Wind Rises in Dragon City

Chapter 473: mountain fire

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On the second set of cars.

The Asian man licked his lips, and immediately said to his companion behind: "Share the real-time location for a group, and bring the sniper."

After the words fell, a man on the back side lowered his head and fiddled with the TSK special operations instrument, and shared his exact location.

At the same time, another person took out the assembled sniper rifle, rushed up and handed the gun to the Asian man.

After the Asian man took the SVD sniper rifle, he leaned half of his body out of the car.

At this moment, the driver didn't need to say hello at all, he tapped the brakes with both feet to slow down, and at the same time tilted the front of the car to the left.


There was a dull gunshot, and the Asian man opened fire while the vehicle was moving, and one shot shattered the right rear tire of the worn-out off-road vehicle in front.


In front, the off-road vehicle that was driving at maximum speed suddenly pressed down on the right side of the vehicle, and the vehicle body shook violently in an instant.

"The tire is broken!" Xiao Liang roared.

"Brake, step on the brake!" Ah Shui roared back.

Xiaoliang stepped on the brakes four or five times in a row, and the speed of the car slowed down significantly, but the car body was still out of control, drawing dragons continuously on the road.

In desperation, Xiao Liang could only turn the steering wheel to one side of the mountain, otherwise the car body would rush out of the road on the left, and it would definitely fall into the ditch and roll over. The danger of hitting the mountain is obviously much smaller.

Two seconds later, there was a muffled sound, and the off-road vehicle directly hit a big tree in the mountain on the right, the body shook violently, and the occupants turned on their backs.


There was also the sound of screeching brakes from the rear, and the Asian man with a gun got out of the car first, standing behind the door and shouting, "Come in!"

Three strong men in the back seat got out of the car with automatic rifles in hand, and stood in a triangular position.

At the same time, the driver who didn't get out of the car immediately put on the automatic transmission and let the car move forward slowly.

In the car ahead, Ah Shui shook his head and immediately shouted, "Get out of the car!!"

Everyone was speechless and immediately pulled Xiao Kai, pushed the door and rushed out of the car.

"M's!" Xiao Liang pulled out a mine as soon as he got out of the car, and raised his arms backwards.


The Asian man shot, hitting Xiaoliang in the chest.


Xiao Liang fell on his back on the spot, relying on the inertia of swinging arms, he also threw the hand buds out.


The driver behind didn't panic at all, and directly stepped on the brakes to avoid.


The hand bud exploded in the middle of the road, splashing countless debris.

At this moment, Ah Shui took Xiao Kai hostage after getting out of the car, and ran up the mountain immediately, while the other brothers hid behind the car and shot wildly.

"Let Ah Shui go first, or the brother who didn't come out will die in vain!" Xiao Liang lay on the ground vomiting blood and was still shooting with a gun, while others were also shooting or pulling buds to cover Ah Shui.

The muzzle of the Asian man's gun moved slightly, and he shot Xiao Liang in the head decisively.


Blood spattered, and Xiao Liang fell directly to the ground with his head up.

"My shooting angle is not enough, stay on the lookout, I'll go after it." After the Asian man said something, he turned and ran to the side of the mountain.

Next to the vehicle, the three strong men who hadn't been on fire all the time began to shoot rhythmically at the vehicle that Ah Shui and others were riding in, forcing the people hiding behind the vehicle to dare not escape easily.

In the forest on the mountain diagonally opposite, Ah Shui dragged Xiao Kai to glance back, and saw Xiao Liang lying on the ground with half of his head broken.

"Damn it!" Ah Shui roared in tears, and pulled Xiao Kai through gritted teeth, and went straight to the middle of the forest.

On the Great Plains, Kang Zhengzhong looked at the green dot on the combat instrument, and urged again: "Hurry up! There are only five people in the second team, and the firepower is not balanced."

"The other party is only five people, and the second group can completely solve it. Maybe we have arrived, and the mission is over." The Eastern European man in the back seat replied very easily.

on the hill.

Relying on his excellent explosive power, the Asian man ran upwards for about 50 meters, and he had already occupied the high point and had a better shooting vision.

Squatting behind a tree trunk, the Asian man turned on the night vision goggles and quickly searched for the target.

"Da da da…!"

At this moment, a hundred meters away from the shooting site, there was a sudden sound of gunfire, and several cars rushed to the scene without turning on the lights.

At the foot of the mountain, the slow-moving luxury off-road vehicle was hit by sudden bullets, sending sparks flying everywhere.


The strong man behind the vehicle shouted immediately: "There is a new opponent entering the arena! Left, forty degrees, the sniper sweeps!"

On the hillside, the Asian man who was about to look for Ah Shui immediately swept down the hill when he heard this, saw twenty or thirty people with his night vision goggles, and got out of the car with a gun in his hand.

"Made!" The Asian man immediately scolded: "The opponent has at least four times as many people as us! The deputy sniper takes the position and covers me."


The strong man behind the vehicle immediately turned around and ran straight up the mountain.

At the same time, the other two people behind the vehicle, including the driver in the vehicle, all accelerated and pressed forward, chasing in the direction where Ah Shui disappeared very tacitly.

at the foot of the mountain.

Su Tianyu shouted with a gun in his hand: "Spread out and enter the mountain!"

After the words fell, Wei Xiangzuo, Lu Feng, and Yu Mingyuan each led their people and ran straight up the hillside.

On the hillside, the Asian man lay down on the ground urgently, propped the barrel of the gun with a rock as big as his head, and immediately yelled through the walkie-talkie: "The deputy sniper is watching the rear, and let someone shoot. We delay."

"Got it, I'm already seated!"

"...!" The Asian man didn't make a sound, and went straight into a state of silence.

On the hillside at a 45-degree angle, the Eastern European man in the deputy sniper position slowly moved the muzzle of his gun. After seeing a dozen people running out of the vehicle cover, he immediately chose the middle one and pulled the trigger.


A gunshot rang out, and brother Lu Feng who was running was shot in the leg in an instant, and fell down on the hillside with a bang.

"There is a second sniper," Old Hei roared, "He has night vision goggles!"

"Hula la!"

Everyone scattered and hid behind the nearby tree trunks and rocks, while the brother who was shot was holding on to the ground and tried to stand up several times, but failed.

"Old Huang!" Er Mao said anxiously: "Cover me!"

"Don't go, he's wasting time." Su Tianyu shouted.

"Da da da…!"

At this moment, Brother Feng's brothers all shot wildly at the sniper point to cover Ermao.

In the No. 1 sniper position, the Asian man held his breath and pulled the trigger again.


With a gunshot, Er Mao who was running was hit on the shoulder and also fell to the ground.

"It's just a group of ordinary people. You don't need to change points. Their activity space is blocked." The Asian man reminded the assistant in a low voice.

"I think the two of us can solve all of them." The deputy sniper also replied: "They can't find us at all..."

The Asian man didn't respond, he only aimed at Ermao and Lu Feng's brothers, and continued to dormant.

"Damn it!" Lu Feng was in a hurry, and waved his hand to signal the brother next to him to detour up the mountain.

At this moment, Hou Guoyu suddenly opened two beams of bright flashlights and shone them on the mountain in reverse.


A burst of dazzling light beams came, and the Asian man's eyes hurt. He turned his head and cursed in an instant: "Made! It's interesting, the position of the light source is very accurate, change the position!"

At the same time, an off-road vehicle stopped on the road when it came. After Kang Zhengzhong got off the vehicle, he calmly pointed to the corner of the ditch and ordered: "Assemble the grenade here."

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