World of Experts

Chapter 83: Leave temporarily

"Count the days! It's time to go back today. But Mina hasn't come back now. She has taken care of me unconditionally for so many days, so she should talk to her face to face before leaving. Hey! Wait a minute." Shi Hao Waiting patiently in Mina's small ruined wooden house for a Mina who may never come back.

On the other side, Arnold summoned all his men. Arnold stood in front of them and shouted angrily: "Brothers! Sister Mina is imprisoned. What are we going to do? Tell me loudly!"

"We want to save Sister Mina, we want to save Sister Mina!" Arnold's men roared and grinned, expressing their love for Mina with a bully temperament.

Mina is indeed a good girl worthy of love. Mina people have a sweet voice, a gentle temperament, sincere and positive attitude towards others. In Shiban Village, the most unpleasant person, the first is Arnold, and the second is Mina. If you mess with Arnold, Arnold will beat you up. If you mess with Mina, Arnold will maimed you.

"Brothers! Go, follow me out of the village to find the bunch of miscellaneous fish." Arnold's team set off. They came to a place in the northeast of Shiban Village, Foam Forest.

From a distance, the bubble forest is indeed a bubble forest. The dense foam floating in the sky refracted the light of the light ball, showing a colorful appearance. Girls like this look very much, and many noble girls will come here to stroll around.

It's a pity that Foam Forest is not a luxurious meal that people from Shiban Village can enjoy. Any low-level person who offends the bubble forest will be arrested and severely punished.

Mina is the lower class who offended the Bubble Forest. Mina knew from Shi Hao that she might not be able to reach the continent she dreamed of in her entire life, and could not see the real sun. Mina's depressed emotions gradually became heavier and heavier, and she increasingly wanted to realize her other wish.

Finally, Mina made a confused decision. She sneaked over to the Foam Forest to see the legendary rainbow. For her own wish, even if she was severely punished, Mina did not hesitate. Fortunately! Mina succeeded. She saw the rainbow, she saw the rainbow in the prison in the bubble forest.

"What are you doing! Is this place where your vulgar gangsters can come?" the gatekeeper of the Foam Forest yelled, blocking Arnold's team.

"What are you doing? Fuck you!" Arnold had a grumpy temper and took the lead with a punch. And Arnold's men didn't persuade them, and they all helped. This is a melee.

However, the ending of the melee seems to be doomed. Arnold's side is bare-handed, but the guards guarding the gate have iron swords and iron armor (both are Tier 1 and the technology of the underwater world is poor). Arnold is also not dominant in the number of people, how can this win?

However, Arnold really won! Is this a miracle? Haha! A miracle will always have a reason. The reason this time is two words, Arnold!

Arnold has a skill! Special skills, like historical NPC special skills (note that Arnold and Mina are not historical NPCs). The skill name is Bully Soul.

Skill Name: Bully Soul

Skill level: no rating

Skill nature: active, 15 energy

Skill weapon limit: melee

Skill current level and proficiency: Level 2, 280/400

Skill effect: Lasts 10 minutes, increase your own attack and defense by 14 points

The skill of Bully Soul wasn't too powerful, and it was probably not far from the level of General Pan Feng. However, in this place where the equipment is not good, it is enough. You know, Arnold's career is a knight, and his skill is also good. In this way, personal combat effectiveness is naturally outstanding.

As a result, Arnold relied on his own powerful strength to slowly and gradually defeat the group of guards. Fortunately, the leader of this group does not seem to be there. Otherwise, it might not be so smooth. In this way, Arnold successfully broke into the bubble forest and finally found Mina who was imprisoned.

At this time, Mina was still watching the rainbow silently, very obsessed. Mina obviously hadn't been tortured, and her mental state was still very good, which made people feel at ease.

"Mina! We're here to save you." At this moment, Arnold smiled, rescued Mina, and returned to the village of Shiban. Arnold naturally knew what serious consequences such an approach would have. However, Arnold has considered it clearly, no matter what happens, he will take it all. Arnold likes Mina, and Arnold will do his best to protect Mina.

However, Mina also knew what the result would be. Mina is also ready to take these things all at once. It's a pity that Mina and Arnold are just two small people. Who will pay for their efforts? Perhaps Shi Hao will pay for them when he becomes stronger. However, it will take time. I just hope the time can still be used.

As the sky darkened, Mina returned to her small dilapidated wooden house.

Shi Hao became excited and said: "Hi! You are finally back. I will leave later. I have worked hard for you during this time. Don't worry, I will come back. What do you want? I I will bring it back and give it to you. I have so much money like this!"

Shi Hao's words did not fascinate Mina. Mina knew that she was already in a catastrophe, what was the role of money or something. As for letting Shi Hao help her through the difficulties, that is even more nonsense. Shi Hao's weakness can even be seen by Mina.

"Go! If you come next time and don't use it to find me, I will leave here." Mina said calmly. This calm is the satisfaction that Mina finally sees the rainbow. Mina's wish has been fulfilled, which is enough to calm her down.

However, this unusual calm made Shi Hao see the suspicion. Shi Hao knew. Mina is a lively girl, she should never be so peaceful before leaving. Shi Hao judged. There must be something! However, Shi Hao also knew that he could not intervene in the matter here for the time being. This is not Huaxi!

Shi Hao's eyes flickered twice, thinking for a long time, and then vaguely said: "Okay! Then I'll go first, and see you later."

Soon, Shi Hao left the room and disappeared into Mina's vision. Mina is alone, and everything is back on the trajectory of fate. Mina is waiting alone for the trial of fate.

however! Did Shi Hao really go back? No, Shi Hao will not really leave. Both Shi Hao and Feng Tianhao are temperaments. It's not that everyone can't walk together. Since Shi Hao knew that Mina had something to do! Then how could Shi Hao really leave.

In fact, Shi Hao measured it! According to his hearing and observations these days, the productivity of the people here is too low, and there is no equipment. It is said that other wealthy places are not much better. Because there is a lack of various iron ore and other resources, it is difficult to develop.

So, so to speak, wanting to help them is very simple! As long as Shi Hao becomes their captain, they will be able to receive the bonus of Warrior Soul. This bonus is definitely much stronger than the effect brought by those garbage equipment. Who can stop it?

Unfortunately! How could that group of people make Shi Hao their captain? Dream it.

Therefore, Shi Hao decided to adopt another plan when this road was not working. As long as Shi Hao went back to get a few boxes of equipment, and gave Mina an army in the name of lease, it wouldn't be troublesome! The equipment that Shi Hao bought was absolutely high-quality. Fist is hard or hard, who is afraid of who.

Therefore, Shi Hao didn't really leave. Shi Hao's departure was just for a better return.

However, there was a small accident in what Shi Hao planned...

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