World of Cultivation

Chapter 376 We need actual combat!

Nanyue and Cangze's actions immediately shocked the group of monsters.

The purple vine arrows were as fast as lightning, and no demon could avoid them. Purple light flashed through the air and cracked the sky. Gray and green marks, strange and ever-changing, like an assassin wearing a human skin mask, impossible to guard against. In the blink of an eye, the sneak attackers who were still murderous just now turned into white light and disappeared.

None of the onlookers dared to move.

They may not be able to see at a glance that Nanyue and Cangze are using high-level magic like Ming Juezi, but they can also see that the two magics are unusual. Nan Yue and Cang Ze were staying in the illusion array before, and the monsters were attracted by Zuo Mo, but they didn't even realize it.

Their sudden appearance and subsequent thunderbolt tactics immediately put an end to some demonic thoughts of fishing in troubled waters.

Nan Yue was panting slightly, holding a vine bow and standing beside Zuo Mo, watching the surroundings with vigilance. Cangze's forehead was covered with sweat, and the gray-blue mist on his body was much lighter than before.

Zuo Mo knew in his heart that Nan Yue and Cang Ze were practicing new magic for the first time, and they would definitely be exhausted after using it this time.

"Go back and have a good rest." Zuo Mowen said after regaining his strength. He waved his hands at the same time, and dozens of rays of light poured out like a torrential rain, submerging into the open space around him and disappearing.


The onlookers all felt secretly awe-inspiring.

Nanyue and Cangze were both at the end of their game, and could not hold on at the moment. They were completely relieved when they saw this, and left quickly without delaying.

Zuo Mo looked around coldly. Many monsters lowered their heads, not daring to look at him. His eyes paused on Ming Juezi, and the strange demon smiled at him.

He left the Wild Beast chessboard without thinking carefully about the meaning of Juezi's smile.

As soon as he left the wild beast chessboard, Zuo Mo deeply felt how serious the consumption of his spiritual consciousness was, and he quickly fell into meditation and restored his spiritual consciousness.


"This sword formation is a good thing and can help you understand the meaning of the sword. However, don't rely too much on external objects. We are sword cultivators. What is sword cultivator? There is nothing else except the sword! Whether you have understood it or not Sword Intent, when you start to practice swordsmanship, your heart will be like a sword embryo. You need to constantly temper and sharpen it to make it more and more pure and tougher. So how can you temper and sharpen it? The heart of the sword? Fight, keep fighting! Without fighting, there is no sword cultivator. We sword cultivators come to this world with a sharp edge!"

Wei Sheng's voice was not passionate, but his resolute gaze and decisive tone without any hesitation made all the swordsmen's blood boil.

In the past, everyone suffered from having no one to guide them, like headless flies. Now, the emergence of Wei Sheng has given all sword cultivators hope. In other sects, a disciple like Wei Sheng would still be a disciple. But here, Wei Sheng quickly became the teacher of all swordsmen, and no one doubted his every word.

He is a true swordsman!

Many of Wei Sheng's practices would have seemed silly to everyone in the past. Who would have thought that a cultivator at the golden elixir stage would spend two hours every day, slashing and stabbing like a beginner? But he quickly used facts to let everyone understand how crucial basic training is.

He used the sword moves of the Qi Refining Stage and the spiritual power of the Qi Refining Stage to sweep through all the masters from the Suzaku Camp, including Ma Fan.

After such an incredible competition, the entire Suzaku Camp fell into a dead silence for several days. Wei Sheng's performance simply subverted their long-held common sense.

Any spiritual power or sword moves seemed to be of no use in front of Wei Sheng. He used facts to tell everyone that their cultivation had entered a misunderstanding. Gradually, some people began to imitate Wei Sheng's training methods and practice the basic sword moves that they had put aside for a long time.

Wei Sheng's lecture hall is overcrowded every day.

In the lecture hall, Wei Sheng said what he just said. Everyone quickly gathered together after class to discuss the matter.

"Master Wei said that so damn well!" Although Lei Peng didn't practice sword arts,

But the sword was never lowered in every lecture, and Wei Sheng's words today were more to his liking. The young Wei Sheng was called Master Wei by everyone.

"But there is no actual combat." Renyou muttered.

"Actual combat is not without it." Ma Fan mused. Since he was defeated by Wei Sheng last time, he had been reflecting on it for a long time. He was born in the sword cultivating field, and he had only a half-knowledge of many things, which posed many hidden dangers. Now being singled out by Wei Sheng one by one, he benefited a lot. He had to think over every word Wei Sheng said several times.

"Yes, there are evil souls out there, and there are even more powerful evil soul beasts. Aren't they the best targets for actual combat?" Nian Lu interjected.

"Yes! Fuck you!"

"Hmm, let's plan it carefully, why not..."

The poor evil spirit beasts have been roaming around in this evil mist for tens of thousands of years without incident, but because of Wei Sheng's words, they encountered catastrophe.


Originally, Shulong, Awen and other backbones of the guard camp also planned to participate in the Sword Lecture Hall. Although Wei Sheng talks about sword cultivation, there are many places that can also be used as a reference for them.

However, this plan was ruthlessly killed by Pu Yao.

Are you kidding me? How can a direct descendant of a dignified heavenly demon, even a nominal direct descendant, get someone else to give them a lecture?

For Pu Yao, this is simply a humiliation, yes, it is a humiliation!

The more Pu Yao thought about it, the more unhappy he became, and he immediately ordered the entire guard camp to be closed down. What’s the big deal about the Sword Hall? When it comes to cultivation, huh, who can compete with me?

Pu Yao sneered in his heart.

With a wave of his hand, the Demon Refining Hall was opened.

Although Pu is a demon, he is no stranger to demons. He is eloquent and gives pointers freely, and what he talks about is not limited to "Ku Wei". If those demon schools in the demon world were sitting here and listening, they would be terrified. The guards just listened honestly, and many things suddenly became enlightened to them. As for other things, they didn't feel much.

Although the gate of the camp was closed, every move of the Suzaku camp still fell in the eyes of Shu Long and others.

"Actual combat? Well, it is indeed necessary." Pu Yao held his chin and blinked his bloody eyes.

Compared to the sword cultivators in the Suzaku Camp, the hard guards in the Wei Camp had very little actual combat experience. Moreover, they were all born as slaves and were wild men in the true sense. It can be said that the Sword Cultivators of the Suzaku Camp are much inferior to the Ku Guards in Xiantian.

If the Wei camp was suppressed by the Suzaku camp, wouldn't his face be too shameless?

Even Wei Sheng!

snort! Just a golden elixir...

How could the arrogant Pu Yao tolerate such a result?

What's more, there is a golden soul! After absorbing a ray of golden soul, his soul was greatly stabilized. He breathed a sigh of relief and became even more eager for the remaining golden soul. At this juncture, of course, you must prove your worth.

There is no way, this student of mine is the most realistic!

Pu Yao also had his mind set on those evil soul beasts. He had no intention of discussing it and gave the order directly with a wave of his hand.

The guard camp took action.


Gongsun Cha didn't know anything that happened in the camp. Wei Sheng's arrival did not have much impact on him. When he left Wukong Mountain, he had just been a member of the Wukong Sword Sect for more than a month and had no feelings for the Wukong Sword Sect. He had only heard of the senior brother Wei Sheng by name, but this was the first time he had met him in person.

At this time, his whole body was red, like a cooked shrimp. He was already handsome, with a boyish shyness on his face, and now his whole body was red, making him even more adorable.

His soul fluctuated violently. As soon as the bead entered his mouth, the surging divine soul source, like a tide, almost swallowed him up. His soul was like a sampan, struggling in the big waves.

If it were an ordinary person, in this situation, the first thought would be to protect themselves.

But Gongsun Cha was ruthless and decisive, and immediately began a suicidal madness to plunder. During the struggle, he continuously devoured the source of his soul to strengthen himself. The level of thrills was the most dangerous since Gongsun Chai started practicing.

Gongsun Cha's cultivation level was at the bottom of the entire team, but when it came to his will, even Zuo Mo underestimated the tenacity of his will. From the moment he came into contact with the general, he was able to survive the Pu Yao's ravages over and over again. During that time, Pu Yao didn't have any guidance, and Gongsun Chai needed to constantly look for patterns from failures. No encouragement, no support, just failure.

The cruelest growth model, the achievement of Gongsun Chai.

This formed Xiaoniang's ruthless fighting style, but few people knew that he was even more ruthless to herself.

He is a freak with a weak body and low cultivation, but an extremely tough and ruthless heart.

To him, it was just another fight. The dangerous situation did not make him waver in the slightest. His determination, tempered by the Pu Yao's countless ravages, was as stable as a rock. What he is best at is finding an opportunity from seemingly hopeless situations.

The impact of the soul like a raging wave made him sway, but he was extremely calm and swallowed up the origin of the wandering soul bit by bit.

His consciousness increased rapidly, and he became more and more skillful.

He commanded his consciousness just like commanding the Suzaku Battalion.

Detour, intersperse, encircle and annihilate...

These methods he was most familiar with were used by him with ease. He was like a cunning fox wolf, waiting for an opportunity to wander away. When he saw an opportunity, he pounced on it and bit off a piece.

The origin of the soul is so turbulent, and he is so weak. He didn't panic at all. On the contrary, he was quite excited because he found the thrill of fighting. This kind of pleasure was like a drug addiction, making him deeply intoxicated.

He gradually took control of the situation.

His spiritual consciousness is getting stronger and stronger, and with the help, his calculations have become more accurate, and his spiritual consciousness has become more controllable. It is like they have transformed from a rookie to an elite soldier.

Gradually, a hint of enlightenment emerged in my heart.

This glimmer of understanding is getting clearer and clearer, as clear as if it were behind the window paper, and you can see it clearly if you poke it casually.

His consciousness was like the wind and the remaining clouds, swallowing up the last trace of the source of his soul.

Snap, like something shattered, and like something broke.

He stood on the deserted battlefield, his mind extremely empty.

Ha, it turns out that this is the general! My QT room is open! Fang Xiang’s official QT room number [9177] click to enter

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