Chang Wei and Zhong Kai have teleported to the "Hyperion" on the far side of Neptune, and the Cybertron "Ark", "Gorgon" class battle cruisers, and the super carrier "Infinity" have also been deployed here by Chang Wei.

Next, they will have some discussions here, confirm the destination, and then set sail towards the starry sky, and in a stable star system, set up their own military factory, starport, logistics base, etc.

Although the current scale of the Lightchaser fleet is not very large, it is still right to prepare for it in the future.

At the meeting convened by Chang Wei, the captains and commanders of the warships engaged in heated debates and discussions on the question of where to build the fleet base.

Due to the suddenness of the incident, the Lightchaser fleet did not collect and explore the star map, so it simply entered the galaxy observation map detected by human astronomy on Earth into the supercomputer. Then let it automatically analyze the relevant galaxies that have the conditions to establish a base, and mark them with ABCD.

The captain of the Hyperion, Matt Horner, was the first to say, "I think we should choose System A as our base. Because the orbits of the planets in it are not too far apart, it is convenient for the dispatch of materials and the exchange of personnel, and can respond more quickly to all kinds of emergency transportation and deployment.

The captain of the Infinity, Thomas Laski, shook his head and said, "I don't agree! Although Galaxy A is conveniently accessible, it has relatively few resources and cannot meet the future production and logistics needs of our fleet. We should choose System B, which is rich in resources and has 9 planets, which is very suitable for building a large base and numerous supporting facilities.

The first mate of the Infinity, Armstrong, naturally sided with his captain, so he nodded and said, "I agree with Captain Thomas. Galaxy B has abundant mineral resources and vast space, which is very suitable for building a production base and logistics support base for the fleet. Moreover, we can solve the problem of material dispatch by increasing the number of transportation routes.

Matt Horner's brows furrowed, then he pointed to the road map of the galaxy and said, "But the geographical orbit of galaxy B is relatively remote, and the distance between aphelion and periaphelion and periapsis is 39 times different from the star! It's still at a safe distance for the time being, but if it suddenly swells, it will stick over and swallow it up!"

Thomas Lasky replied: "There is some truth to what you said, but we can solve the problem of material dispatch by increasing the transport fleet and material reserves. At the same time, corresponding calculation and early warning mechanisms can also be established to monitor black holes. The most important point is that the resource advantage of System B can provide a better platform for the development of our fleet.

Swan crossed his hands on his hips and couldn't help nodding: "Although Galaxy B is more difficult to transport materials, there are also certain safety risks. But it's really rich in resources, and there's nothing to say about that. I also believe that a relatively resource-rich galaxy should be chosen.

At this time, the captain of the "Gorgon", who had not spoken for a long time, began to speak: "Actually, I think we must pay attention to the problem of potential safety hazards. We need to think not only about the abundance of resources in the present, but also about the long-term development of the future. Maybe........ We can consider other galaxies as a compromise, such as... "

After some heated debate and discussion, the differences between the captains and commanders of the major ships still existed, and they could not reach a unified opinion. As the supreme commander of the fleet, Chang Wei has the final decision.

However, he did not act arbitrarily, but listened carefully to many suggestions, began to summarize the views of all parties, and proposed a compromise.

"Alright, based on everyone's opinions, I have decided to choose System C as the starport base and logistics support base for the Lightseeker fleet. It not only has a certain transportation convenience, but also has abundant resources and a relatively safe environment. That's enough for us to grow and grow over a long period of time. The

captains and commanders of the warships thought for a while, and gradually accepted Chang Wei's compromise plan. While not everyone is completely satisfied, they all agree that it is a relatively balanced and viable option.

Moreover, through this discussion meeting, Chang Wei also saw his subordinates more thoroughly and understood.

After some discussion, all the captains and commanders showed independent thinking and insisted on their positions. Despite the differences of opinion, in the end, through discussions and compromises, a modest and workable scheme for the construction of the fleet was worked out.

Every word and deed, all kinds of expressions and demeanors are in full view, this.......... It's not something that NPCs in that game can do. Chang Wei is sure that these are conjured up by the system...........

Thinking of this, Chang Wei couldn't help but look at his brother, Zhong Kai. Because he is the second "natural person" in the entire fleet, besides himself.

However, now Zhong Kai's expression looks a little lonely.

Chang Wei seemed to have thought of something, and immediately gave an order to everyone, and began to let the fleet make a faster-than-light leap towards Galaxy C.

After dealing with the matter at hand, Chang Wei walked to Zhong Kai's side and asked him with concern.

"Why? Are you reluctant to leave the earth? If you want, I can send you back now.

Zhong Kai sighed and said.

"It's okay, just a little reluctant. You know my family, my mother died of illness when I was a child, and my father was the second son in the village, so he basically didn't care about me. Even now, I am still addicted to playing cards and walking the streets all day long, and even I was abducted to northern Myanmar, without knowing or indifferent.

"That's why I had to go out to work after graduating from high school. Because I don't want to stay in that home!"

"But, after all, it's the place where I was born and raised, and with the current loneliness, it should be regarded as a homeland, right?"

In fact, Chang Wei also felt this way, but he didn't show it. Because the commander cannot show weakness in front of his own subordinates.

Chang Wei smiled slightly, patted Zhong Kai's shoulder and said.

"If the earth is compared to a cradle, then human beings are babies born in this cradle. Babies grow up and grow into adults. I learned to turn over, I learned to climb, I learned to walk, I learned to speak. I knew what was right and wrong, I experienced the warmth and coldness, and I realized life and death.

"However, one day, human beings will leave the cradle and go to the sea of stars!"

"It's just that now, with the science fiction fleet, we are only 100 million steps ahead of everyone else.

"And, in the future, we won't stop! We have grown up, we have learned what responsibility is, what life is, and what faith is!"

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