The video continues to play.

Huang Quan said, and her hand gently rested on the knife——

——He put it down quickly and it was gone in an instant.

Walter noticed her action and was very confused.

Huang Quan explained

“Don’t worry, it’s just a habit. Because of some past events, I have become easy to…forget. Only when this knife is taken out of its sheath, those hazy scenes will gradually become clear.”

Walter overheard this..

“Please feel free to do so.”

Huang Quan continued.

“Enough, I remember what happened in Pinoconi very well. Please ask.”

Walter said

“About”The Hour of Dawn」”

Huang Quan replied

“At dawn——I heard that there is the”Zaoxia Factory” that processes dream bases.」”

“Behind the scenes of dreams are factories of”imagination”. Workers create all kinds of whimsical products in their dreams day after day, and then return to reality to rest on couches that are far from luxurious rooms.”

“They say this is enough, and the bizarre dreams are the best reward.”

“I met a girl there. She had just come of age and was at the age where she should indulge in her sweet dreams.”

“Her biggest wish is that one day she can move to the golden moment and see the gorgeous clothes woven by her own hands.”

“For some reason, her wish was hard to come by. But I managed to bring her some clothes.”

Walter continued to ask after listening.

“A moment of gilding…it is said to be the monetary center of Pinoconi.”

Huang Quan responded

“Well…it’s a financial city as tight as a fortress, the economic heart of Dreamland.”

“The pimpies of the alfalfa family are there to keep it running, sending blood made of banknotes to all parts of the giant Pinocchio.”

“Everyone there was exquisitely dressed and walking in a hurry. Working in the”gilding moment” is the biggest wish of the local Pipixi people for future generations.”

“I didn’t meet anyone willing to talk.”

“I can only stand at the crossroads and watch groups of people rushing through the steel jungle like the wind, just to lock the earned alfalfa coins into the bank vault.”

“I wonder if they’ll ever open that vault door again”

“But before I left, I witnessed a well-dressed 05 Pipi Xi falling from the air, while the people around him still passed through him”


Saint Freya.

Kiana frowned and stared at Pinoconi on the screen. She spoke in confusion.

“Why do I feel that this Pinocchio gives me a cold-blooded, even painful feeling?”

Standing next to Kiana.

Fu Hua nodded slightly with his hands in front of him.

“Your feelings are not wrong.”

Fu Hua spoke slowly.

There was a kind of calmness and vicissitudes in her voice.

In thousands of years, she has seen too many similar things.

The joy of one group of people is based on the pain of another group of people. Above.

Or just a small group of people enjoying the labor of everyone else.

Fu Hua thought about this and shook his head.

This Pinocchio is the star of the event, but it is still a very cruel reality in the world.

「In order to protect their own interests, the family even did not hesitate to use”specially prepared” psychotropic drugs to cover up the truth and sacrifice innocent people.

Thinking of this, Fu Hua’s calm heart became turbulent.

What is the need for such a dream to exist?

It’s better to just use your strength to open the sky and destroy it!


The video continues to play.

Walter continued to ask

“I heard that blues moments are very romantic. Has Miss Huangquan ever witnessed any stories?”

Huang Quan responded

“Perhaps Mr. Walter has heard that there is a huge ship called”Dusk” moored on the Sea of Dreams, singing and dancing all night long.”

“I met an old woman there. She was waiting for the return of her lover who left many years ago at the port, and she waited for countless hours in the stagnant time.”

“In the humid sea breeze, she talked about her youth – just like many people who longed for wealth and opportunities, they came to Pinoconi to pursue their dreams, but his consciousness disappeared into the depths of the dream sea.”

“Finally, she suggested getting on the sampan and continuing our conversation offshore.”

“I agreed to board the boat with her, but she didn’t say anything else. She just stared blankly at the end of the sea and the sky for a long time.”

“Finally, we retreated back to the beach.”

Walter said after listening.

“A dreamland of fashion, luxury and consumerism, where my companions also visited in the twilight hours”

“Then you must have seen people spending a lot of money and making desperate decisions to realize their dreams, or who have already realized their dreams. Everything can be priced, everything can be bought and sold – even the dream itself”

“I saw an omnic there, and the item he prepared for auction was”self”. Once someone successfully bids, within the agreed time limit and rules, he will fulfill all the buyer’s instructions and become that person’s absolute property.”

“That omnic was auctioned a total of twelve times. I attended his thirteenth auction. It was the most crowded feast I have ever seen, but no one set their sights on him again.”

“This time, he failed”

“This is my brief experience along the way……”

After speaking, Huang Quan and Walter walked towards the pool aside.

Huang Quan said

“Someone once said to me: Pinocone was not like this a long time ago, and Pinocone should not be like this.”

“I walked through the reality and dreams of the Gala Star all the way, watching the night rise and fall, time stopped for people, and the spiritual wealth and poverty… will always stay in their respective scales.”

“So I think the collapse of the”sweet dream” is inevitable!”


On the train.

The atmosphere inside the carriage was a little heavy at the moment.

Even March 7 has put away her usual liveliness at this moment.

“No wonder Miss Cocona wants to escape from Pinoconi. Isn’t Pinoconi’s backside too cruel and cold-blooded?”

Walter lowered his head and pushed up his glasses.

Dan Heng, who had his hands in front of him, shook his head.

Although they had all seen the other side of Pinoconi on the screen before.

But hearing Huang Quan put them all together like this Speaking of which, I still feel a bit uncomfortable. In a sense

, dreams like Pinoconi should become reality!

「”The family” has been able to maintain the”sweet dream” of Pinoconi for so long.

It’s really amazing.

But if these problems are not fundamentally solved, the collapse of this”sweet dream” will be inevitable sooner or later.

But waking up from the dream must be very painful for many people.

But these are not even mentioning the problems that brought them to Pinoconi in the first place.

What points towards death?

Why does life sleep?

And what exactly is the watchmaker’s legacy?


The video continues to play.

Walter looked at Huang Quan and said

“Maybe there’s a way to change this.”

After hearing this, Huang Quan turned around and looked at Walter.

“Maybe. But if this is the world we want—if this is why life chooses to sleep—should we make it change?”

Walter’s eyes became heavy after hearing this.

“…Miss Huang Quan, let me share a story with you.”

“There is a man in my hometown. As the world faces unhealable pain, he makes a decision”

“Weaving together the dreams of everyone in the world. By connecting people’s dreams to each other and carrying them on his own body, he created a giant, a”spiritual Adam”」”

Walter folded his hands in front of him and looked towards the sky and continued.

“From then on, the giant stood between heaven and earth and became the pillar of the existence of the entire world.”

“And as a price, those who find it difficult to move forward, those who cannot move forward… they will lose their future forever.”

“They indulge in dreams without disasters and pain, and spend a peaceful life in the ideal land created by men.”

“And the”spiritual Adam” becomes indestructible because of these people’s desire not to wake up.”

After hearing this, Huang Quan looked at Walter with his left hand on his hips.

“But where you are standing now, it means…that man has failed.”

Walter responded after hearing this.

“Because people always have to move towards the future. Even if the weakness of human nature makes them stop, when they can’t really move forward, human beings will definitely try to save themselves.”

“And that man…he was never a loser. He is like everyone else in that world. Keep the possibilities of humanity in mind”

“He is the mythical Sun Chaser (Icarus), flying to the sky and falling to usher in his final victory.”

“He rose high just to come to the sun, a place no one had ever reached before. He will melt and fall into the sea, and after that……”

“…Countless people will cross his body and fly higher into the sky.”

After hearing this, Huang Quan folded his hands in front of him and looked at Walter.

“…It’s in line with Wumingke’s”pioneering” spirit”

“Thank you, Mr. Walter, I know what you want to confirm”


Moth chasing fire.

Pardo looked at the screen and asked curiously.

“The man Walter was talking about on the screen should be referring to Boss Kevin, right?”

“And what he is talking about should be referring to the Stigma Project, right?”

However, no one responded to her question. Instead, the air fell into silence.

Everyone’s eyes turned to the figure invariably – Kevin.

Kevin still looked at the screen with a calm face, his eyes were very serious. Indifference.

The Stigmata Project redefines civilization, treating”human beings” as the carrier of civilization, rather than civilization itself. The shadow of human beings remains in the world, constructing a perfect utopian world composed of”imaginary numbers”. To put it more simply, it means abandoning the body of the real number world, leaving only the spirit. The Stigma

Project really seems to have abandoned the physical body and exists in the spiritual world, but Pinoconi has already implemented it for them, and at the same time, it will collapse. Wen also failed.

But listening to Walter’s evaluation, although it failed, it also laid the foundation for defeating Honkai in the future!


The video continues to play.

Huang Quan looked at Walter and responded

“There are countless similar but different worlds in the universe. In these worlds, there are countless similar but different people”

“I have also embarked on a journey and met”old friends” with similar looks in different worlds. Seeing their fate go through a familiar trajectory, so I will tell you……”

“Although not exactly the same, the story you describe…it overlaps with my past. In that bottomless dream…”

“…I ended that man’s life, alone.”


Huang Quan said and turned sideways, not wanting to face Walter.

“I am not the person you know, and my hometown is not as lucky as your world.”

Walter looked at Huang Quan seriously after hearing this.

“…I regret.”

Huang Quan responded calmly.

“That’s okay, if it eases your concerns, I don’t mind.”

Walter looked at Huang Quan and asked

“But I want to know, under the appearance of”hunting”, Miss Huangquan, what kind of force drives you to walk alone so far.”

Huang Quan closed his eyes and turned his head again to look at Walter.

“…Mr. Walter. Before answering this question, I would like to continue my previous topic.”

Walter nodded.

Huang Quan���continued

“I really like your metaphor. It is true that birds are born with the ability to fly, but in the distant past, their ancestors had to look up to the sky from the ground”

“They saw the distant light from the sky piercing the clouds and illuminating the earth.”

“So again and again, generation after generation, the birds spread their wings and try to touch the zenith, just because the sun is there”

“So, what if when the last bird finally flies into the sky, it sees that the end of the light is not the sun, but the dark sun (a black hole that swallows everything)……”

Huang Quan closed his eyes as he spoke

“So why should we walk toward the light?”


On the train.

Walter looked at the screen.

Is this a futile destiny?

Everything is meaningless?

Combined with the Huangquan video I saw before.

If you put the whole series together, Huang Quan is the highest flying person in Izumo Country.

As a result, they discovered that what Izumo Country had been chasing was just a black hole?

It’s all meaningless.

There is no point in the bird flying!

This is why Huang Quan discusses why birds can fly?

Walter remembered that the man had also answered this question.

The man’s answer was

“The birds want to fly into the sky. So they built themselves wings”

“Their ideals are completely opposite. I hope my ideals will be trampled on”

“That’s right, in order to prevent the sun from setting, I flew into the sky and took away your light.”

“I will melt because of it and fall to the sea”

“But to take it away, you, you have to fly higher than me”

“This is the logic that belongs to adulthood after transcending childhood.”

That man chose to be an Icarus hero, someone who helped others realize their dreams by letting others trample on them.

“Some people fly just to fall”

“Seizing power from the hands of God is precisely to pull Him down from the throne of God!”.

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