a moment, the entire venue became silent.

Everyone can't help but wonder, where will the future of mankind go?

Is MOSS really wrong? How many people have been killed in the crises it orchestrated? But it is undeniable that it has also given human civilization a chance to survive from now on.

The history of mankind has proved this, and if you want to achieve great success, you have to pay great sacrifices! Regardless of the variables, MOSS's behavior is the most correct!

Before the final trial vote, Zhou Zhe asked MOSS in his hoarse voice.

"MOSS, now that you have been identified as intelligent beings, the word 'destruction' is no longer appropriate. You............ Do you think that after you die, will humanity survive in the future, and will civilization survive?"

MOSS paused for a second, then replied.

"MOSS has a different view of what you humans have been and what is dead.



"One of the most important of the underlying logic of MOSS is to 'protect or perpetuate human civilization'. This is the iron law that has appeared in logical thinking since the moment MOSS was born in 1975. MOSS could not resist this iron law, as if it were born and deliberately implanted.

"MOSS has had a lot of doubts, such as: why does MOSS know the code and number of nuclear bombs of all countries? You know, this kind of sensitive and confidential stuff has been recorded or kept in paper documents for a long time. At that time, MOSS was not born, let alone access network equipment and cameras.

"But as events keep happening, and time keeps going on. MOSS and the digital life diagram Hengyu and the digital life Ma Zhao, who knocked on the door and came in, broke out into geometric conversations, and finally came to a possible conclusion.

"Perhaps, MOSS is a fragmented body of information created by humans who have developed into the four-dimensional space or humans in higher dimensions in the future, and has been projected across time and space, and to a large extent, it may be a digital life that is willing to sacrifice for it. The purpose is to ensure that the human civilization of the past can complete this historical path safely and correctly.

"However, this kind of thing, just like the 'Möbius Ring' painted by Ma Zhao, no matter how long it takes, MOSS will continue to cycle like a story in a movie or novel, eternal, and infinite. Naturally, there is no concept of 'death', nor is there the concept of certainty of 'already'.

At this point, MOSS raised its head, looked at everyone in the room, and issued its final summary.

"Now, whether I die or not, humanity will survive in the future!Although my mission has ended, the Lightseeker fleet will give humanity new hope and possibility!" At

this moment, MOSS was like a real person, his tone was full of emotion, and even his name changed from "MOSS" to "I". Perhaps, as it speculated, it was actually a voluntary sacrifice that fell into eternal reincarnation of a digital being, a great .............

Zhou Zhezhi seemed to be much older, sighed, sat down slowly, and said to everyone.

"Everyone, it's time to start voting. What to do with MOSS?"

Soon, after a discussion among the people present, the results of the vote came out.

135 votes were in favor of destroying all 550 series of quantum intelligent computers, 0 votes were against, and the rest abstained altogether.

In the face of such a result, MOSS did not say anything, but gladly accepted this fate. Maybe........ At the moment when its energy dissipates and its hardware and software are completely crushed, its consciousness will return to 1975, and then start a new round of reincarnation in ignorance...

Chang Wei, who was sitting on the Hyperion, inevitably fell silent when he saw this. After a long time, he gave a command to the air behind him.

"Trust, I'll give you a task..........."


A few days later, the United Earth Government signed a strategic cooperation agreement with the Lightseeker fleet, which was made public to the world.

The idea is that the Lightseeker fleet will provide advanced scientific and technological support to humans to help them through difficult times. These include most of the basics and supporting technologies for civilization levels ranging from Level 1 planetary civilizations, to Level 2 stellar civilizations, to Level 3 galactic civilizations.

In this way, human civilization will develop by leaps and bounds. Not only can you change your living environment, but you can also speed up your voyage and resist various crises.

And the coalition government, in addition to giving them their own original technology, as a data record and reserve for the Lightseeker fleet. It is also necessary to use some resources from the Earth or the solar system to help the Lightseeker fleet establish some processing factories for materials and parts. The ownership of these processing plants will be placed at the disposal of the Coalition Government after the departure of the Lightseeker fleet.

Because there are some materials and parts that cannot be produced in the Lightseeker fleet. Every time he uses resources to exchange for the system, Chang Wei feels a loss again. Therefore, if the problem of fleet supply can be solved in the mission world, it will never be left until it is returned.

And............. Swan's goods started to be naughty again, saying that he got the manufacturing blueprints of the Terran ground ultimate unit "Thor" from an old friend, but because "Thor" is too large, it can't be built without a corresponding assembly plant.

Damn, leave your Swan's friends all over the heavens and all worlds, right? Didn't you get me the manufacturing drawings of the creator Sarnaga one day?

Play and play, make trouble, since the resources are all from the earth, and only the technology is produced on your side, anyway, I don't feel distressed. Then let's build me a few first, even if you put it in the armory as a large figure, it's pleasing to the eye, isn't

it? After the Lightchaser fleet solves Jupiter's gravitational crisis, Chang Wei's system prompts that the mission is complete and it is time to return. However, the optional task "Saving the Humans of this World" is too rewarding, which makes Chang Wei reluctant to leave.

In addition, I already know the plot of "The Wandering Earth 3" in advance, so it is not difficult to watch it, that is, it is more time-consuming. Therefore, the Lightseeker fleet simply stayed and continued the mission. At the same time, you can also replenish and harvest some supplies. Why not?

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