Sam responded

“My”script” has always only been a few lines. Other than that, it is unnecessary and unnecessary”

“He knows my character: there is only one fate, and no one can circumvent it – and before that, I have the right to choose”.

“But you don’t seem to know, so it’s my turn to ask: Who exactly are you?”

Huang Quan closed his eyes and thought for a moment.

“Maybe not your enemy.”

Sam looked at her

“The answer is not what was asked.”

Huang Quan continued to speak.

“I don’t deserve your curiosity. There are always some secrets for those who travel alone in the galaxy. I have also been wanted by the company. It is not surprising that I know something about the star core hunters…that’s all.”

“Maybe I can help you.”

Sam looked at her

“What reasons do you have for doing this?”

Huang Quan looked at him with his left hand on his hips.

“I often forget something, so rather than recalling, I am more accustomed to using”feeling” to capture something. so——”

“——I know who is inside that cold armor.”

Sam was startled after hearing this.


Huang Quan looked at him and continued.

“How about it, are you willing to take off your armor and talk?”

Sam shook his head.

“It’s not the time yet”

“I don’t need help, but I can give you a suggestion. This is better for you and me”

“If your goal is”The Clockmaker’s Legacy”, go investigate the family. They not only cover up the existence of”death”. It also buries the past and truth of the dream”

“——And, the Star Train is not your enemy.”

Huang Quan nodded.

“I know this too…I just never thought I would hear it from you.”

“what’s next? The pioneer was taken away by the black swan, are you going to find her?”

———————————— saint freya

“Wow, Mei, you are so awesome, now that you know who is under that armor!”

Although it’s still not certain that Huang Quan is Mei, Kiana immediately confirmed that he is.

“So who is under that armor of Mei?”

Mei Yi was a little at a loss after hearing Kiana’s words.

She looked at Theresa and others and found that they were also shocked by this information.

They had always thought that Sam was like this, or that the armor was also her body.

But now Huang Quan actually said that there is a person hidden under the armor.

Who is this person ? This news shocked and confused everyone here.

Too many people appeared.

They began to guess who the person under the armor was.

It could n’t be Hanabi, right? They first thought of Hanabi who could disguise himself as anyone, and then they shook their heads.

, Sam must be another person.

A person who has disappeared and whose whereabouts are unknown.

The robin and Liu Ying are currently missing, but the only one whose whereabouts are unknown is Liu Ying.

Thinking of this, Teresa couldn’t help but think about it.

I was shocked.

It couldn’t be possible, right? It couldn’t really be Liu Ying inside that armor!


The video continues to play.

Sam looked at Huang Quan and shook his head.

“There’s no need for that… It doesn’t hurt to tell you. Elio only gave me one instruction.——「Let the Stardome Train pursue a grand legacy together」”

“I tried to settle this matter in a simpler and more direct way, but as you can see, I’m standing here confronting you – I failed. The”script” cannot be violated.”

Huang Quan closed his eyes and nodded.

“「The so-called impossible is just something that has not yet come」……”

Huang Quan sighed as he spoke.

“…That’s all. Before we say goodbye, can I ask you one more question?”

“Is there anything about me in your”script”? I want to know what kind of footnote”I” have left in the future that fate sees.〃 ?”

Sam shook his head after hearing this.

“Unfortunately, not a word was mentioned.”

After hearing this, Huang Quan sighed and closed his eyes.

“…Not surprising.”

After saying that, Huang Quan turned around and left Sam.

Sam suddenly called her to stop her.


Huang Quan stopped and looked sideways, and Sam continued to speak.

“I won’t! Huang

Quan turned around and looked at him and said


Sam stood with his hands firm and continued.

“your original question——「Do you still dream about those who died because of you?」”

After speaking, Sam shook his head and repeated it again

“I won’t. never”

“I was born without the ability to”dream.” I live for the cold reality, for a little light, burning…keep burning until I turn into ashes”

“So, I envy you.”

Huang Quan turned his head after hearing this, and there was some light in his eyes.

“Is it……”

Then Huang Quan looked forward firmly

“Then you are already living in the waking world.”

After Huang Quan finished speaking, he walked towards the ruins where the two men were fighting.


Star core hunter.

Kafka sat elegantly on the big chair, her right hand gently shaking the wine glass filled with crimson liquid, her eyes fixed on the screen in front of her

“Sam, this guy is real!”

There was a hint of joking and ridicule in the words!

“He actually thought of going against Elio’s script!”

“Didn’t he understand that it was not just a play, but a web of destiny that had already been woven?”

As he spoke, Kafka gently raised the wine glass and took a sip.

“Now he should understand that Elio’s script is not a script, but should be said to be destiny!”

“It is impossible for everyone to go against the arrangement of fate!”

“Even Elio is the same!”

“Everyone is a slave of fate!”

After Kafka finished speaking, the blade standing next to Kafka snorted. He didn’t care about this. What he believed more was the knife in his hand.

On the train.

Ever since Himeko figured out that Huangquan was a void.

Many of the problems that troubled her before have been solved.

Huang Quan is now clear and clear in her mind , including how there is no part about Huang Quan in Elio’s video. The script of nothingness is nothingness. There is nothing, nothing. In other words, nothing is the script of Huang Quan, and the final destination of the script may be that even Huang Quan becomes nothingness!


Video continues to play

【Now, the golden moment. 】

Train set.

Walter, Himeko, March Seven, and Hoshi gathered in front of the statue of Clock Boy.

The four people formed a circle and looked at the stars.

March 7 said with sad eyes

“We heard about Miss Liuying from Black Swan… But we didn’t expect that even Miss Mockingbird would……”

Jizi looked at Xing and said

“Sorry…I couldn’t be with you then.”

Walter clasped his hands in front of him and closed his eyes to analyze.

“In reality, everything is calm, but in the dream, there is an undercurrent. It really echoes the words of the rememberer.……”

As Walter spoke, he looked at Ji Zi and March Qi

“Everyone, it’s not time to feel depressed yet, we can still do what we can for them, such as…finding the murderer.”

Ji Zi nodded after hearing this and looked at March 7

“Let’s sort out the current situation. Xing’s words reminded me of something. Xiao Sanyue, do you still remember what the family representative who negotiated with us said?”

March 7 put his left hand in front of him, his right hand pointed his chin and thought.

“「Indeed, we believe that the unknown guest has nothing to do with this matter, and we sincerely ask you to help the family to find out the identity of the deceased.”That’s what he said…referring to Ms. Liu Ying.”

Ji Zi looked at March 7 with bright eyes.

“Looking back now, he seemed a little evasive at the time, and he was silent about another incident that should have happened earlier.”

After listening to March 7th, I immediately understood

“The family must be planning to hide the news of Miss Robin’s death. If this news spreads, Pinoconi will really”bleed like a river”……”

Walter nodded after listening

“But the second incident that followed obviously exceeded their expectations, so that the family had to follow the trend and ask for help from outsiders.”

“The Harmony Ceremony is coming soon, and they must be running out of things to do.”

Ji Zi clasped her hands in front of her body and looked at Walter and suggested another possibility.

“It may also be because there were so many witnesses to Miss Liu Ying’s incident that it was inconvenient to cover it up. It was better to go with the flow and let more people attend to control the situation.”

“After all, the nature of the two cases is fundamentally different… The first thing the family should be wary of is visitors with malicious intentions, such as the company’s envoy.”


Black Tower Space Station.

Black Tower Doll holds his hands in front of him

“The people on the Star Dome Train, the nameless passengers of the Expansion, are really interesting!”

Screw Gum looked at Heita after hearing this, hoping that she would continue talking.

“Ms. Heita, have you discovered anything interesting again?”

The black tower doll nodded.

“Among the four people on this train crew, there is one person that we have always ignored!”

Screw Gum looked at the Black Tower and made his own guess.

“Ms. Heita, are you referring to Dan Heng who is still on the train?”

Heita shook his head.

“It’s not the one from the Vidyadhara clan, it’s March 7. Although I know that this guy has a strange life experience and his personality is even more free and easy.”

Her words surprised Screwgum, but Heita continued.

“` 〃I always thought that what she said was said casually, but so far, every word she said has come true!”

After hearing this, Screwgum thought for a while.


“It seems that we need to re-examine this Miss March 7th!”


The video continues to play.

Xing heard Jizi talking about placer gold, Xing said

“Placer gold is on guard against death.”

Walter looked at Xingxing after hearing this.

“Indeed, he was particularly concerned about the”Ranger”.”

After hearing this, March 7 spread his hands.

“The mantis stalks the cicada while the oriole follows behind… But I always feel that Sha Jin’s reason for accusing Miss Huang Quan is also very subtle. Should I believe what he says?”

Ji Zi clasped her hands in front of her and looked at Xingxing expectantly.

“At this point, the only one we can trust is ourselves.”

Walter nodded after listening.

“In short, try to collect information first and list as many possibilities as possible. After eliminating the contradictions one by one, the fewer evil facts left, the more likely it is to be the truth.”

“But I always have a hunch… Even after so much has happened, we are still swirling in the whirlpool about”heritage”……”

March 7 listened with a look of expectation

“This time we have to play the role of a real detective… But before the investigation begins, how should we answer the family and the placer gold?”

Ji Zi said, stretched out her right hand and raised it

“In my opinion, the family has no ill intentions towards the Star Dome Train – if they did not trust the character of the train crew, they would not easily entrust outsiders to investigate a case that can be called a”scandal””

“Besides, this is the family’s territory, so cooperating with them should make things easier in the future.”

Speaking, Jizi turned to look at Walter.

“As for the placer gold… Walter, I want to hear your opinion.”

After hearing this, Walter turned around and looked at Ji Zi

“This person is not simple. He deliberately lowered his profile when negotiating with Xing, but he kept chasing and intercepting him both inside and outside his words.……”

“He gave (Zhao) a convincing explanation for both emotions and reasons. It’s not forced, but the intention is already obvious”

“But at a time when the situation is still unclear, establishing more connections is not a bad thing.”

“Sha Jin showed his skill in a few words. As long as the interests are consistent, he may also become a reliable ally.”

————————————��— on the train

“This time we are really going to be great detectives!”

March 7 looked at the screen with expectation, and then looked at Xingxing with firm eyes.

“Xing, don’t be sad, Miss Liuying’s death is all on this girl, and I will definitely find out the truth behind it!”

Xing nodded, his eyes shining brightly, he would definitely be able to find out the truth.

But March Qi looked at Walter next to him, frowned slightly and asked

“There’s just one thing I don’t understand!”

“That’s Uncle Yang, what exactly is the legacy you’ve been talking about?”

“I saw a lot of statues of the Watchboys in Pinoconi, but I didn’t see what kind of inheritance they were inheriting!”

Walter looked at the screen, pushed up his glasses, and looked at the screen with deep eyes.

Except for the unknown guest on the train crew, almost everyone came for the clockmaker’s legacy, or was related to the clockmaker’s legacy.

But the clockmaker What is his legacy?

He doesn’t know.

And what matters more to him is another issue. Although the relationship between the parties is complicated and they are fighting each other openly and secretly, they all have a friendly attitude toward the train crew and Xing.

It can almost be said that he is trying to please Xing.

He is not only a guide, but also a person who delivers things and money. This is not something that can be explained by just saying that he needs Xing’s help or because of Wu Mingke’s character.

Is it the key to all these problems?

Or is there another deeper purpose?

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