World of Experts

Chapter 4: Kill the dog

"Yo! Your kid has finally come out." Seeing Shi Po Tian Jing's appearance, the three men who ruled the world immediately surrounded him and followed him all the way to a remote grove.

"Why, do you want to PK? You are not afraid of losing equipment and confinement." Shi Hao smiled strangely when seeing no one around.

"Haha! We are a warrior, a knight, and an archer. We can't beat you together. Do it, don't talk nonsense with him!" Three men who dominate the world rushed over.

Both the warrior and the knight wore first-order iron armor, and their defense power reached 15 and 14 respectively. However, the two of them are impossible to attack, they are just to contain the shocking. Because they have no weapon attack bonus. For Shi Hao, who also wore Tier 1 iron armor, their attacks couldn't even break through defenses, and they didn't make any sense at all.

The archer is the real killer. The archer’s initial attack is 5, and with a Tier 1 iron bow, the attack power is 15. If it is matched with a Tier 1 iron arrow, the attack power can reach 18. Unfortunately, the archer did not have iron arrows. The arrows he shoots are just free arrows given by the system, and there is no attack bonus. Even so, 15’s attack against 15’s defense, according to the principle of encouraging offense, if the attacker’s attack is not less than the defender’s defense, the damage judgment is increased by 1. The fighter level has only 5 life. According to this calculation, 5 times should kill that annoying stone shock, there is no suspense, the calculation is clear and clear.

The archer showed off his operation, shooting two consecutive shots, clanging two clear noises. With these two clangs, Shi Hao's 16.5 defense resisted two rounds of 15 attacks.

"Huh? Did that guy lose blood? It feels a little bit wrong." The three men who dominated the world were a little confused when they saw this scene.

The archer showed off his operation again, shooting three consecutive shots in one stroke, clanging three clear noises. Shi Hao fell down.

Seeing this, the three men who dominated the world finally felt relieved. It turns out that this is the situation when attack and defense are the same, they think so self-righteously.

The archer came up, ready to touch Shi Hao's body to see what treasure had fallen. After all, this is the person he killed by himself.

"Ah!" Feeling someone's hand stretched out, Shi Hao suddenly opened his eyes and stabbed it with a sword.

"What a surprise, I killed an archer and picked up a Tier 1 iron bow. Hehe..." Shi Hao kicked the fellow's body aside, deliberately inserted a few more swords, taking advantage of the man. The body hadn't completely disappeared before.

In fact, there is only one thing on that archer, and the arrows presented by the system will not burst. Shi Hao said that, doing so was to anger the remaining two guys.

The knight rushed forward angrily and shouted, "You can't run away, I'm faster than you."

Yes, the speed of the knight is indeed faster than the warrior. Shi Hao couldn't run away without killing the knight.

Shi Hao raised the sword in his hand, and his attack after the bonus had reached 14.3. The knight in front of him has a defense of 14. According to the calculation rules for encouraging attacks, the damage is increased by 1. Every effective attack by Shi Hao would cause 1.3 damage to the knight. The knight's life value is 3 at the first level, and there is no doubt that 3 swords will die.

Shi Hao took a pair of Tier 1 iron armor from the knight again and ran away happily.

The soldier stayed in place, looking dumbfounded: "Nima! What the **** is this? Is the soldier's defense and offensive power so high? I am also a fighter, why can't I..."

The soldier hurried to Wu Batian's hunting spot.

In the small woods, Shi Hao wandered for a long time before he found a knight named "Wind Gone". The appearance of the marks left by the wind has also changed, and Feng Tianhao's original shadow cannot be seen.

"Nima! You really chose a knight. I was told to meet in Novice Village, and I was squatting, but you were here to kill monsters!" Shi Hao looked at Feng Tianhao with disgust and sent out a team. invite.

Feng Tianhao looked at the name of the inviter, clicked to confirm, and asked in a private message: "Xiaohao?"

Without saying anything, Shi Hao kicked it up first, then slashed Feng Tianhao several times. "The World of Kings" has a protection mechanism for teammates, and teammates attacking each other will not cause any harm. However, there will still be pain.

"Don't beat people." Seeing this, Feng Tianhao knew that this person must be Shi Hao. Feng Tianhao managed to lose, and did not fight back: "I just want to try this feeling of fighting, and I forget the time when I fight."

Shi Hao fought for a while, and when he was tired, he issued a trade invitation to Feng Tianhao, and threw the Tier 1 iron bow to Feng Tianhao.

"You use this first, and the system will automatically give away free arrows after you equip it." Shi Hao wiped the sweat from his face. This game is so realistic that you will sweat when you are tired, and you need supplements when you are thirsty and hungry.

"Xiaohao, your outfit, the money from there." Feng Tianhao tried the power of the bow and arrow, and he felt that it was pretty passable. Although he is a knight, "The King of the World" has a high degree of freedom. It is not impossible to use a knight as an archer. Moreover, this is only a temporary matter.

Shi Hao whispered what he had just passed through from beginning to end.

Feng Tianhao said excitedly: "Although it is a BUG, ​​since we have such a skill, let's just start a power by ourselves! Anyway, you can't let others know about your ability. Just so, the bonus of this skill It is also hidden. When you become a lord, everyone will naturally become your subordinates, quietly enjoying your skill bonus. You don't need to explain anything."

"Well! I'm fed up with the ridicule of those people." Shi Hao responded: "This is the end of the matter. I can no longer be a pure fighter. Let's build our own forces. Moreover, I became a lord. Being able to perform this magical skill has just met the requirements of Brother Su Xiao. It serves multiple purposes. However, how to further develop in the future and break the limitations of insufficient fighter skill slots and not much energy needs to be considered."

Shi Hao and Feng Tianhao moved their hands and feet. They wanted to build a power, and the primary problem was the same as Wu Batian encountered. A village building order must be obtained as soon as possible.

For this reason, Shi Hao and Feng Tianhao must first upgrade their strengths. They teamed up to brush the monsters for a while, and jointly killed hundreds of small hares that refreshed automatically, and finally all reached level 2.

Shi Hao opened the character panel.

Name: Shi Po Tian Jing (Warrior)

Level: Level 2

Attack: 6+10, Defense: 10+10, Mobility: 3-1, Life: 10, Energy: 6

Skill slot 1: Warrior Soul (all weapons)

Weapon: Tier 1 Iron Sword

Armor: Tier 1 Iron Armor

Assistive device: empty

Feng Tianhao opens the character panel.

Name: Feng Tianhao (Knight)

Level: Level 2

Attack: 10+10, Defense: 8+10, Mobility: 5-1, Life: 6, Energy: 6

Skill slot 1: None

Weapon: Tier 1 Iron Bow

Armor: Tier 1 Iron Armor

Assistive device: empty

Mobility decreased by 1 point because of wearing iron armor. Iron armor has high defense power, but the corresponding movement speed is slow. Weapons also have this similar effect. Weapons with high attack power usually have a slower attack speed when used. It's just that there is no specific numerical display for attack speed.

"Okay! By the second level, the combat effectiveness has improved a lot. We should go to work." Feng Tianhao pulled Shi Hao back to Huaxi Novice Village.

Feng Tianhao found the village head and asked, "My lord, how can we get a village building order?"

The old village chief carefully looked at the two young men in front of him, shook his head, and replied: "You guys, the strength is not enough. If you want to establish a village order, you must kill a wild beast outside the village. It is a fierce one. The tiger’s name is the Red Tiger King. Its hair is red, as red as blood. Go back and hone yourselves. It’s not an opponent you can kill."

Shi Hao and Feng Tianhao left the old village chief, opened the map panel, and headed west. Soon, they saw a large group of men and horses attacking a red tiger uniformly.

The red tiger is naturally the red tiger king. The strength of the Red Tiger King is definitely prepared for a level 10 role.

Although this game can't directly tell the level of others from the appearance, Shi Hao and Feng Tianhao clearly know that the level of these people is definitely not enough. They formed a team, and even the Red Tiger King's defense could not be broken.

However, they did not give up.

On the one hand, it is because the "employer" dominates the world and promised them a large amount of copper coins. On the other hand, because Xiong Batian has not set up a trap, this trap is a standard pit for hunting and killing tigers. The inside is covered with thorns, and the treasures drawn by Xiong Batian are prepared outside. As long as this group of decoys can trick the Red Tiger King into the trap, the domineering world will have enough confidence to kill the Red Tiger King.

"Until now, the system has not issued a notification that the first BOSS was killed. Maybe, the first kill reward of this BOSS is mine! No way, who made me so lucky, I got one by one. Grade flame bombs." Wu Batian was watching happily, and didn't seem to care that his two cronies were killed by Shi Potian.

The flame bomb is a one-time consumable with powerful lethality. After the flame bomb is used, it will form a fire field. For the first-level flame bomb, enemies in the fire zone will suffer 1 point of damage every second for 100 seconds, ignoring any defenses of the enemy's own.

The Red Tiger King's life value is only a little over 60 at most, as long as he is trapped, he will definitely die.

Shi Hao and Feng Tianhao were also waiting by the side, quietly lying in ambush.

Finally, after a long time, the Red Tiger King was lured to the front of the trap.

"Pay attention to everyone, success or failure depends on this!" Wu Batian shouted in the team channel: "After everything is done, all will be rewarded. Never break your promise."

A group of "mercenary" players worked hard one after another. The Red Tiger King was obviously just a novice BOSS. The system made his character attributes good, but it didn't give him much IQ.

The Red Tiger King fell into the trap. A group of "mercenary" players were also dropped with one of them.

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