person in the standard sense, I have not been a bad person."

He thought happily, and the sins listed after the description of the soul only picked out the more obvious characteristics, rather than listing them all. A normal person cannot list more than ten sins, otherwise that person would need to go to a mental sanatorium or prison to rest.

"Engraved" is the evaluation of the quantity of sin here, while "flaws", "ordinary", "perfect" and "treasure" are the evaluation of quality.

Although Shade possesses both the "Gluttony" and "Greed" spiritual runes, after all, the former is drawn from the divinity of [Lord of the Blood Feast], and he has drawn it twice, so the "treasure" evaluation of the former being of the highest quality is also very normal.

"Except for gluttony and greed, there is nothing you can do about lies. Seyu is something that normal people with good physical and mental health will have. Bloodiness is just a flaw. Don't worry about it. You can understand blasphemy. Disloyalty probably means that I completed the task of delivering intelligence to the enemy country for money. .”

Shade summarized his "physical examination report". The parchment he held in his hand should be regarded as everyone's deepest secret. After leaving here, he will not tell anyone the results.

[The only thing you didn’t analyze was “emotional”. 】

There was a murmuring sound in his ears. Shade pursed his lips and lowered his eyelids slightly:

"This is indeed my sin."

She just chuckled and didn't comment further.

So Shade took the parchment and returned to the corridor covered with red carpets and gold wallpaper, and showed it to the old man with the lantern.

The latter looked at the parchment with the faint light, and his face, as gray as a mummy, finally revealed the color of emotion:

"Treasure gluttony at 10.3 minutes? How do you maintain your current figure?"

He was extremely surprised.

"It's 10.5 minutes. I can understand this kind of writing."

Shade reminded. The latter did not show an embarrassed expression. He stuffed the parchment back into Shade's hand and suddenly came closer. He raised the lantern in his withered right hand, and his cloudy eyes carefully looked at the young man holding the sword in front of him from a very close distance:

"Do you understand? Are you a scholar of original sin?"

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