This year’s Beijing seems to be particularly cold.

It was only mid-December and it started to snow.

The new issue of "Influence" was released, and Song Qingyou's ranking jumped from 18th to 8th.

Looking at her progress up the influence rankings, it's like being on a rocket.

This is also the first time that she has surpassed Shen Xiyan.

The impact of the GA endorsement scandal on Shen Xiyan is irreversible. Even though she has publicly apologized, she still does not hesitate to cry in front of the camera.

Song Qingyou threw the magazine on the table, stood up and opened the window to look at the snow, without any emotion.

Perhaps it was because she had expected the defeat of the Shen family.

The cat behind him approached and turned into a human in an instant.

Jiang Zhihan knew that Song Qingyou was very alert, so he did not deliberately step lightly.

He grabbed Song Qingyou's hand and held her in his arms.

"What are you thinking about? Huh?"

The warm breath lingering in her ears prevented Song Qingyou's thoughts from wandering too far.

"I'm thinking about the Shen family. The Shen family is going to be finished. One of my goals has been achieved."

"Shouldn't you be happy?" Jiang Zhihan asked.

Song Qingyou was stunned, raised her hand to touch her face, and asked with complete doubts: "Do I look unhappy?"

Jiang Zhihan didn't answer, only tightened his hold on her.

Song Qingyou pushed his hand but didn't push it away. She couldn't help but want to turn around: "What's wrong with you?"

She tilted her head sideways, waiting for the person behind her to respond.

However, the next moment, a shadow fell in front of his eyes, and his lips were blocked.

Jiang Zhihan lowered his head, grabbed her wrist with both hands, and slowly turned her around to face him.

Song Qingyou was pressed against the wall in an instant, and a hand was wrapped around the back of her neck. The cold touch made her wake up, but the hot breath swept through her body.

Her first reaction was to push him away.

Although the two have been dating, Jiang Zhihan is more like a cat.

She wasn't ready to be so close to someone.

But when the other party's uneasy emotions were conveyed through the tip of his tongue, Song Qingyou suddenly didn't want to do that.

The hand on the back of her neck made her extremely concerned, because it was one of the fatalities of human beings, but the hand was wandering uneasily, as if it wanted to press her into the bone marrow of its owner.

After finally waiting for Jiang Zhihan to stop, Song Qingyou had to speak out temporarily even though her breathing was not smooth, interrupting the suddenly charming atmosphere:

"What’s wrong with you?"

The other party looks like this, no matter how you look at it, nothing feels right.

Jiang Zhihan smelled the scent of shower gel on Song Qingyou's body and slowly relaxed, his voice hoarse and low:

"I always feel that you will leave anytime and anywhere."

Song Qingyou was stunned, "How is this possible? If I leave, how will you change back to a human? And where can I go?"

"I don't know either." Jiang Zhihan said, "Maybe it's a place I can never go to?"

Normally, normal people would think he was joking.

But Song Qingyou's heart skipped a beat as she thought of her experience binding the system to do tasks. At that time, 0123 also asked her if she wanted to live in other more interesting worlds...

"Why do you think so?" Song Qingyou asked, shaking off the inappropriate thoughts in her mind.

Jiang Zhihan did not answer directly, but said:

"You don't have a preference for anything."

“I don’t have any particular favorite food.”

"There's nothing in particular I want to do."

"There's no time when I'm particularly happy."

"Entering the entertainment industry is just like a whim, writing a book is the same, starting a company is the same..."

"It seems like he'll leave at any moment."

The dull voice made Song Qingyou unable to recover for a long time.

In fact, if Jiang Zhihan hadn't mentioned it, she might not even have realized her problem.

But think about it, after experiencing so many worlds, Song Qingyou is like a stone in the river, from being angular to being polished smooth and round.

Even the news that the Shen family had fallen and that she was about to take revenge could not cheer her up much.

The times when you have the greatest emotional ups and downs are probably when you are acting.

Song Qingyou let out a long sigh in her heart, feeling that it might be difficult to change her mentality.

She pursed her lower lip and said firmly: "I won't leave, I won't leave."

What's more, she has long since lost contact with 0123 and cannot leave him at all.

Taking advantage of Jiang Zhihan's dazed moment, Song Qingyou broke free from her hand, then hugged him, climbed up from behind him, clasped his shoulders, and brought the two of them closer.

Against the backdrop of the sky full of snowflakes, nothing else could be heard except the sound of squeaking water.

Jiang Zhihan's actions became more and more intense.

To him, Song Qingyou's initiative was like cooking oil in a raging fire.

Song Qingyou, who was used to taking the initiative, was a little annoyed when she noticed someone was pushing the envelope.

But no matter where she turned her head, he would always stick to it.

Just like a piece of dog skin plaster.

Song Qingyou's hands and feet were a little weak from the torture, and then she spent a lot of effort to tear the person away from her.

"Get up quickly."

"I can't breathe."

Her lake-green eyes dimmed for a moment, and then she whispered softly, "Qingyou, Qingyou..."

His usually cold face now looked aggrieved.

Song Qingyou never expected that Jiang Zhihan would become more and more free after falling in love.

"Don't keep calling me."

"Didn't Fang Yan still have something to ask you for yesterday? Now that everything has recovered, go to work as soon as possible."

Song Qingyou pushed the person away ruthlessly and sat back on the sofa.

"The work is not urgent——"

Seeing that he still wanted to get closer, Song Qingyou suddenly raised her leg and kicked him lightly, "Go to work quickly, I feel that Fang Yan is almost crying."

Jiang Zhihan reluctantly agreed, not forgetting to kiss her secretly before leaving.

"I'll be back in the afternoon."



Jiang Quan has officially returned to the company.

Perhaps he was eager to prove something. As soon as he took the position of president, he suspended several projects on Jiang Zhihan's hands.

And recently, he has been wooing the heads of various departments and trying to get close to Fang Yan.

It's just that Fang Yan has always been polite and Jiang Quan is a very arrogant person, so there is no possibility of cooperation between the two.

After discussion, Jiang Zhihan and Song Qingyou decided to transfer all their cooperation projects. Whether it was logistics or virtual reality technology, they would all cooperate in Jiang Zhihan's personal name.

For this reason, Jiang Zhihan also opened a new company specifically

——I originally wanted to name the company after Song Qingyou, but Song Qingyou directly rejected it, and the company’s name was finally determined to be ‘Future Technology’.

Of course, in order to avoid being noticed too early by Jiang Quan, it was not him but Fang Yan who registered the new company as a legal person.

The location of future technology is located in the Longxing Logistics building.

Before Jiang Zhihan went to Jiangyuan Group, he also visited the new company and said hello to Song Xingye.

He could clearly feel that Song Xingye was not as close to him as he was at the beginning, but instead was polite and distant. He must have sensed something.

Jiang Zhihan pretended not to know, and began to think about how to make Song Xingye accept his 'prospective son-in-law'.

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