Song Qingyou really didn't expect that Gu Xingchen took the trouble to come up with a voting link, but it was aimed at her.

However, she was not panicked at all and refuted one by one:

"First and second points, no one knows whether what you said is true or false, the reasons are too far-fetched. In addition, everyone was present when going to the school clinic. Under normal circumstances, no one would specifically note down the positions of others."

"Third point, the murderer cleaned the piano, which should be premeditated, but I was "forced" to be "isolated" by you, and I couldn't calculate that I would have such a long time to be alone."

After explaining, Song Qingyou changed the subject: "I think the most likely murderer is Doctor Gu."

"There are two reasons. One is the time when Doctor Gu joined the job. After Doctor Gu joined the job, the frequency of missing cases in the school increased significantly, especially the two students in the poisoning case, one died and the other disappeared..."

"The second is that Doctor Gu, as a school doctor, has a great influence on the school's The degree of knowledge of murder and missing cases is very high. The first meeting reminded us that the victim of the first case should be the female classmate surnamed Huang. "Shu Ling thought: "Doctor Gu, do you have anything else to say?" Gu Xingchen smiled and said, "Yes, I just want to say that according to my personality, I am like Shu Ling, very interested in the school's strange stories, so I have been investigating privately." "As for why I know more, it is purely because of my identity as a school doctor. School doctors are somewhat different from you students. At least there are some questions that you can't get answers from teachers, but I, a colleague, can." Song Qingyou didn't refute, "It's not a good idea to keep arguing, Sister Shu Ling, it's your turn to vote." Shu Ling sighed, "Both of you are suspects, I don't know who to vote for. "So I decided to wait until Xiao Yu finishes voting, and I will vote with Xiao Yu." Yu Muhuai did not refuse, "This will just avoid a 2-2 tie." He paused and continued, "In fact, I think Qingyou and Dr. Gu may both be the murderer." "First of all, Qingyou, I suspected Qingyou was the murderer on the first day. I talked to that classmate Sun on the first day. She said that Qingyou was hypocritical and would bully classmates behind their backs. This is consistent with what Dr. Gu said, that classmate Sun was afraid of Qingyou. " "Bullying classmates, and being the president of the previous student union, and the daughter of a school director, it is easy to associate it with a murderer, or a murderer with many fans. " "But this is just my guess. Qingyou's performance later doesn't look like a murderer at all." Yu Muhuai pursed his lips, After thinking for a while, he still didn't say anything else. He just looked at Gu Xingchen and said: "The second is Dr. Gu. I asked classmate Sun. When the murder and disappearance happened that night, she saw Dr. Gu at the scene. At that time, classmate Sun happened to be locked up in the teaching building." Shu Ling couldn't help but say, "So now... Dr. Gu is the most suspected?" Gu Xingchen raised his hand, "Wait a minute." "Qingyou and I spoke first, and we were obviously at a disadvantage. We attacked each other, and you assumed that Qingyou and I were suspects. Don't you have any suspicions?" "And classmate Sun, she is dead now and has no evidence. What she said is left to others to make up? I think the reason Xiao Yu said is not valid." Shu Ling nodded in agreement, and then looked embarrassed: "They are all suspects, so what should we do?" Yu Muhuai coughed lightly, "There is no need to worry about it." "Huh?" The three of them looked at him together. "Whether it is Qingyou or Teacher Gu who is the most suspected, the three of us should vote for Qingyou first. "

Shu Ling blurted out: "Why?"

Gu Xingchen understood instantly: "Because Qingyou's fighting power is too high, the three of us may be able to tear off Qingyou's name tag if we work together."

Shu Ling's mouth twitched, "Is this really okay? Qingyou is still here!"

Yu Muhuai looked at the three people, "Sister Shu Ling just needs to say whether she agrees or not, that's all."

Shu Ling hesitated and looked at Song Qingyou, "Qingyou, what do you think?"

"I don't care." The latter smiled lightly, "But if Dr. Gu and Yu Muhuai are both murderers, then Sister Shu Ling, you are in danger."

Gu Xingchen: "Anyway, there are only four of us left, I think it's better to take a gamble, Shu Ling, you also know Qingyou's strength... Maybe the four of us combined are not as good as her."

This is not alarmist.

Shu Ling hesitated, and immediately decided: "I said, whoever Xiao Yu votes for, I will vote for, and I don't want to go back on my word. "

Yu Muhuai immediately replied: "I vote for Qingyou."

Gu Xingchen: "Three to one, it seems that we have to eliminate Qingyou first."

The three of them exchanged glances, and no longer spoke, and rushed straight to Song Qingyou... the name tag on her back.

But Song Qingyou dodged too quickly, so they didn't even touch the corner of her clothes.

After several rounds of competition, among the four people, only a "rip" sound was heard.

Before someone could react, the broadcast sounded again:

"Shu Ling, OUT!"

"Shu Ling, OUT!"


The four-person melee paused.

Shu Ling stood up and patted Gu Xingchen and Yu Muhuai on the shoulders, "Come on."

The man in black took Shu Ling away.

Song Qingyou wanted to take the opportunity to eliminate another person

-after all, she wanted to control the strength and body reaction, and not hurt these two people, which was actually quite tiring.

But Gu Xingchen was quick-eyed and quick-handed, and grabbed her arm.

"Yu Muhuai, hurry up!"

He wanted Yu Muhuai to seize the right moment and take off Song Qingyou's name tag.

Unexpectedly, Yu Muhuai retreated instead of advancing. He took three or two steps back, then turned around and ran away.

Judging from the direction he left, he was clearly planning to go to the broadcast studio!

Gu Xingchen made a quick decision and immediately let go, "Chase!"

Song Qingyou understood what he meant with almost a look, and stopped trying to pull each other off, and started chasing Yu Muhuai.

She moved quickly, giving Gu Xingchen no time to react.

The latter put his hands on his knees and gasped:

"I wanted to take advantage of the chaos... to tear off Xiao Qingyou's name tag, but I didn't expect... she could run so fast! Is Xiao Qingyou an actor or a runner?"

Xiao Li, who was following Song Qingyou, had a deep understanding of Gu Xingchen's complaints.

Seeing Song Qingyou running out of the afterimage, Xiao Li was about to cry but had no tears. He didn't care that the program was still being recorded at the moment, so he shouted:

"Sister Song! Wait for me! Sister Song!"

The scream is sad and funny at the same time.

Gu Xingchen couldn't help laughing, but he didn't dare to take a rest and immediately chased after the two people in front.

Yu Muhuai thought that Gu Xingchen could hold off Song Qingyou for a while. With this time, he might be able to rush into the broadcast room directly.

Who would have expected that the key to the broadcast room would require him to redeem it with the pass he got from playing the game yesterday!

Therefore, Yu Muhuai was caught by Song Qingyou not even five minutes after he 'escaped'.

"Yu Muhuai, OUT!"

"Yu Muhuai, OUT!"

Got stuck


_(:з ∠)_

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