Saint Freya

After witnessing the scene in the video, Kiana, Theresa and others all showed some weird expressions.

What the hell is going on with this Moriarty!

"Give up your life just to witness the ending of Suo?"

It is not difficult to see from the video. At this moment,

Moriarty is in a state of extreme excitement.

And this excitement all comes from the ridiculous end of the"god" due to his arrogance.

It has to be said.

Just as As Vita said, Moriarty's behavior is indeed similar to Otto's.

In Vita's eyes,

Otto's behavior is meaningless self-revenge.

He sacrificed everything.

Just for one person. Create a result that is of no value to itself. The audience disagrees with this statement.

"Vita still doesn’t understand Otto"

"In fact, just like Kevin"

"The moment Kallen fell into Otto's arms, the man named Otto Apokalis had died, and all that was left was a bishop driven forward by love."

Himeko's tone was quite emotional.

After all,

Otto is a very touching person.

Every time we talk about everything he has done, it is inevitable that people will feel a little complicated.

"In the eyes of Vita, Otto's performance was a worthless self-revenge, but for Otto himself.....Self-salvation seems more appropriate"

"But this Moriarty....."

Otto's actions are self-redemptive.

But Moriarty.

The audience was really confused.

How hateful is he?

Even if you die next moment.

I also want to witness with my own eyes, Suo’s ending?

What on earth did Suo do to him to make him hate her so much?

In the video

, Moriarty did not feel angry at all when faced with Vita's slightly ironic words.

Very peaceful.

Even, with a little smile

"My sincere thanks to you, Miss [Agent], for bringing you useless news."


"I actually think that you and this [Sao] are carved from the same mold."28

Vita's sarcasm did not make Moriarty angry.

However, this did not mean that he would be indifferent.

He also used the same words to"fight back" against Vita.

Vita's His face is equally calm

"I have surpassed Him, and my presence here is the best proof"

"Is not it?"

"I will never make the same mistake as Him and I will find true freedom." There was a hint of inadvertent confidence in her tone. The next moment, a rustling voice sounded at an inappropriate time.


"Is this what you really want?"

"Or just because......"

"Asking for something but not getting it?"

"The so-called"freedom" is synonymous with"nothingness"."

Sao looked at Vita calmly without any emotion.

But after hearing these words,

Vita couldn't help but chuckled disdainfully.

" about you? Have you really gained anything [real] when you have become so swollen that you can hardly move forward?"

Faced with this question.

After a long silence, he finally spoke.

"Flusha is me."

After hearing this,

Moriarty suddenly laughed wildly, as if he had heard some extremely funny joke.

The laughter was full of sarcasm.

"Ah ha ha ha ha"

"Is this the reason why you sank into the [sea] in the first place? You have all-knowing and all-powerful eyes, but you haven’t even seen yourself clearly"

"Our great Creator God is actually a blind god!"

Moriarty seemed to have heard the funniest joke in the world.


Suo just muttered to himself, still showing no emotion.

"God's blindness....."

"....Mortals are blind."

Saint Freya.

After seeing this scene, Kiana and others as the audience couldn't help but sigh.

These two people were staying with a god.

The smell of gunpowder.

Isn't it too much?

"It's just you making fun of me and me making fun of you......Is this a battle summary meeting?"

Kiana couldn't help but start teasing.

In the video,

Vita sarcastically said that Suo got nothing, and

Moriarty sarcastically said that Suo was a god, but he didn't even see himself clearly.

And to this,

Suo's response was:

God. Blind eyes, blind minds of mortals.

At the same time,

Vita and Moriarty were taunting each other.

It was quite a feeling.

After the battle, the loser and the winner sat together and had a summary meeting.

"These three are all in different camps and have their own goals and objectives."


"Suo is the common enemy of Moriarty and Vita. Although they have different purposes, they are both very happy to see the end of the god Suo."

From the mutual ridicule between the three, especially Vita's words, the audience can't help but feel relieved.

Although she has to accept all the authority of [Sao], fortunately she is very self-aware.

She has no intention of doing it again. Xia and Suo made the same mistake.

This has to be attributed to the God of the Earth on the moon.

This wave is called -

Kiana's intimidation!!!

In the video

, after hearing Suo's excuse, Vita immediately spoke again

"Oh My God"

"You said it quite confidently, why don't you use these to deal with the enemy who has the [eighth sense]?"

"Logically speaking, he is obviously your old enemy, right?"

However, when faced with questions like Vita's that were full of sarcasm, her tone was still without any fluctuations.

"Mortals, not enemies"

"Just pebbles on the road."

This is it.

His arrogance as a god has never looked at human beings.

He just treats them as scattered on the earth.



Stones that can be walked over casually without even looking at them. One glance.

However, the price is——

"That's really congratulations"

"After all, your feet seem to be bleeding on these stones?"

Vita mocked mercilessly.

Because she didn't look at the prisoner.

So, she was scarred because of a mortal.

How ridiculous?

The price of arrogance!

".....That has nothing to do with them."

Suo's tone was still calm.

But before she finished speaking, she was interrupted by Vita.

"But it's about me."

That's true.

Not only did Suo never look at mortals, she also never looked at Vita.

So, she pulled him off the altar!

After hearing this,

Suo spoke again after a brief silence.

"【Agent] You are not an ordinary person"

"You have exceeded the limit of [expansion]"

"The only freedom of gods is also the only nothingness of mortals"

"The world is my representation, the world is my will"

"The so-called [god self]】......God lives for me and I die for God."

Because of a will, He was born.

But also because of a will, He died.

This is Suo's view.


Vita has a different view on this.

"I think this sentence should be said the other way around."

"【I live for God, God dies for me】"

"Do you suddenly feel better?"

A smile appeared on her face. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Originally, the audience didn't know anything about Vita's identity, but now they can already make some guesses.

Vita and Suo have an inseparable relationship.

As she said herself, she was born because of Suo!

The Fire Moth——

"Could it be that this Sister Su is Suo's daughter?"

Pado said jokingly.

He called Vita Sister Su.

After all, she and Su are so similar.

No biological daughter can achieve this level of similarity.

"Phyllis, what you said makes sense. Literally speaking, Vita was born due to sexual intercourse, but it shouldn’t be a mother-daughter relationship in the traditional sense."

"After all....."[]

"Probably not, having children or anything like that."


Compared to the title daughter,

Su feels that the word derivative seems more appropriate.


The relationship between Vita and Suo is just like the relationship between Moriarty and Otto.

A self-awareness born from Suo

"In this case, it is indeed more reasonable"

"I live for God, God dies for me"


"Vita seemed to be very proud of the fact that she had pulled Suo off the altar."

God died because of me.

In fact, to be precise,

God did not die because of Vita.

Rather, because of his arrogance as a god, he never looked squarely at mortals as stones, but miracles are often created by mortals.

Especially, as a"mortal" Kiana.

She can end the Honkai Impact.

If she can become the God of the Earth, then she will have the ability to destroy another god.

This is

Suo's biggest mistake.

It is also what led him to where he is today. The root cause.

In the video

, after seeing the quarrel between Vita and Suo, Moriarty could not stop being ecstatic as if he had witnessed a good show.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

"A good death, a wonderful death - it's a pity that I can't stick a cross for you!"

Faced with this rude behavior,

Suo didn't seem to care.

His spearhead was still pointed at Vita.

"Get carried away"

"Ignorance is indeed the greatest sin of mortals"

"Mortals have never killed gods"

"Only [God] can."

Until now.

He still refuses to admit that he died because of a mortal.

As for Vita who is about to take away his authority.

Suo gave a warning.


"One day, you too will be looking for your own executioner."

Hearing this,

Moriarty continued, sarcastically

"oh oh? It seems that compared to ordinary people like me, gods like you are better at killing yourself?"

"Okay, okay, that just means that a half-baked person is just a half-baked person after all!"

"look at me....."

"Take a good look at my exhibits...."

"Is there anything more ironic to you two than me being able to sit on this special seat?" Moriarty seemed quite proud that he was still alive and had witnessed this scene.

"There is no need for the king to kill his own court jester?"

"Anyone can internally think that the other person is an idiot....Do you think this is important?"

Vita didn't take Moriarty seriously at all.

In her opinion, the reason why Moriarty is still here and the reason why he can witness the scene in front of him is simply because there is no one at all. Arti took this clown seriously.

She didn't even bother to argue with Mo 910 Liati.


Suo had a different view.

"There is no [idiot] here】"

"The three wills that exist here have lost their own value from the very beginning."

"They try to make up for it, they try to ignore it"

"They will only continue to expand"

"Become an ugly remains."

Sao was still calm.

It was as if he was telling something that had nothing to do with him.

Vita naturally understood the meaning of these words.

"Thanks for your advice, So"

"But what I am and what I want will all be decided by myself"

"I will do better than you, that's for granted, but it's a pity that you trapped yourself in the [sea]......Never imagined."

Suo was silent for a while, and then spoke

"That's true....."

"Well worth the wait."

St. Freya

, the scene in front of me is indeed a very exciting confrontation.





"What kind of conversation is this?"

Ji Zi couldn't help but find it a little interesting.

These three people have a strong smell of gunpowder!

Especially Moriarty.

He is still trying his best to mock Suo. It is very confusing.

What kind of relationship is there between Suo and him? Big hatred?

The same goes for Vita. They are completely mocking Kai Da in a close-faced manner.

However, there is one thing that still makes the audience feel a little confused.

"I still don’t understand, what is Vita’s purpose?" The audience is still confused about this. Judging from Vita's words, what she wants is [freedom] , but


After all, what does she mean by freedom?

So much so.

In the end, Suo will look forward to what Vita will do.

【"I can do better than you!"]

This sentence is very interesting.

Does it mean that Vita wants to do the same thing as Suo, but with different methods?

"speaking of"

"We still don’t know what the real purpose of Suo is?"

About Suo's purpose, the audience doesn't know much.

After all, the video doesn't go into too much detail about him. Not long after he appeared, he was punched away by Fu Hua, and then killed by Kiana with a shot.

Now. Will be replaced by Vita again.

Therefore, the audience cannot use Suo to speculate on Vita's purpose

"No matter what it is, as long as it does not threaten the earth and mankind, there is no need to pay attention to it."

"she is a smart person"

"I won’t challenge you again, [mortal] power!"

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