It's entirely possible.

And the possibility is high.

Everyone was silent for a moment.

Tang Zinian seemed to be sighing and puzzled:

"Classmate Sun seems to be a pretty nice person. Why is he being bullied?"

Shu Ling commented unceremoniously: "Perhaps some people have mental illness? Growing environment is very important to people."

"Ahem... Let's not mention this for now. Our goal now is to find the murderer."

Jiang Xuyan said, glanced at Song Qingyou, and then said, "Based on the clues I got when Qingyou and I were playing dodgeball, it is certain that there is more than one murderer among us."

It is not precisely said that there are three people. Firstly, it is to prevent the murderer from finding out, and secondly, it can also serve as a warning to others.

When several people heard this, they were not too surprised. They had already guessed this.

On the other hand, Gu Xingchen's eyes moved slightly and he looked at Yu Muhuai and Shu Ling a little more.

At the end of the breakfast time, the group failed to come up with the results of the discussion. They had to enter the classroom after a bell and waited for class.

The person giving the lecture in the morning was Xu Xingzhou again.

Gu Xingchen, like everyone else, couldn't sit still and soon ran away one after another with all kinds of strange excuses.

This time, the only ones left behind were Xu Xingzhou on the podium and Song Qingyou who deliberately sat in the corner and ran away before it was too late.

When Zhao Yingnan was the last to walk away, Song Qingyou waved to Xu Xingzhou.

The latter understood it instantly and wrote a question on the blackboard.

"Classmate Song Qingyou, come up and do this question."

The extras noticed the obvious eye contact between the two, but pretended not to see it.

Song Qingyou walked onto the stage, picked up the chalk and wrote, and asked in a low voice:

"Did you do it last night?"

Others may be confused by this inexplicable question, but Xu Xingzhou understands that Song Qingyou is talking about classmate Sun jumping off the building.

"Did you see it?" Xu Xingzhou asked.

"I know you left the dormitory early." Song Qingyou said, "As a teaching assistant, you can ask the dormitory manager to open the door, right?"

Xu Xingzhou didn't mean to hide anything: "You and I are on the same side. When you played the piano that day, I saw that some of the keys were not moved."

Song Qingyou's lips curved slightly: "Indeed, fortunately you were the first to notice this."

"I blocked their view." Xu Xingzhou said calmly, "And they were so absorbed in listening that they didn't see it."

Song Qingyou nodded. When he spoke, he didn't even stop doing the questions on his hands:

"Exchanging information, the first clue I got is that there are three murderers, and the second clue is that the specific content of the seventh ghost story is that the person who deduces all the truth and appears at the location of the ghost story will die."

"Three?" Xu Xingzhou was surprised, "I always thought it was just the two of us."

"There is no rush to find the third person." Song Qingyou paused, and suddenly thought of the two incidents of jumping off buildings in succession, "There were two cases that happened on the first night, and only one of them was committed by someone from my student union. hand."

"Did you do the other person who jumped off the building?"

Xu Xingzhou frowned and shook his head, "No, it's not me."

"The key in Classmate Sun's hand..."

"I didn't put it there." Xu Xingzhou slapped his forehead, "I can confirm that there was no one else around at the time."

"That's what another murderer did. He didn't return the key to the security room. He clearly wanted people to connect the two jumping incidents. This shows that he had no intention of thinking about us who are also murderers. He probably also wanted to We take the blame.”

Song Qingyou speculated, "So the murderer may not be the same as us. No one can guarantee whether there is a third party among us, so we should not take the initiative to find out who the third murderer is for the time being."

Xu Xingzhou thought for a while and probably understood.

Seeing him nodding, Song Qingyou continued to analyze:

"As for the second clue, it reminds us that we can eradicate those who deduce the truth of all the weird rumors."

"In addition, the president of the student union told me that the teacher who disappeared in the past year has not been found. That teacher is the one who protected us. This means that there is someone else who is investigating the case and wants to attack us."

Xu Xingzhou blurted out instantly: "Is this person the third murderer?"

"It's very possible that although they have the same identity, he is the opposite of us. Who do you think is more similar among the other six people so far?"

Xu Xingzhou thought for a while: "Yu Muhuai is definitely not. He seems to know more than others."

"And he has been doubting me." Song Qingyou continued.

"It's possible that Teacher Zhao." Xu Xingzhou said, "She used fear as an excuse to always stay in the activity room, but during this period, we didn't know whether she went anywhere else, and she was the least suspicious. "

"Then let's pay more attention next time."

Song Qingyou lowered her voice and did not write down the calculation result of the question.

"No one seems to have seen the computer in the activity room. I took the time to look through the files on it. There are some screenshots of the forum."

"Based on the forum discussion time, the first case was actually not the case of the missing student union member, but Huang Jiao. Therefore, the head found in the library is most likely Huang Jiao's."

Xu Xingzhou: "In other words, the origin of ghost stories is Huang Jiao..."

Song Qingyou hummed and wanted to say something else, but the students below the podium started making a fuss:

"Even if the teacher asked the counselor to go up and do the questions, how could it still take so long? Is this question so difficult?"

"Can't you still attend this class? Isn't it a waste of time? Can't I skip this question?"

The voices of the students were, of course, on behalf of the program team, urging them to return to their seats quickly.

Song Qingyou had to quickly finish writing the answers to the questions, put down the chalk, and returned to her seat.

After another ten minutes, several people, led by Yu Muhuai and Tang Zinian, returned to the classroom out of breath.

"Where are Teacher Jiang and Sister Yingnan? Were they caught?"

Song Qingyou glanced behind her twice.

Only then did the others realize that their team was missing two people!

"Hey - where is Teacher Jiang? He was clearly behind me just now!"

Tang Zinian looked surprised, then looked at Shu Ling, "And Sister Shu Ling, didn't Sister Yingnan run with you?"

"Yes, but we let go when we went upstairs."

Shu Ling took the water handed to her by the photographer and poured it into her mouth without saying a word.

"It's just being locked up in a small dark room, shouldn't it matter?" When Yu Muhuai said this, he also looked at Tang Zinian.

Shu Ling couldn't help laughing and almost choked herself.


Gu Xingchen was puzzled: "What is the little dark room?"

Tang Zinian's mouth twitched slightly, trying to control his emotions: "I can't say it."

Before he finished speaking, Xu Xingzhou suddenly tapped the podium several times.

"If those students in the back make noise in class again, please come to the front!"

"There will be a test in the next class. I hope you will prepare well."

Everyone immediately complained and gave Gu Xingchen some information about the exam on the first day that was watched by more than a dozen people...

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