World of Cultivation

Chapter 413 Snowflake Strangulation

Snowflake strangulation!

This is the name Gongsun Chai gave to this new tactic, and today it showed its edge for the first time. When all the warriors were amazed by his sharp breakthrough, none of them knew that the reason why Xiao Niang created the Snowflake Strangler was to make up for the shortcomings of the three-stage wave attack that was not conducive to protracted battles.

In other words, the continuous saw-like breakthroughs that everyone marvels at are not the biggest advantage of this tactic.

Its biggest advantage is - strangulation!

I saw six large snowflakes suddenly shattered and turned into countless smaller snowflakes. They no longer had a fixed formation. These tiny snowflakes were like torrents pouring out, pervasive and seeping in from all directions.

The speed of their advance was not fast, but it gave people a feeling that there was no way to hide.

The small snowflakes composed of six cone flame demons rotated rapidly. The fire demons in their hands were ready to attack. Once they found the enemy, they would launch an attack. Their attacks are also very unique. While rotating at high speed, the six cone flame demons change positions like a revolving lantern, releasing the fire magic in their hands.

Straight line of fire!

This is a line of fire composed of fire magic. The last cone flame demon has released the fire magic in his hand, and the first cone flame demon has just completed a new round of fire magic.

The line of fire is endless and never ending.

The defensive magic of the defensive units was as fragile as paper in the face of such an endless line of fire. They had no time to buy time for their teammates and died. Combat arms that lack protection will die faster.

What's even more frightening is that each little snowflake will never fight in a single team. There are always two or three teams around them. The team in the middle of the three teams will take the initiative to retreat, thus forming an inverted glyph, and in a semi-surrounding posture, the opponent will be included in their firepower network.

The fire net woven by the fire lines of the three teams doubled the lethality. And if six or seven small snowflakes are firing together to form a web of fire, it will be absolutely despairing.

The cone flame demons are not advancing very fast. They are like slowly flowing lava. Wherever they pass, they are wiped out by flying ashes. Nothing can stop them!

The lines of fire crisscrossed each other like a big net!

The enemies caught in the big net desperately released their magic, but they were like flying insects entangled in a spider web, and all their struggles seemed so futile.

Yu Heng's face turned pale, and the bright lines of fire intertwined were like threads of death in his eyes! His forces were dwindling at an alarming rate.

He could also see the Cone Flame Demon falling down in the opponent's team, but...

Yu Heng's mouth was full of bitterness. The opponent's number of people was decreasing much slower than his own. Basically, you need three battle demons of your own to exchange for one battle demon of the other party. He could hardly believe it, was this still a weak Cone Flame Demon?

The opponent's spiritual consciousness is too strong!

The Cone Flame Demon at the front fell very quickly, but as long as one person fell, the vacant position would be taken up by the Cone Flame Demon behind. The opponent's entire team is like liquid, able to flow freely! In addition, each little snowflake is always rotating at a high speed. At first, there were 5,000 battle monsters and more than 800 little snowflakes!

Maintaining the integrity of the formation at all times is the reason for such a disparity in damage ratio.

But how much powerful spiritual consciousness does this require?

Yu Heng's face turned gray and his eyes lost all their brilliance.

He knew he had failed, and failed miserably. As the number of war demons under his command continued to decrease, the defensive facilities in the camp were becoming less and less effective, and the cone-flaming demons behind the opponent were even able to pull them out one by one without any trouble.

He was convinced of his defeat.

Although Laughing Mogo's move seems very different from the current popular tactics, the guy who can create such tactics is definitely an out-and-out tactical genius!

He knew very well that the two previous wrong judgments had made him passive. But what really caused the defeat was this refreshing tactic and the opponent's incredibly powerful divine consciousness! Even if he was prepared, he still didn't know how to deal with this crimson snowflake.

Yu Heng likes to play with power and likes to take chances.

However, he received the most orthodox warrior education, and the pride of being a warrior was deeply engraved in his bones. At this moment, he did not think about the consequences of being ruined. What filled his heart was the frustration of defeat, and he was truly heartbroken!

Because this is a defeat without any excuse.


"Yuheng is finished." Sang Nan sighed softly, with a hint of sadness in his tone. Witnessing the death of a golden general, a touch of sadness lingered in his heart. His premonitions are far sharper than those of ordinary generals. He didn't see Yu Heng's face, but Yu Heng's aura of physical and mental death was still captured by him from some unnoticed details on the battlefield.

Every golden warrior is obtained through countless battles, countless assessments, and countless contests. Maybe they have different backgrounds and different levels of skill, but every one of them is a true leader.

Once a warrior's heart dies, it means death.

Sang Nan was far from the only one who felt Yu Heng's sorrow was greater than his heart's death. Sighs could be heard in many places. Many of them had looked forward to this battle, but no one expected that this battle would directly lead to the death of a golden warrior.


For most people, this dazzling and dramatic battle is enough to satisfy their curiosity. As for the reason for starting this battle, it has long been forgotten. The one that everyone discussed the most was of course Xiao Mo Ge. In their opinion, if Xiao Mo Ge could defeat Yu Heng, then Xiao Mo Ge would also be a golden warrior.

The battle to break the prison and kill twenty-six demons in the arena had already earned him enough attention, and he was called a genius. But now everyone has discovered that he is actually a golden warrior! Laughing Mogo stepped on the corpse of another golden warrior. This "golden warrior" was very good!

No wonder many demons exclaimed, is this guy still a demon?

How many years does it take for such a perverted monster to appear?

evildoer! So monstrous!

If everyone's discussion of him before was limited to low-level demons, now, his name has spread throughout the world. In times of war, no one has a clear idea of ​​what it means to be a golden warrior. What's more, he is still so young! In addition, his own strength is extremely outstanding and has huge potential, and he may even aspire to the position of Heavenly Demon.

How could you ask such a young man to be more evil?

Even though the genius alliance is said to have countless geniuses, there are only a handful of monsters like this.

However, the discussion of this battle has only just begun. A layman looks at the excitement, an expert looks at the door. In the eyes of the generals, this battle has been elevated to a classic battle. Laughing Mogo's creative use of the Cone Flame Demon broke the rules. Before this, no one had ever thought that the Cone Flame Demon could be used in this way.

The significance of this battle is not just for the Cone Flame Demon. For these battle demons, Laughing Mogo's innovation has opened a new window for them. The power displayed by the non-stop attacks attracted the attention of almost all the warriors. Maintaining uninterrupted firepower in this way has become a new research hotspot for the generals.

When the generals studied it repeatedly, they discovered that if they wanted to completely laugh at Mogo's snowflake tactics, it required extremely high levels of spiritual consciousness. Only then did they suddenly realize that Laughing Mogo's consciousness had reached such a terrifying level!

Just as the generals were studying it repeatedly and the people were discussing it with gusto, a piece of news broke through the sky like lightning. Frustrated, Yu Heng directly submitted his resignation and resigned as the commander of the Houtu Army.

Many of Yu Heng's friends came to the door one after another, hoping to comfort him, but when they saw Yu Heng's appearance, they were all shocked! Yu Heng locked himself in a small room, his expression was dull, and he ignored his words.

Yuheng is finished! The Yu family is finished!

These news suddenly added a strong and tragic flavor to this battle!

However, soon, no one paid attention to the news about Yuheng, and people's eyes were always fixed on the winner.

But Laughing Mogo seemed to disappear, with no trace at all.


This battle amazed Zuo Mo, but more importantly, it made him breathe a sigh of relief. However, it is limited to this, just a game of chess, what is there to be excited about?

And Xiao Niang was completely indifferent. Because he knew that his opponent was not the usual mysterious person, even if he won, he would not feel much pleasure and joy. Probably only by defeating Pu Yao can he truly feel joy.

On the contrary, this battle also made him reflect more on his new snowflake tactics. As soon as the battle was over, he ducked into the camp and focused on new tactics.

As for Pu Yao and Wei, they would not take such a small victory seriously.

The victory caused a huge uproar in the demon world, but on Zuo Mo's side, it didn't cause the slightest disturbance.

This incident was solved perfectly, allowing Zuo Mo to finally focus on how to leave this ghost place. The intelligence obtained from Ming Juezi showed that they needed to find the center of the battlefield. As long as they find the center of the battlefield, they can find the destroyed boundary river, so that they can leave the ancient battlefield.

So Zuo Mo immediately ordered the whole army to march towards the depths of the evil mist.

Everyone's morale was greatly boosted, and everyone had been camping in this place for a while. Although everyone focused most of their attention on cultivation, they were still secretly anxious. They were like hungry animals that had been trapped for a long time, all of them howling!

So when the order was given, everyone's spirits suddenly became excited.

During this period of time, they were hunting evil spirit beasts, making them more and more familiar with the surrounding environment. The fear of entering the ancient battlefield had long since disappeared. These originally daring guys were all eager to try and rush to the front.

But Zuo Mo and the others who knew the inside story were not so optimistic.

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