After hearing this, Huang Quan turned his head and looked at Walter.

“Placer gold…what about the other one?”

Walter responded

“The two tracks are not one behind the other. Judging from the almost parallel situation, the fellow travelers should not be his subordinates……”

“…The company was eager to take back Pinocone. It was expected that they would appear here.”

Huang Quan looked around after listening to it, and saw a dinosaur standing in front of the gate guarding it.

“Although there is no human aura…they have arranged a lot of memes to patrol here.”.

After saying that, the two of them fought with the Jingmeng Troupe and won.

Walter picked up something on the ground and looked at it carefully

“Something seemed to have fallen off of it.”

Huang Quan glanced at

“Is this…a note? It seemed like instructions left by the butler to other servants.”

Walter nodded.

“It seems that the staff of Chaolu Mansion were assigned other tasks… and this started long before Mockingbird’s death.”

“…Maybe it’s a project that requires a lot of manpower, such as the”Harmony Ceremony”」”

Huang Quan looked at Walter in confusion.

“But it stands to reason… no matter what important matters there are, there should always be some people on standby in the family’s forbidden area, right?”

Walter looked at Huang Quan as if he had thought of something.

“You mean… someone deliberately pushed them away?”

Huang Quan nodded.

“Yeah, but I don’t know why.”

After the two of them finished speaking, they pushed open the door and walked into the corridor. When they encountered the last door, they opened it and walked into the meeting hall where they met Sand Gold and Doctor Truth on Sunday.

Walter looked around and said

“…Still no one here.”

Huang Quan turned his head and looked at Walter

“Since there is no one to entertain us, we can just do what we want. Please come as close to me as possible so that”white” can cover you”


On the train.

March 7 smiled and looked at Walter

“Uncle Yang, why are you just like a thief!”

Walter pushed up his glasses and looked at the screen with deep eyes, ignoring March 7.

He seemed to understand the plan for Sunday now. 10.

The arrangement on Sunday felt as if he was deliberately waiting for someone, like It was a bait to lure the enemy to the door.

But who was he waiting for?

It wasn’t like he was waiting for him. It was just unexpected that he and Huang Quan appeared. He had already arrived.

Only Gallagher appears


Why, he doesn’t understand, Gallagher is just a strange police officer, why should he wait for him?..

Black Tower Space Station.

Screwgum lowered his head and looked at the black tower

“It looks like Sunday is already going to attack Gallagher!”

“Gallagher has also taken the bait. If the two of them face off, I’m looking forward to seeing who will be better,”Mysterious” or”Tongyong”.”

Heita put his left hand on his hips and looked at the screen.

“Although Gallagher is”mysterious”, he is also the ‘child’ of the clockmaker, who has a feud with the Oak family!”

“Based on his previous performance, he should be able to control”what is heading towards death”, that is, he can control”death”」”

“So when we meet Gallagher on Sunday, this chicken-wing boy is probably in danger!”


The video continues to play.

The two walked to the bookshelf and found the robin’s letter.

【dear brother:】

【How have you been lately? I originally wanted to go to Chaolu Mansion to see you as soon as I came back, but the Xie Le Ceremony was coming soon, and I saw you busy and busy, so I was too embarrassed to come over and cause you trouble, so I had to give up.】

【But the situation is urgent now and there are some things I must tell you right away】

【Ever since I returned to Pinoconi, my voice has started to sound weird.】

【I thought it was due to overwork or illness, but after consultation, the doctors said that I was very healthy and had no abnormalities.】

【This refuted my suspicion, but as time went by, the voice problem became more and more serious, and I even fell into a state of losing my voice from time to time.】

【To this end, I conducted a lot of research privately (outside of rehearsals, of course))】

【Finally, I realized one thing: Pinoconi’s”harmony” is not pure】

【The trace of noise mixed in made me”harmony” and my singing voice was also affected – this is the fundamental reason why I lost my voice.】


Black Tower Space Station.

Heita and Screwgum looked at the screen and looked at each other in contemplation. Both of them were shocked.

Screwgum looked. black tower

“「”Tonghe” will be interfered with?”

“I have never seen any situation where the power of destiny is interfered with in this way, and I have never heard of any power that can interfere with the power of the Star God!”

Heita crossed his hands on his chest and nodded.

“You are right, we have never found anything similar in the simulated universe!”

“Screw, it seems that the secret hidden in this Pinocchio is not just as simple as the history of Pinocchio!”

“Screw, I have a terrible idea!”

Screw Gum lowered his head and looked at the Black Tower thoughtfully.

“Are you saying that the power of”harmony” has weakened?”

Heita clasped his hands in front of him and nodded.

“This may also be related to the disappearance of”order”!”

“You remember the tuner in”Harmony” in”Harmony”!”

Screwgum said with his hands in front of him as if reciting

“Family members are treated equally without any distinction of class or power. Just like the music composed by Xipei, every note is equally equal, but the tuner is above everyone else and is responsible for directing the entire ceremony!”

Heita looked at the meditator and continued.

“When an abnormality occurs in the”harmony” of the symphony, a conductor is needed to maintain”order” in order to achieve”harmony” again.」”

“At the same time, there is currently only one situation where the fates annex each other, and that is”Tonghe” annexing”Order”」”

After hearing this, Screwgum looked at the Black Tower thoughtfully.

“Although I don’t know exactly when”Tonghe” annexed”Order””

“But it is definitely the weirdest and most tragic thing during the locust plague in the world!”

As he said this, Heita put his hands on his hips and looked at Screwgum.

“It seems we are about to discover the real truth behind Pinoconi!”


The video continues to play. robin’s letter

【I immediately realized that in order to cause this level of interference, the foreign body would either have to come from outside and be extremely powerful, or it would have to hold a high position in the family.】

【Unfortunately, based on my further investigation, the conclusion is the latter】

【This is an extremely dangerous signal: there is a traitor in the Pinoconi family, and this person is most likely one of the four masters (I believe you unconditionally, brother, because of our agreement)】

【And now it is the eve of the Harmony Ceremony. This person may intend to hinder the progress of the Harmony Ceremony, or even use the Harmony Ceremony itself to do something.】

【In any case, I would recommend paying attention to the recent movements of other family heads, but please also protect yourself. You are my only relative】

【There is something else worth paying attention to】

【During the investigation, I learned about the”death” of the Yiyu meme, and during the subsequent investigation, I discovered that the mastermind behind the incident that caused it to trigger a series of events was probably the same person as the traitor to the family.】

【I currently have further clues and am ready to verify them】

【Just prepare for the Harmony Ceremony with peace of mind, don’t worry. When I thoroughly investigate”Death”, I will come to you. It shouldn’t take too long.】

【You are busy at work, so you must pay attention to your health in your spare time. Don’t stay in your dreams, come to reality】

【Also, I brought you some specialties from other galaxies: Morillance’s giant moa pudding tarts, Aconia wild strawberries (this kind of strawberry is big and sweet, you must like it), and Medici almonds Meringue Shortbread】

【Be sure to remember to eat!】

【May Xipe be with us!】

【your sister robin】


On the train.

Everyone’s eyes were attracted by the robin’s letter.

March 7th spoke with some emotion.

“Robin and her brother Sunday are so close!”

Xing clasped his hands in front of him and nodded.

“Sunday is a girly thing! March

7 listened and continued.

“The brother and sister just have a good relationship, and they have made an agreement, so Miss Mockingbird will investigate on her own!”

Speaking, March Qi seemed to realize something, and covered her mouth with her hands in surprise.

“Do you think Miss Mockingbird was silenced because she discovered the truth?”

Walter turned his head and looked at March 7

“What you said makes sense. It seems that Miss Mockingbird has conducted an in-depth investigation into it.”

“Part of the truth has been discovered, and the real culprit behind the scenes may even have been identified!”

As he spoke, Walter pushed up his glasses.

“I didn’t expect that it would point to the four masters of Pinoconi!”

After hearing this, March 7 scratched his hair with his right hand.

“We don’t know the situation of the other four masters yet, we don’t even know who they are!”

Walter nodded.

The other four masters currently don’t have even a little bit of information, so it’s really impossible to make a judgment.

Jizi stepped forward and looked at the screen and said

“However, the suspicion of Sunday cannot be completely ruled out just like this.”

“Or did he and Robin make some more important decision that could eliminate Robin’s suspicion?”

“Combined with the dream owner’s distrust of the five major families that has been shown everywhere before,”

“I’m afraid this agreement cannot be said publicly!”

Walter nodded thoughtfully.

“You are right, Miss Mockingbird has always considered herself a guest!”

“This in itself is very strange!”


The video continues to play.

Walter finished reading���The robin’s letter says

“Shortly after the train crew arrived in Pinoconi, Mr. Sunday came with Miss Robin to receive us.”

“At that time, I thought there was something strange about her voice… Now it seems that it is indeed true. Huang

Quan responded after hearing this.

“Miss Robin thinks this is because”Tonghe” has been disturbed in some way. But as far as I know, there are very few beings who can interfere with the power of destiny.”

Walter turned his head and looked at Huang Quan after hearing this.

“Miss Huang Quan means…463”

Huang Quan continued

“If there really is a traitor in the family…that person must be in a high position or possess unfathomable strength.”

Walter nodded.

“This also explains why Mr. Sunday has been unable to catch the traitor.”

As the two said, they walked to the bookshelf on the other side and found the”List of”Death” Victims”》

【Ansuulu, a male from the Tianhuan tribe, was dragged into the sea by an unknown meme while sunbathing on the beach at the”Oasis Moment”. Subsequent search and rescue operations failed.】

【Note: In the first case, no problem can be seen. Inadequate investigation?】

【Maoli, a male from Xianzhou,”at the golden moment, after entering the ball cage, he mysteriously disappeared when the ball cage was ejected in the air. After subsequent inspection, there was no sign of violent opening of the ball cage.”】

【Note: It seems that obstacles can be ignored. Feasibility of conventional search methods?】

【Emmaka, a human female, participated in the talent show in”The Hour of Hot Sand”. She lost her footing and fell off the stage before the instructor turned around, disappearing into the shadows. The video of the show has been deleted.】

【Note: Extremely fast and good at disguise. careful】

【Weber, a Pipixi male, fell while entering the office on payday and was killed by an unknown meme that suddenly appeared in”The Golden Moment,” and the memory of the witness has been processed】

【Note: Prioritize attacks on injured and weak individuals? Doubtful, suspected to be under instigation】


Saint Freya.

Kiana looked at the screen carefully���some victim records

“Have there been so many victims already?”

“Isn’t this”death” too powerful? Good at disguise, fast and able to ignore obstacles?”

Kiana said she couldn’t believe it.

“Can you even be ordered?”

“Who is so hateful, raising such a terrible monster!”

Theresa looked at the screen thoughtfully.

She always felt that the victim survey above was too simple.

In her opinion, there were many problems in it.

First of all, there were some”deaths” in the above One is videotaped.

It is understandable to delete the video in order to cover up the matter, but at least a copy of the video should be brought back and watched several times.

What’s more, it’s not the first time this has happened.

And the memory too, Pinoconi has the method of treating memory as a movie. Wouldn’t it be better to experience it personally?

But the behavior of these people is a bit like they don’t want people to find the murderer.

In this case, we don’t even know if there is only one”death” in Pinoconi!

Maybe there is another”death” too!.

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