Saint Freya.

Everyone fell into silence.

They had already guessed the rough truth.

I didn’t expect that such an ordinary-looking old man would develop such a powerful weapon.

“What kind of weapon is this? It will actually overturn the galaxy.”

Kiana said with a look of worry on her face.

“It seems”

“It’s so powerful compared to the Herrscher!”

Theresa frowned.

Although this is what happened in another parallel world.

But the appearance of such a very powerful weapon must mean large-scale destruction.

Even if you don’t read it, you know that there will definitely be countless living beings.

Ji Zi also sighed.

“Science is like this. Sometimes it’s really hard to tell whether science is good or bad!”

“Science is supposed to benefit mankind, but more often than not it becomes a tool to destroy us!”

Everyone fell into silence again. They had watched too many videos.

They were deeply touched by Jizi’s statement.

What’s more, in the previous video, Tuo also did similar things.

In order to resurrect Kallen.

Instead. More people lost their lives, but Kiana suddenly said loudly.

“No, I think science must be good!”

“Otherwise, Dr. Chadwick would not have been imprisoned for so many years and let the company torture him like that!”

“It must be because he didn’t obey the company’s words, so the company punished him like this!”

After listening to Kiana’s words, everyone raised their heads and looked at the screen again.

There was light in their eyes again.

This time,

Kiana was right.

There is no right or wrong in science.

It is human beings who distinguish right from wrong.

In the hands of good people, science can be a tool to save millions of lives.

But in the hands of bad people, it can be like a kitchen knife in the hands of chefs and thugs. Can it be said that it is good or bad?

It all just depends on how people use it


The video continues to play.

Dudley looked at Chadwick

“The Amber King has just swung his hammer, announcing the beginning of a new century, which also means that the legendary global catastrophe is getting closer.…”

“You can’t compare to giving me popular science. I’ve read”A Brief History of the Starry Sky”… But I didn’t expect that you are also a supporter of the”disaster theory””

“Hahaha, that’s not necessarily the case. I support the theory with more commercial potential, that’s all.”

“Like you can say it”

“Ahem, but you can’t deny it anyway: since the”Cancer of All Realms” began to spread, activities such as the Legion and the Annihilation Gang have become more active.”

“Our job here is to prepare against those threats”

“I don’t want to say anything like”our cause is just”… I know you’re not that naive, Cha. I just think that sometimes people can think about things more simply…that way life will be much easier”

“I don’t want to spend the whole day with you here. Let’s go down.”

Xing entered the elevator behind Chadwick and others.

A line of white words appeared in the elevator

“I’m a little scared, but more excited”


On the train.

Everyone looked at the white words on the screen.

That should be Chadwick’s inner monologue.

I was a little scared, but more excited.

It can be felt that Chadwick is actually very excited and likes this project very much.

“But I still can’t figure it out clearly. The purpose of this company is to deal with the cancer of all realms!”

“But why…..”

On March 7, I raised my head and was still thinking about whether the company was good or bad.

This is obviously to fulfill the Amber King’s will to”preserve” and prevent the harm of the cancer of all realms. but.

I’m afraid she wouldn’t be able to figure this out clearly anyway.

The composition of the company is simply too complex.

After countless Amber Age evolutions, things and people have already changed and run counter to the original intention.

However, when did that change happen.

And why it changed.

No way of knowing!

And the stars on the side are at this moment.

I didn’t care about this kind of thing.

But a sentence without reason——

“I don’t understand, but it seems that my ability is really powerful!”

After hearing this, March 7 gave a thumbs up to Xing

“That’s right, if you hadn’t contacted the Black Tower, Chadwick might have been locked up there forever!”

Ji Zi and Walter also looked at Xing with admiration and nodded.

Who has made the greatest contribution in this paragraph, it must be Xing.

They are very pleased that Xing can grow up to this point.

Especially Ji The child couldn’t help but curl up when he thought about the custody battle between his biological mother and his adoptive mother. This was all due to his own fault. If it were in the hands of Kafka’s biological mother. I don’t know what Xing will look like yet. How can he become the baseball man who saves the galaxy? Sure enough, it is only right for Xing to stay with him.


The video continues to play.

Star ran into the elevator.

As the elevator descends, chatter can be heard from below.

Chadwick said

“What exactly is this place, Du?”

“Sorry, I can’t tell you the specific coordinates of this planet – the command above”

“This is to prevent you from…um…giving up halfway. I hope you can understand. Check”

“But what I can tell you is: you will never be disturbed here”

“Ah…I see, but you should also understand, right? If I wanted to, I could definitely figure out where I was. This is not a difficult task.

Dudley laughed and did not respond directly. Of course he understood that after all, the person standing next to him was a”genius.”」���

After the elevator landed and stopped, Xing ran towards the sound and soon saw Chadwick and the company’s people parked at the entrance of the corridor on the right corner.

In front of them, there were two flying true stingworms.

Chadwick looked at the real stingworm in shock.

“Are those things…real stingworms?!”

“That’s right, I’m afraid it was left over from the locust plague period in the world. This planet has been neglected for too long. I’m not surprised to see anything in this facility.”

“Thank you for finding such a place. This is my first time seeing a living body”

“Ha, too bad you’re not a biologist. Let’s clean this place up first, otherwise we won’t be able to start work.”

After a battle, the entire base was covered with company security guards.

Xing ran over according to the guidance.

He saw Dudley standing in front of the door introducing the four scientists.

“…Behind this door, ladies and gentlemen, is the kitchen where we cook”miracles”.”

One of the men wearing black-rimmed glasses was very excited.

“Is Dr. Chadwick in there?”

The blue-haired female scientist next to him looked very nervous.

“I never thought I would be able to work with that”genius” one day……”

Dudley laughed heartily after hearing what everyone said.

“Hahaha, don’t worry. Before you and the Doctor become official comrades-in-arms, I have something to say.”

“Stepping through this door means that you have chosen your second life. From now on, this laboratory will be your entire life for a long time.”

“You will work, research, entertain, and talk here; you will be isolated from the rest of the world until the project comes out or fails.”

“If you’re not ready for this kind of life – it’s not too late to leave before the door opens.”

The scientists hesitated for a moment. The very excited scientist looked at Dudley resolutely.

“I have been studying the theory of imaginary numbers since I was fifteen years old. It is my lifelong wish to work with Dr. Chadwick.”

“Yeah…it’s a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity that other people don’t get. What’s a door? We are scientists, and we have dedicated our lives to science long ago. Dudley laughed after hearing this

“Hahaha… Like, you guys are really similar to him. I believe that you will have a great time working with Dr.”

“Well, ladies and gentlemen, please come in——”

Then everyone walked in the door.

Then another line of white words appeared on the door.

“I can shake the world here”


Saint Freya.

Theresa frowned with a heavy look on her face

“This Dudley seems to be hiding something”

“He didn’t tell Chadwick the specific coordinates of the planet, certainly not to prevent them from giving up halfway.”

“It’s more like preventing them from escaping, or other ulterior secrets.”

Everyone nodded after listening. Theresa’s analysis must be correct.

“However, Dr. Chadwick was really influential in the scientific community of their world!”

“You see, those scientists are full of admiration for him.���We all look forward to working with him.”

Kiana looked admiring and sighing.

Mei Yi also lightly agreed.

“Of course, even I can see now that he is a real genius!”

Fu Hua looked at the words on the screen and usually said nothing, but she had a heavy look on her face.

“I still want to know what kind of weapons they mobilized so much to develop.”

Ji Zi also agreed after hearing this for a long time.

“To achieve such a level of confidentiality, this weapon is definitely not simple!”

“Weapons that can subvert the galaxy must be really scary!”

At this moment, the audience couldn’t help but think about it. Once upon a time,

Kiana, as the Herrscher of the End, gave Suo the shot.

That might be the most powerful attack they have ever seen so far. And this one is about to be The weapons developed will only be worse than the others!

———————————— in video.

Star click on the door opening mechanism next to it.

Enter the hatch.

It’s a huge office, just like the cabin of the Black Tower space station.

It is filled with various staff members.

But the entrances and exits of the same office are also covered with company security.

Then three lines of white words appeared on the glass.

“We study and research work day and night”

“they rarely question”

“They trust me.”

Xing walked down the stairs at the corner and came to the lower floor.

On this floor, more staff were gathered in front of various devices and screens.

They were looking attentively at the device in front of them.

Xing was soon in the corner on the left side of the tail.

I found Chadwick in front of a huge glass culture chamber.

There were two scientists standing on his left.

The serious scientist on the far left patted his forehead.

“…The thirty-seventh test explosion failed.”

“The energy wave generated by the collision failed to successfully tear open the imaginary rift; the detonated capsule failed to reach the critical state.”

After hearing this, Chadwick folded his hands in front of him and kept thinking.

The thoughtful female scientist in the middle looked at Chadwick


Chadwick thought for a moment

“…Lift the security protocol. Increase the collision rate to 1.3x the default threshold – we start there.”

After hearing this, the deliberate scientist put his hands on his cheeks in disbelief.

“Huh?! But, but……”

The deep scientist on the far left feels a headache

“This behavior is too risky…and may even endanger the safety of the experimenters.”

The thoughtful scientists also agree with this.

“yes! We can try again, no need……”

Chadwick looked serious

“…We’ve tried it too many times. Obviously, there will be no progress if we continue as is.”

“Over the past three years, we have overcome almost every theoretical hurdle. The scientific research results born in this secret laboratory are enough to shock the entire universe”

“But if we fail to successfully create an”imaginary number collapse pulse”…all our efforts will be in vain. The company will not allow us to bring any results out of here, not even a page.”

“As physicists, we have no choice but to succeed!”

After the words fell, the screen went black. When it lit up again, only Xing was alone.

Xing walked to the cabin next to him.

Two lines of white words appeared above the computer screen on the table.

“After overcoming the bottleneck, the experiment went extremely smoothly”

“The lab even had visitors……”

—————————— on the train

“Who is this visitor?”

March 7 looked at the words on the screen and habitually looked at Walter next to him.

Walter, however, was holding his hands and still in his own contemplation.

This imaginary number collapse pulse felt very familiar, especially what they were talking about.

He could tear open the imaginary space with his bare hands. Could it be that the weapons they made could do this?

When Walter thought of this, he had a rare expression of shock on his face, although he quickly suppressed it.

If so.

Then Chadwick and others really created something very terrifying.

It was equivalent to directly creating the Key of God, or did he suddenly create it without using the core of the Herrscher of the previous generation.

The genius has a very clear understanding.

No wonder the company is so afraid of the genius club.

This group of people can really destroy the world!

Dan Heng also looked at Walter.

“Uncle Yang, I feel like this weapon is very similar to your moves!”

Walter nodded.

“I never thought that ordinary people could master such abilities with the help of technology!”

“Maybe even more than me!”

Ji Zi picked up a cup of coffee.

“Presumably this is what Chadwick closed down!”

“And this is what the company wants!”

“Fortunately, the company does not have this weapon now, otherwise it would be really dangerous!”

After hearing this, March 7 turned around and looked at Ji Zi

“But this should be Chadwick’s memory, which means that they did successfully develop such a weapon before!”

Ji Zi took a sip of coffee.

“At least now I haven’t heard of any similar weapons from the company”

“So the development of this weapon failed in the end!”

After Jizi finished speaking, she tasted her coffee with a relaxed expression.

If the company really has such a weapon, then the company’s behavior will only become more wanton!

After all, in order to make money, they are willing to do anything.

Everything, for Amber King!.

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