The video continues to play.

The whole picture turned into black and white.

Xing looked at the empty garden around him.

【This should be the end of Kokona’s memory, right?】

【Kokona…where are you? Star finally found Cocona on the edge of the roof, and a silent wind blew through her hair.

A teardrop flew in the direction of the wind and streaked across your cheek – still hot.

Star looks at Kokona

【She must be calmed down】

【I’m afraid this is the last chance… I have to give her a hand. 】

The star called behind Kokona

“Kokona, it’s me.”

Kokona turned back to look at Xing, with a look of death on her face.

“Please allow me to leave… By now, I have heard all the truth. No matter how hard you try, it’s just in vain.”

Xing looked at her

“Kokona, do you still remember your song?”

Kokona stopped and put her right hand on her forehead.

“That song…heh, maybe it can’t even be called a complete song…it’s just a defective product.”

“…Just like me now, in order to survive in this world, I kept slicing and discarding my soul… until in the end, all that was left was a disgusting body.”

“Along the way to becoming a store manager, I learned a lot of qualities that I hate. I constantly betray myself…in exchange for success in the eyes of others”

“But I can’t make a radical change. Guilt always catches up with me, and the internal torture always comes. I am too twisted and in pain. There is no place for me in this beautiful dream.”

Xing waved his right hand to persuade

“No matter what happens, don’t give up on yourself.”

Kokona looked at Xiangxing with a dissatisfied look on her face.

“…give up? No…this is my relief”

“Thank you for your sympathy. But I’m afraid you don’t understand… For someone like me, this is not a choice that I can make.”

“The voice from within is leading me – I have no freedom, I can only be at its mercy”

“Just go with it for once. It promised…just follow it and all misfortunes will disappear.”

Xing continued to persuade.

“Life has a way of bouncing back, Kokona.”

Kokona looked at Xing very frustrated.

“You are such an optimistic person…I’m so envious”

“I guess you are surrounded by many people who can bring laughter, right? That’s why you can be so positive and sunny”

“I’ve tried it… too many times. Sometimes I beg, sometimes I fight, sometimes I let the black tide drown me”

“No matter how hard I tried, the results would not change. I can’t win, ma’am… I can’t win”

“Listen, it’s coming – it’s finally taking me away from this sad place.”

At this time, a line of white words appeared on Kokona’s head.

【Come with me, Kokona】

【Get out of here, leave all your worries. 】

Xing grabbed Kokona’s hand. It’s so cold that it stings, and the warmth seems to be slipping away from your palms.

Cocona looked at the stars blankly


“…Do you want me to stay? Leave me in this world of devastation and continue to suffer?”

“I can’t stand it anymore. This is my limit…let me go……”


A line of white words appeared again on Kokona’s head

【Who are you?】

【You shouldn’t interfere…you have no right……】

【let go…let go……】

———————————————————— on the train

“Kokona, your voice is so beautiful and your dream is so shining, you must not, you must not just disappear like this!”

“Never listen to that voice! March

7 held her hands tightly, with a look of anxiety on her face, as if she wanted to rush into the screen to help Kokona.

“You must believe in yourself!”

Then March 7 grabbed Xing’s hand.

He looked at Xing with a pleading look.

“Xing, you must not let go! No matter what, you must not let go!”

Xing Ye also looked anxious.

He hoped that he on the screen would never let go.

And if this happened in the future, he would have to catch it no matter what, even if his arm was broken.

Walter also sighed and pushed up his glasses.

Kokona now has money and her dreams. She obviously has enough money to pursue the light!

Oh, if this Pinoconi hadn’t been suppressed like this all the time! Cocona, but give her psychological counseling and treatment in time,

I am afraid it will not develop to this point.

This may be the most terrifying aspect of Pinoconi. The dream is indeed very beautiful, but the moment she wakes up from the dream. It’s the abyss!

Could this be a sign of the truth about Pinoconi? Is it true that every video of Pinoconi is extremely depressing after waking up? Or is this the same for others?


But Walter also looked at the screen anxiously, hoping that Xingxing could hold onto Cocona’s hand tightly and find her own light.


The video continues to play.

Star looked at Kokona and grabbed Kokona’s hand

“Sorry, Kokona.”

At this time, the screen flashed back to color.

Xing looked at her

“I can’t watch you…fall.”

Xing still held Kekona’s hand tightly, doing her best to conduct the body’s temperature.

Kekona looked at Xing in confusion.

“Do you think… you are helping me?”

“Do you think no one has tried it… Do you think I haven’t met anyone like you?”

“…They are all self-movements that emerge in an instant. You can’t possibly understand, that’s not helping me…no……”

“Let me… be liberated.”

A line of white words appeared above Kokona’s head.

【You’re hurting her…you’re hurting her】

【let go…let go……】

Xing still chooses to hold onto Kokona’s hand tightly

“I really don’t understand, Kokona……”

“But I know…as long as there is life…there is still possibility.”

But there seemed to be barbs growing on the surface of Cocona’s cold skin… The burning pain stimulated your palm.

But Xing still didn’t let go.

Cocona became extremely emotional.

“I’ve had enough…I’ve had enough! You appear in my life one after another and give me false hope one after another.——”

“——Then give up halfway and leave the mess to me…let them parasitize, rot, and poison me.……”

“I can’t take it anymore…I’m tired of being the miserable supporting character in all the stories. All the misfortune… please, let it end……”

“I don’t want to… struggle any longer.”

A line of white text appears


【Stop believing in promises… don’t be deceived again……】

【let go…let go……】

Xing still chooses to grab Kokona’s hand

“I am not your relative…not a mentor…let alone a doctor”

“All I know is…now is definitely not the time to let go.”

The coldness and pain make you almost unable to feel your hand – but you still hold it tighter.

The sadness, loneliness and anger on Kokona’s face are slowly draining away…replaced by a trace of surprise.

Star Gazing Kokona

“I will always hold you…”

Kokona became calmer

“You know… you’re fighting, not a real person? It’s a disease, a nightmare…an enemy you can’t see or touch.”

“I know you are strong…but no matter how strong you are, you cannot defeat the invisible enemy.”

Xing looked at Kokona firmly.

“Even if it makes no sense, I have to challenge it.”

Kokona looked at Xingxing very strangely.

“Madam…you are a strange person”

“That sound… it’s gone now. It will come back, I know that – but at least for now, in this moment, I am not at its mercy.”

“Thank you, ma’am. Thank you for not giving up on me…even if it was just a momentary relief. But at least you made me understand… there are still people who care – and there are still people who believe that I can continue to fight this”

“I have one last request, ma’am.……”

Star responded to her

“I’ll listen carefully to every word.”

A smile appeared on Kokona’s face – you were sure that it came from her heart, a smile without any impurities.

“Could you please… loosen your hands a little bit? It still hurts.”

After the words fell, the scene returned to the entrance of Pinoconi’s luxury store.

But Cocona is not here.


Saint Freya.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

It seems that Kokona is fine.

Their hearts were clenched just now.

Theresa took a deep breath

“Even if you know you may fail, you still choose to believe and persist!”

“This time, Xing did really well!”

Kiana also looked at the screen with admiration.

“Yes, Xing did really well this time. If it were me, I might have given up long ago!”

Fu Hua looked at Kiana with a calm face.

It was a blessing to have the bond and trust between him and Kiana.

This emotional bond is the most precious thing between people.

Kiana noticed Fu Hua’s eyes, turned around and saw a trace of tears in Fu Hua’s eyes, and asked with concern

“Monitor, what’s wrong with you?”

Fu Hua looked at Kiana and spoke with a very gentle voice.

“It’s nothing, thank you Kiana!”

Kiana looked at Fu Hua in confusion after hearing this.

“ah? You are welcome! If you still need help with anything, just ask me!”

Bronya listened to their shouts and looked at everyone in silence and thoughtfully.

Fortunately, she was once accompanied by Xi’er.

But now it is really good to be accompanied by a group of people like them.

Jizi looked As they talked among themselves, they nodded happily.

It seems that this screen has taught everyone another lesson, letting them know that as long as they persist, they can find hope.

It seems that this screen is not just for people to be addicted to. It’s helpful!

After all, people who really want to give up won’t talk about this with others, because they have already made up their minds not to look back.

The fact that Kokona is still having a conversation here means that she is still struggling, so she must pull it off. Stay with her and help her make up her mind.

Let her get out of the shadow of darkness.

Otherwise, I’m afraid Kokona will really fall into darkness and be unable to get out.

After all, a good friend is still very important.

Can we all fight side by side, grow side by side and face difficulties


The video continues to play.

The scene returned to the entrance of Pinoconi’s luxury store.

But Cocona is not here, and Star finds Cocona in front of the Golden Hour Fountain.

Kokona looked back at the star

“Ah, it’s you… Just now, I seemed to have had a long dream within a dream – you also appeared in my dream”

“The details of the dream…I can’t remember some of them. But I have a vague feeling……”

Cocona’s eyes met Xing’s as she spoke, and her cheeks suddenly flushed.

“I vaguely feel that I can continue to stand here… all thanks to you”

“But I have been in a dream, so how could I fall asleep? I really can’t figure it out. Is it just an illusion?……”

Xing responded to her

“Just be fine.”

Kokona is still very grateful.

“Thank you… As for other things, I’d better not think about it too much.”

“I’ve lived in Pinocchio long enough to know that some things are better left alone.”

“I feel… really good now. It seems like a lifetime has passed since I last felt this… alive…”


“It’s embarrassing to say, but I really want to… sing. I don’t know if you can understand how I feel now……”

Star encourages her

“Then sing loudly.”

Kokona touched the back of her head.

“Eh? But I…can’t sing well……”

Star takes Kokona’s hand

“Go ahead and let everyone hear your singing!”

Kokona was very embarrassed.

“Huh?! Wait…please wait a moment……”

Xing grabbed Kokona’s wrist and took her to Clockboy Plaza…

Kokona held her hands tightly in front of her

“I…ma’am, I’m a little nervous and my knees are a little weak……”

Xing looked at her and comforted her

“I will applaud you non-stop~”

After hearing this, Kokona put down her hand, stood up again and looked at the stars.

“I…I understand. I’ll give it a try!”

“The song is called”Imagine a Future Rose”」”——I want to dedicate it to you…and to myself.

Kokona sings lyrically

“Please close your eyes and look forward”


“It’s just that the rose from the future hasn’t bloomed yet……”

As she sang, many people followed the sound and stopped to immerse themselves in the music, applauding and cheering for Kokona.

With the encouragement of the crowd, Kokona’s singing became more beautiful and confident…

You know that your persistence was not in vain

—————————————————— on the train


On March 7, everyone jumped up.

“Xing finally brought Miss Kokona back!”

“Miss Cocona’s singing voice is really beautiful!”

After saying this, March 7 turned to look at the stars.

“Xing, you are really great, you really did a great job this time!”

Xing listened to March Qi’s praise and rubbed the back of her head in embarrassment.

She hasn’t done it yet.

However, she has made up her mind, that is, she will never let go!

No matter how difficult it is, no matter how dark it is, she will never let it go. I won’t let go.

Ji Zi sat on the sofa and lifted her legs.

This is really a happy ending. Maybe this is the most meaningful thing in the process of development.

The important reason why they have been pioneering.

As for Pinoconi, the”family” and”tonghe” things are just trivial matters compared to this.

Walter pushed up his glasses, with a slight smile on his lips.

Sure enough, the fireworks in the world are the most soothing to mortal hearts.

I have come from various worlds and fought against all kinds of enemies along the way, isn’t it just for this scene?

At this time, March 7 jumped to the side of the screen and raised the camera.

Find a good angle so that the screen, Kokona on the screen, and everyone in the carriage are all in the camera.

“Come, let’s celebrate Miss Cocona’s singing!”

“Let’s take a photo together!”

“Come on, eggplant!”.

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