Witcher at Hogwarts

Chapter 310 Hermione’s Promotion

But before all this, Hogwarts is about to usher in a very important ceremony, and that is the welcoming ceremony for Beauxbatons and Durmstrang students.

There was a joyful mood of anticipation in the air at Hogwarts.

In the classroom, no one paid attention to the lecture. Everyone was thinking that people from Beauxbatons and Durmstrang were coming tonight.

Looking at the restless students, Ethan simply dismissed class half an hour early for them.

After several semesters, most senior students have become proficient in casting seals.

Coupled with the research of Dumbledore and Flitwick, many simpler spells have now been translated into the form of sigils.

Can be cast directly without the wand.

This amazing discovery made Flitwick so honored that he took Ethan to apply for the Order of Merlin for the two of them.

However, because Fudge still did not return to the Ministry of Magic, Flitwick's wish to receive the medal was temporarily frustrated.

This made Flitwick very dissatisfied, but Ethan didn't feel much at all.

Obtaining a Merlin Order now means nothing to Ethan.

Harry, Ron, and Hermione walked side by side.

After the end of the last semester, Hermione finally put an end to her miserable academic life due to taking too many classes.

Now she finally has time to continue working on the House Elf Rights Promotion Association.

Now the promotion association has entered the fundraising stage.

Harry, Ron and Hermione each held a box with three big words "Charity Box" on it.

Listening to the jingling sound coming from the box, it seemed that Hermione's career had now achieved some success.

Now it’s time to welcome the students from Beauxbatons and Durmstrang.

Many students had gathered in the foyer of Hogwarts, and Hermione thought this was the best time to promote her liberation of house elves.

So Hermione came to the foyer early, and now Hermione was holding a Hufflepuff girl holding a leaflet and promoting something.

Harry and Ron stood boredly behind Hermione. It seemed that they were already quite familiar with this matter.

When Ethan came here, he happened to see this scene.

Harry and Ron saw Ethan first. For some reason, Harry and Ron seemed to be frightened.

He opened his mouth and looked at Ethan with some fear.

Ethan didn’t understand why these two silly children were so scared when they saw him.

Seeing Ethan approaching the three of them step by step, Harry hurriedly poked Hermione's back with his finger.

Hermione turned her head and saw Ethan, and her face immediately turned pale.

And he immediately hid the flyer he just held in his hand behind his back.

But this cover-up was completely useless, because at this time Ron was still holding a thick stack of leaflets in his hand.

"Can you show me the flyer, Ron?" Ethan said to Hermione in a soft voice.

Ron didn't dare to disobey Ethan's request at all, and handed the flyer in his hand to Ethan without hesitation.

Ethan took the flyer, and as soon as he saw the words on it, Ethan immediately understood why Harry, Ron and Hermione were so scared.

There are several large words written on the flyer in bold black letters.

"Join the House Elf Rights Promotion Association, this is Professor Ethan's choice!" 》

At the bottom of the flyer was a photo of Ethan grinning from someone I don’t know where he got it from.

Seeing such a flyer, Ethan immediately couldn't laugh or cry.

Harry, Ron and Hermione looked down at their toes like children who had done something wrong.

"Who came up with this idea?" Ethan asked the three of them pretending to be serious.

The three of them were silent, no one dared to stand up.

Although Ethan usually seems easy-going and friendly to others, when Ethan starts to get serious.

It still looks very majestic.

In the end, Hermione raised her hand with some trepidation.

"It's me, Professor Ethan." Hermione said in a voice like a kitten's meow.

"Only by ourselves, no one cares about the House Elf Rights Promotion Association, so I had to borrow your name." Hermione apologized in a low voice.

Then he stared at his toes, waiting for Ethan's imminent reprimand.

But the expected reprimand did not come. Instead, there was a crisp sound of gold coins falling into the money box on his chest.

Hermione raised her head in surprise, and then saw Ethan dropping a gold galleung into Hermione's cash box.

"Although I have also joined the House Elf Rights Promotion Association, you should at least tell me using my image." Ethan said pretending to be helpless.

Hermione's originally pale face was immediately filled with excitement.

"Okay, Professor Ethan, I know I was wrong, and I will definitely ask for your permission first next time." This time Hermione readily admitted her mistake.

Harry and Ron finally breathed a sigh of relief.

At this moment, Professor McGonagall's voice suddenly sounded from the front.

"Everyone, hurry up and line up! Students from other schools are coming! Oh my god, you can't embarrass our school!" Professor McGonagall said urgently.

"Weasley, stop holding that box, now is not the time! Put your hat straight on your head!" Professor McGonagall said sternly to Ron.

"Miss Patil, take that ridiculous thing off your hair." Parvati from India frowned unhappily and took off a large butterfly headdress from the end of her braid.

"Please follow me," Professor McGonagall said. "The first-year students are in front - don't crowd them - one by one."

Due to Professor McGonagall's urging, Hermione, Ron, and Harry hurriedly said goodbye to Ethan and returned to their team.

Ethan also quickly walked to the team belonging to the professors and stood at the end of the team, behind Snape.

Everyone filed down the steps and lined up in front of the castle. It was a cold evening with fresh air. Night was falling, and a white, translucent moon was already hanging over the Forbidden Forest.

Ethan heard many students discussing something excitedly, and most of the topics were about the Beauxbatons and Durmstrang students who were coming soon.

This is very normal, after all, this is a rarely seen lively scene.

"The time is coming soon." Professor McGonagall looked at her watch nervously, and at the same time subconsciously adjusted the hat she was already wearing.

Everyone excitedly scanned the gradually darkening venue, but there was no movement. Everything was silent and peaceful, just like usual.

"Aha! Someone is coming!" Suddenly Hagrid from the professor's team shouted loudly, and pointed his stubby fingers into the sky.

Snape, who was disturbed by Hagrid's shouting, rolled his eyes and stood farther away from Hagrid.

And more people followed the direction Hagrid pointed and looked hard into the dark night sky.

"There!" A senior Hufflepuff student also noticed the visitor and shouted excitedly.

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