"Rescue mission generating............"

Mission World: "The Wandering Earth 1".

Objective: To save 350,000 people in the Hangzhou dungeon and save the global catastrophe caused by Jupiter's gravity crisis. Save the humans of this world (optional)!

Mission Details: Geoscientists predict that in the near future, the sun will explode with helium flashes and its core will age rapidly. At that time, the sun, which is heading for destruction, will expand dramatically, and finally swallow up the entire solar system, including the earth.

In order for mankind to continue to survive, governments around the world have mobilized the power of all mankind to build 10,000 planetary engines and 2,000 steering engines on the surface of the earth. In addition to the powerful power that will propel the Earth to escape the solar system in search of a new home

, humanity has also built and launched the International Space Station Navigator, which will provide early warning, navigation and communication services to the Earth.

However, when the "Wandering Earth Project" was carried out until 2075, Jupiter's gravitational crisis broke out, resulting in a total of 4,771 engine shutdowns in the world, and the Earth will hit Jupiter in 37 hours, 4 minutes and 12 seconds. The situation is urgent, and the lives of 3.5 billion people are at stake! The United Earth Government has issued a supreme mobilization to start a global saturation rescue!

Mission reward: Save Lieutenant Colonel Liu Peiqiang and reward 3,000 mission points. Save the senior driver Han Ziang and reward 2000 mission points. Wang Lei, the team who rescued the CN171-11 rescue team, was rewarded with 1000 mission points. Save the lives of 350,000 people in the Hangzhou dungeon and reward 5,000 mission points.

Save the global catastrophe caused by Jupiter's gravitational crisis and reward 10,000 mission points. Optional quest to save the humans of this world, rewarding 100,000 quest points.

Mission countdown: 47 hours, 59 minutes, 59 seconds.

"The Wandering Earth! This time it's actually the Wandering Earth?" Chang Wei's

eyes widened with excitement.

I thought that my system would always release some rescue missions that need to be fought to complete, but I didn't expect that this time it was actually the world of the movie "The Wandering Earth 1"! It seems that I really misunderstood the system.

"The Wandering Earth 1" is a sci-fi adventure movie released in 2019, directed by Guo Fan, starring Wu Jing, Qu Chuxiao, Li Guangjie, Wu Mengda, Zhao Jinmai, etc. The film is based on Da Liu's novel of the same name, which depicts the story of all mankind trying to escape the solar system with the earth and find a new home for mankind in the face of a huge crisis.

This sci-fi movie has won the love of countless people with its good special effects, shocking shots, magnificent music, fascinating plot and world view, and the concept and spirit that is different from Western individual heroism.

Among these countless people, there is naturally Chang Wei. In particular, the spirit and concept of "Yugong Moves Mountains" and "Community of Shared Future for Mankind" in the movie made Chang Wei, who watched this movie at that time, shocked inexplicably and deeply touched!

What one generation can't accomplish, then leave it to the next generation to complete, generation after generation, generation after generation, then......... One day, we will certainly be able to succeed

! This is simply a cultural romance that can only belong to a big country

in the East! "The Wandering Earth 1" not only knocked on the door of domestic science fiction films, but is also a monument in the history of Chinese films

! Chang Wei has long felt sorry for the characters and the human situation in this movie, but he did not expect that he would now have the opportunity to save this tragedy! How could this not make him happy?

If you don't take the opportunity to wait until you go back and watch the movie again, you'll really be sorry for yourself.

However, knowing that his fleet was about to go to the world of "The Wandering Earth 1", Chang Wei couldn't help but be puzzled.

"System, why is it that every time I go to the rescue world, it is the world of movies and games that I am familiar with? Will there be a world in anime and novels in the future? All this can't be fake, right?"

The system replied mechanically: "Wrong conclusion! The host is based on subjective judgment, which leads to cognitive biases, which need to be corrected immediately! Correct logic - exists, that is, reasonable!".

"According to the system, the information collected in the heavens and all worlds shows that this phenomenon is very common, and it is a phenomenon of entanglement between different universes, at the level of consciousness, and we call this phenomenon 'brain hole entanglement'. The phenomenon of 'entanglement' enables intelligent beings in some worlds to perceive or receive stories and events that are happening in other worlds.

"It's like human beings can see the stars at a very long distance through light. Even if the star is long gone, and humans can't get there, they can still see it as it used to be.

In the same way, the worlds in those stories may no longer exist, but their information is received by intelligent life in other universes.

"But the vast majority of intelligent beings cannot distinguish the truth of this information, or they cannot verify it!

"However, there are intelligent beings who receive more complete and clear information. They will integrate the information they receive through the form of story creation, and present those stories more clearly in their own world through various film and television works, novels, animations and other literary carriers.

"The essence of the phenomenon of 'brain hole entanglement' is actually the cross-border communication and cultural transmission between intelligent beings in the multiverse through this way of consciousness entanglement.

"When intelligent beings see the fantastical adventures, technological developments, and cultural inheritances of other worlds, there is a great chance that they will resonate at the level of consciousness. At present, the system has no way of knowing what role and significance this resonance has.

After a series of answers, Chang Wei was greatly shocked to hear!

Is that so? The story in every work may actually be real!

At the same time, Chang Wei also heard another secret of the system.

"System, what is a system line?" Does that mean that you are not alone? I am not the only system host. You have bound countless hosts like me in the heavens and all worlds, and built a huge intelligence network, is that what you mean?"

"You know too much!"

The system replied in the same cold tone.

"The host has insufficient privileges and no right to know. Mission countdown: 47 hours, 23 minutes, 16 seconds. Please be ready for the mission!".

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