In the darkness, inside the camp where Yun Xin was.

Liu Yiqiu and the girl were eating a late meal at the wooden table, and today the two of them ate very simply, only a small pot of fish soup.

Both of them were busy today, making clay pots, cups, etc. out of clay in the morning, and burning kilns and cutting hay in the afternoon.

“I don’t know what happened to Chu Feng.” Yun Xin said a little worriedly, his eyes looking out of the shelter.

It was already dark, and Chu Feng and the two would not come back this evening.

“I guess I’m eating.” Liu Yiqiu said softly, there was also worry in Mei Eye, and her sister was not by her side in the wilderness for the first time.

Both people’s minds have drifted out, and the chopsticks in their hands have not moved, the so-called tedious food.

“I should be back tomorrow.” Yun Xin barely pulled out a smile at the corner of his mouth and drank fish soup with his head down.

“Eight Six Three” “Rest assured, Chu Feng is so powerful, he will definitely be fine.” Liu Yiqiu said seriously.

“Sister Qiu, come and sleep with me this evening, I’m afraid I won’t be able to sleep.” Yun Xin said softly.

“Okay.” Liu Yiqiu nodded, maybe both of them would have difficulty sleeping.


On the other side of the hill, Chu Feng was busy building a shelter.

According to the first time the shelter was built, Chu Feng tied up one end of the four trunks to form two brackets, and then used a trunk as the main beam in the middle to make the main frame of the shelter.

The branches are fixed on both sides and covered with layers of palm leaves, this time only need to be protected from the wind.

When Chu Feng came out today, he had already observed the celestial phenomena, and there was a high probability that there would be no rain today.

This shelter will only live on one night, so he did not build it very elaborately, but simply made a simple shelter that can prevent the wind from spending the night.

Liu Yimeng finished the fire, took the saber and began to dispose of the deer’s internal organs, and then put some water into the steel pot and boiled it directly on the fire.

Chu Feng sorted out the palm leaves and covered some gaps to prevent air leakage.

An hour had passed since he had done this, and the surrounding jungle was pitch black, and only the camp where the two men were located had a fire shining brightly.

Chu Feng thought for a moment, got up and lit a fire outside the big tree to prevent the beast from getting too close.

“Chu Feng, you can eat a slate meal.” Liu Yimeng stirred the steel pot with a wooden stick, the internal organs inside had been chopped, and some dried lemon slices and wild ginger brought over were placed to remove the fishy smell of the internal organs.

“Okay.” Chu Feng clapped his hands, came to the fire and sat down, taking the chopsticks handed by Liu Yimeng.

“I don’t know how it tastes.” Liu Yimeng tried to clip a piece of deer heart, put it to his mouth, blew it, and then stuffed it into his mouth and chewed it.

She squinted her eyes slightly, savored the taste, and smiled: “Although it is not as bad as what Yun Xin made, at least it is not unpalatable.” ”

“The taste is ok, sour, no fishy smell.” Chu Feng also stuffed a piece of deer offal into his mouth and chewed it, most of the fishy smell was covered by lemon and wild ginger.

The two of them ate a slate meal while chatting.

“By the way, Chu Feng, what is going to happen to that fawn?” Liu Yi dreamed of the fawn she had shot. It is still tied up in a bamboo basket.

Chu Feng pondered for a while, and then decided, “Raise it first, and then there will be no meat to eat, and then consider killing it.” ”

“The arrow in its leg can’t be pulled?” Liu Yimeng chewed something in his mouth and said vaguely.

“Unplug it.” Chu Feng put down his chopsticks and stood up, and took the bound deer out of the bamboo basket.

He pressed his hand against the fawn’s wound, and then carefully pulled out the bamboo arrow.

“Yo yo…”

The fawn struggled in Chu Feng’s arms, blood oozing from the wound.

“Bleeding, what should I do?” Liu Yimeng bit the chopsticks and hurriedly said.

“Just use charcoal to stop the bleeding.” Chu Feng said calmly, grabbed a piece of charcoal, crushed it, evenly covered the deer’s wound, held it down with his hand, and then tied it with a grass rope.

He put the fawn in the bamboo basket and sealed the mouth with a rope through the gap in the bamboo basket to make a cage.

After more than ten minutes, Chu Feng finished his dinner and began to deal with the complete deerskin.

He used the remaining trunks to bundle them into a frame and propped up the deerskin to prevent it from shrinking and curling, which also made it easy to let it dry.

Chu Feng put the deer skin by the fire and roasted it, while scraping off the remaining fat and skin and flesh with a wood knife.

Liu Yimeng packed up the steel pot and sat quietly next to the shelter, watching Chu Feng handle the deerskin………

“If you’re tired, you can go to bed first.” Chu Feng smiled lightly.

“I’m not tired, and I can’t sleep.” Liu Yimeng shook her head and rested her head on the frame of the shelter, she missed her sister a little.


In the distance came the noise and the roar of the jackal.

“What’s that sound?” Liu Yimeng’s face changed, and he reached out and grabbed his bow and arrow vigilantly.

“The sound of jackals, and more than one, is a pack of jackals.” Chu Feng put the chai knife next to him and frowned in the direction of the stag covering.

The sound of the jackal came from there, as if fighting for the unwanted internal organs, and he was not worried that the stag buried in the soil would be planed out unless the fire was extinguished and the charcoal cooled.

“Jackals, what should I do?” Liu Yimeng asked nervously, his body shrinking into the shelter, his eyes scanning the darkness outside.

“There is a fire, and they dare not come near.” Chu Feng said softly, adding wood to the fire to make the fire even stronger.

He looked at the fire that was still burning outside the tree, and his heart was calm, even if there were jackals approaching, as long as there were not too many, there was no need to be afraid.

In the observer’s live broadcast room, at this time, the observers had already paid attention to Chu Feng and Liu Yimeng for a while.

Wu Qingyue said a little worriedly: “Last time it was a bear, this time it was a jackal, this is also too unlucky, right?” ”

“If there’s a fire, it shouldn’t be all right.” He Ming also looked solemn, through the drone 0.9 they had already seen the jackals hovering in the distance.

There were five jackals in all, and at this time they were hovering by the fire where the stag was buried, and the internal organs on the ground had been eaten.

They smell the food, but they don’t dare to go near the fire, so they keep wandering nearby.

“They went in the direction of Chu Feng’s side.” Wang Lin suddenly opened his mouth, looking nervous.

Under the night vision lens of the drone, the jackals lingered by the fire for a while, turned and ran towards where Chu Feng and Chu Feng were.

All four tensed up, their eyes moving with the jackals.


“Two more,( ̄▽ ̄). Ask for customization, ask for support. “_

Fei Lu reminds you: read three things – 凵

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